diss track是什么意思 diss track的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-08-19 20:06:32倾一片温柔

1. 词义:diss track是一种音乐形式,旨在侮辱或贬低另一个音乐人或个人。其中“diss”是“disrespect”的简写,意为不尊重或蔑视。

diss track是什么意思 diss track的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性,没有词性。

3. 词组搭配:diss track通常与音乐相关的词语搭配,如:drop a diss track(发布一首贬低歌曲), diss track war(贬低歌曲之战),killer diss track(致命的贬低歌曲)等。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:[ds trk]

6. 例句:

- He released a diss track targeting his former friend and fellow rapper.


- The diss track was full of harsh insults and accusations.


- The feud between the two rappers escalated when one of them dropped a diss track.


- Her fans were disappointed when she responded to criticism with a petty diss track instead of addressing the issue.


- The diss track received a lot of attention on social media and became a trending topic.


diss track指的是一种音乐作品,旨在对特定个人或组织展开口头攻击和侮辱。通常用于表达不满、反对或争议。该词来源于“disrespect”的缩写。


读音:[ds trk]


1. He wrote a diss track about his former bandmate and released it on social media. (他写了一首针对前乐队成员的口水歌曲,并在社交媒体上发布了出来。)

2. The rapper's latest al features several diss tracks aimed at his in the music industry. (这位说唱歌手的最新专辑中包含了多首攻击音乐行业对手的抨击歌曲。)

diss track的中文解释是"网络",作为名词时有"差距跟踪"的意思,在线读音是[disstrack],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到14个与diss track相关的例句。

Diss track的中文翻译


例句:Subfloor Vocal Track Isolated (底层音轨分离 Subfloor Vocal Track Isolated)


例句:We implant them into the money; And then the professionals track down (然后由专业人士追踪 and then the professionals track down)


diss track一般作为名词使用,如在Diss(迪丝草纤维)、to diss([网络] 托迪司)、diss bread([网络] 姜汁面包;姜汁蜜糖饼干)等常见短语中出现较多。

to diss[网络] 托迪司
diss bread[网络] 姜汁面包;姜汁蜜糖饼干
diss song[网络] 歌曲
diss songs[网络] 不喜欢歌曲
diss tracks[网络] 不同的轨道
diss.abbr. dissenter;dissertation
in trackun. 在货车交货\n[网络] 音轨内采样
on ... trackun. 离题;正常\n[网络] 走上正轨;步入正轨;在轨道上


1. Can we track her location? (翻译:So, where is she? Can we track her location?)

2. Anyways, You need to track - all doors. (翻译:You need to track all doors.)

3. - I came in early this morning. It's 6:00 a.m. (翻译:照此下去 这位总统的失业率 This president is on track to lose more jobs)

4. We just lost track of time. (翻译:我们忘了时间 We lost track of time.)

5. How many targets can it track simultaneously? (翻译:能同时追踪多少个目标 How many targets can it track simultaneously?)

6. We lost track of the time. (翻译:We lost track of the time.)

7. We run fordonely, is made track for by the dog (翻译:is made track for by the dog)

8. I track them on my Tumblr. (翻译:我用汤不热跟踪他们 I track them on my Tumblr.)

9. We had to track the controller. (翻译:我们必须追踪控制器 We had to track the controller.)

10. All you have to do is walk off that track alive. (翻译:All you have to do is walk off that track alive.)

11. You know, to get her back on track. (翻译:帮她重回正轨 you know, to get her back on track.)

12. ♪ i stopped keeping track ♪ (翻译:♪I stopped keeping track♪)

13. When they track you down, remember this. (翻译:等他们抓到你 记住 When they track you down, remember this.)

14. The truck's dragging her down. (翻译:那车会让她坠毁的。The track is dragging her down.)

15. He probably just lost track of time (翻译:他很可能只是忘了时间 He probably just lost track of time)
