
生活学习2024-02-12 07:43:28自考教育网



1. 什么是examinee



2. examinee的发音


2.1 [ɪg]


2.2 [ˈzæm]


2.3 [ɪni]


3. examinee的发音示例


3.1 The examinee is nervous about the exam. (考生对考试感到紧张。)

[ði ɪgˈzæmɪni ɪz ˈnɜːvəs əˈbaʊt ði ɪgˈzæm.]

3.2 The pronunciation of the word "examinee" is tricky. (单词“examinee”的发音很棘手。)

[ðə prənʌnsiˈeɪʃən əv ði wɜrd "ɪgˈzæmɪni" iz ˈtrɪki.]

3.3 The examinees were given different versions of the test. (考生们得到了不同版本的考试。)

[ði ɪgˈzæmɪni:z wər givn ˈdɪfərənt vərʒnz əv ði test.]



1. 定义:examinee是指参加考试的人,也可以称为考生。

2. 用法:examinee这个词通常用于描述参加各种考试的人群,如高考、雅思、托福等。它可以作为名词使用,也可以作为动词使用,表示“审查、检查”的意思。

3. 例子:小明是一名优秀的examinee,在高考中取得了理想的成绩。他经常被老师称赞为勤奋好学的学生,因为他经常利用业余时间来准备各种考试。

4. 幽默元素:当然,examinee也有可能是一位“倒霉蛋”,在考试中遇到了难题或者临时发挥失常。但是无论成绩如何,我们都应该尊重每一位examinee的努力和付出。毕竟,参加考试本身就是一种挑战和勇气


1. "Examinee" is a term used to refer to someone who is taking an exam, such as a student or job applicant. For example, "The examinee nervously waited for the results of their college entrance exam."

2. As an examinee, it is important to prepare well in advance for any exam you will be taking. This includes studying the material thoroughly and practicing with past exams.

3. The examinee's performance on the test will determine their future opportunities, so it is natural to feel pressure and anxiety during the exam.

4. Some examinees may prefer multiple-choice questions, while others may excel at essay writing. It all depends on individual strengths and preferences.

5. During a job interview, the employer asks various questions to assess the examinee's skills and qualifications for the position.

6. As an examinee, it is crucial to read and understand all instructions before beginning the exam to avoid any mistakes or misunderstandings.

7. The examinee's success depends not only on their knowledge but also on their ability to manage time effectively during the exam.

8. In some countries, cheating by examinees has become a major issue in standardized tests, leading to stricter measures being implemented by test administrators.

9. Being an excellent examinee does not necessarily mean being a top student; it also requires critical thinking skills and the ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.

10. After completing their exams, many examinees feel relieved and celebrate with friends and family, eagerly waiting for the results that will determine their future path


1. Test-taker:考生,指参加考试的人。

2. Candidate:候选人,指参加选拔或竞选的人。

3. Applicant:申请人,指申请某项工作、学校或其他机构的人。

4. Examinee:考生,指参加考试的人。

5. Testee:被测者,指接受测试或测验的人。

6. Proband:被试者,指参与实验或研究的人。

7. Interviewee:面试者,指接受面试的人。

8. Entrant:参赛者,指参加比赛或竞赛的人。

9. Contestant:选手,指参加比赛或竞赛的人。

10. Competitor:竞争者,指与他人争夺同一目标的人


1. 考生 (kǎo shēng)

- 解释:指参加考试的人,包括高考、中考、英语四六级等各类考试。

- 例句:The examinee was nervous before the exam.

2. 考生证 (kǎo shēng zhèng)

- 解释:指证明某人具有参加考试资格的证件,通常由相关教育部门颁发。

- 例句:The examinee forgot to bring his admission ticket to the exam.

3. 考试成绩 (kǎo shì chéng jì)

- 解释:指在考试中获得的分数或等级,是衡量考生能力和知识水平的重要标准。

- 例句:The examinee was disappointed with his test scores.

4. 考场 (kǎo chǎng)

- 解释:指进行考试的场所,通常为学校、考试中心或其他指定场所。

- 例句:The examinee arrived at the exam hall early to avoid being late.

5. 考题 (kǎo tí)

- 解释:指在考试中出现的问题或题目,用来测试考生对某一知识点或技能的掌握程度。

- 例句:The examinees found the math questions on the test difficult.

6. 口语表达能力测试 (kǒu yǔ biǎo dá néng lì cè shì)

- 解释:指针对考生的口语能力进行测试的一种考试形式,通常包括听力、口语、阅读和写作等部分。

- 例句:The examinee's speaking ability was evaluated in the oral test.

7. 笔试 (bǐ shì)

- 解释:指通过书面答题方式进行的考试,通常包括选择题、填空题、解答题等形式。

- 例句:The examinee finished the written exam within the given time limit.

8. 面试 (miàn shì)

- 解释:指通过面对面交谈方式进行的考试,用来测试考生的口头表达能力和沟通能力。

- 例句:The examinee was nervous during the job interview.

9. 阅卷 (yuè juàn)

- 解释:指老师或专业人员对考卷进行评阅和打分的过程。

- 例句:The examinees anxiously waited for their test papers to be graded.

10. 考务 (kǎo wù)

- 解释:指负责组织和管理考试事务的部门或人员。

- 例句:The examinees were reminded to follow exam regulations by the examination staff.

11. 抽查 (chōu chá)

- 解释:指随机抽取一部分考生进行检查,以确保考试公平性和规范性。

- 例句:The examinees were selected for a random check of their identification documents.

12. 作弊 (zuò bì)

- 解释:指在考试中采取欺骗手段获取不正当成绩的行为,是违反考试规则的严重行为。

- 例句:The examinee was caught cheating during the exam and was disqualified from the test.

13. 作弊器材 (zuò bì qì cái)

- 解释:指用来帮助作弊的工具或设备,如传呼机、手机、纸条等。

- 例句:The examinee was found with cheating devices in his possession.

14. 考试压力 (kǎo shì yā lì)

- 解释:指由于对考试结果的担心而产生的紧张和焦虑情绪。

- 例句:The examinees were under a lot of pressure to perform well on the entrance exam.

15. 考前准备 (kǎo qián zhǔn bèi)

- 解释:指考生在考试前做好各项准备工作,如复习、休息、饮食等。

- 例句:The examinee followed a strict study schedule in preparation for the exam

