
生活学习2024-02-12 07:35:27自考教育网

标题:什么是exact? 内容: - exact的拼音:[ɪgˈzækt] - exact怎么读:[ɪgˈzækt]是一个单词,它的意思是“精确的”。 - exact的用法和双语例句:exact这个词在英语中常常被用来形容某件事情非常精准和准确。比如,你可以说“I need the exact measurements for this project.”(我需要这个项目的精确尺寸。)或者,“She described the accident in exact detail.”(她详细地描述了事故。)在双语例句中,我们可以看到exact通常与精准、准确、详细等词搭配使用。 - exact的词组:除了作为形容词使用外,exact也可以作为动词和副词。例如,“Can you exact the location of the meeting?”(你能确定会议的地点吗?)或者,“He followed my instructions exactly.”(他完全按照我的指示做了。)这些都是含有exact的常用词组。 - exact同义词示例:如果你想要避免重复使用exact,也可以考虑使用其同义词。比如precise(精确的)、accurate(准确的)、thorough(详尽的)等等。它们都可以表达类似的意思,但略有不同的语义。 通过这些标题和内容,我们可以初步了解到exact这个词的意思、用法以及常见的搭配。但是,它还有哪些更深层次的含义和用法呢?让我们一起继续探索吧!


1. Exact的拼音为 [ɪɡˈzækt],其中第一个音节为短元音i,第二个音节为长元音e,第三个音节为短元音æ,最后一个音节为清辅音t。

2. 该单词源自拉丁语的“exactus”,意为“精确的”、“准确的”。


3. 在英语中,exact可以作为形容词和动词使用,作形容词时意为“精确的”、“准确的”,作动词时意为“强求”、“要求”、“索取”。

4. 在日常生活中,我们常用exact来描述某件事物或信息非常准确、精确,没有任何偏差或误差。

5. 例如,在科学实验中,我们需要保证实验数据的exactitude(准确性);在制定计划时,我们也需要尽可能地做到exactly(完全)按照计划执行。

6. 此外,在数学领域中,exact还有“精确解”的含义,指数学问题能够被完美地解决而没有任何遗漏或错误。

7. 总的来说,exact是一个非常重要且广泛使用的单词,在各个领域都有着重要的意义


1. 什么是exact?


2. exact的发音


3. 一些例句

- Can you give me the exact time of the meeting?(你能告诉我会议的准确时间吗?)

- This map shows the exact location of the treasure.(这张地图显示了宝藏的精确位置。)

- I need to know your exact measurements for the dress.(我需要知道你穿这件裙子的精确尺寸。)

4. 与similar词汇区别


5. exact在日常生活中的用法


- I need the exact amount of money for this purchase.(我需要这次购买的精确金额。)

- She always wants things to be done in an exact way.(她总是希望事情能按照精确的方式完成。)

- I can't remember the exact date, but it was sometime last month.(我记不清楚具体日期了,但是是上个月的某个时候。)


1. exact的含义


2. exact作为形容词的用法


- He gave an exact description of the suspect. (他给出了嫌疑人的精确描述。)

- The exact location of the treasure is still unknown. (宝藏的精确位置仍然未知。)

3. exact作为动词的用法

Exact作为动词时,意为“强迫”、“索取”、“实施”。常见搭配有exact revenge(报复)、exact a promise(兑现承诺)等。例如:

- He wanted to exact revenge on his enemies. (他想要向敌人报复。)

- The company will not hesitate to exact punishment on those who break the rules. (公司不会犹豫对违反规定者实施惩罚。)

4. exact作为副词的用法

Exact作为副词时,意为“准确地”、“精确地”。常见搭配有exactly(完全地)、exactly like(完全像)等。例如:

- I followed the instructions exactly and everything turned out perfectly. (我完全按照指示做,结果一切都很完美。)

- He looks exactly like his father. (他看起来和他父亲一模一样。)

5. 双语例句

- The exact time of the meeting has not been decided yet. (会议的具体时间尚未确定。)

- The exact amount of money stolen from the bank is still unknown. (从银行被盗走的具体金额仍然未知。)

- Can you give me the exact measurements for this dress? (你能给我这件衣服的准确尺寸吗?)

- The teacher asked the students to be exact in their calculations. (老师要求学生在计算时要准确无误。)

- She followed the recipe exactly and the cake turned out delicious. (她严格按照食谱做,蛋糕做得非常好吃。)



1. Exactly right – 恰好正确

2. Exact science – 精确科学

3. Exact match – 完全匹配

4. Exact copy – 精确复制品

5. Exact change – 零钱

6. Exact revenge – 报复

7. Exact location – 准确位置

8. Exact date – 精确日期

9. Exact amount – 准确数量

10. Exact time – 准时


1. Precise

- Definition: accurate, exact, or careful in every detail

- Example: The scientist's measurements were precise, with no room for error.

2. Accurate

- Definition: correct and without any mistakes

- Example: The map was accurate and helped us find our way to the destination.

3. Correct

- Definition: free from error; in accordance with fact or truth

- Example: The teacher marked the student's answers as correct on the test.

4. Exactitude

- Definition: the quality of being exact or accurate

- Example: The artist's paintings were praised for their exactitude and attention to detail.

5. Authentic

- Definition: genuine, real, or true; not fake or copied

- Example: The antique dealer confirmed that the painting was authentic and worth a lot of money.

6. Literal

- Definition: taking words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor or exaggeration; factual and precise

- Example: The lawyer emphasized the importance of reading the contract in its literal sense to avoid any misunderstandings.

7. Explicit

- Definition: stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt; specific and precise

- Example: The instructions were explicit and easy to follow, resulting in a successful outcome.

8. Unambiguous

- Definition: not open to more than one interpretation; clear and definite

- Example: The judge's ruling was unambiguous, leaving no room for further debate.

9. Rigorous

- Definition: extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate

- Example: The company's hiring process is known for being rigorous, ensuring only the best candidates are selected.

10. Meticulous

- Definition: showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise

- Example: The chef was known for his meticulous approach to cooking, resulting in delicious and perfectly presented dishes

exact是一个非常有用的单词,它可以帮助我们表达出精确的意思。它的拼音为[iɡ'zækt],读起来十分简单。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到exact来强调某件事情的准确性。例如,“I want the exact time of the meeting.”(我想知道会议的准确时间。)除此之外,exact也可以作为形容词使用,意为“精确的”、“准确的”。例如,“The exact location of the accident is still unknown.”(事故发生地点仍然未知。)最后,我是网站编辑小李,如果你喜欢我的文章,请多多关注我哦!
