
生活学习2024-02-12 07:48:07自考教育网




1. example的含义


2. example作为名词


3. example作为动词

作为动词,example意为“举例”、“举出…做为例子”。它常常与介词for连用,表示举出某个具体事物作为例证。例如,“我会给你举出几个example for你参考”。

4. 同义词


5. 例句


- Can you give me an example of how to use this new software?(你能给我一个使用这个新软件的example吗?)

- The teacher used a real-life example to explain the concept.(老师用一个真实的example来解释这个概念。)

- This painting is a perfect example of the artist's style.(这幅画是这位艺术家风格的完美example。)

- Let me give you an example for better understanding.(让我举一个example来帮助你更好地理解。)


1. 发音:[ɪɡˈzæmpl],注意最后的“e”发音为“ə”,类似于“uh”的发音。

2. 同义词:sample, instance, illustration, model, demonstration

3. 例句:

- Can you give me an example of how to use this new software?


- This painting is a perfect example of the artist's unique style.


- The professor used real-life examples to help us understand the concept better.



1. example的意思是什么?

- example是一个英语单词,意为“例子”,“示例”或“范例”。

- 作为名词,它可以指代一个具体的事物、人或情况,用来说明或证明某个观点。

- 作为动词,它可以表示“举例说明”或“作为示范”。

2. example的读音是怎样的?

- example的发音为 [ɪɡˈzæmpəl],重音在第二个音节上。

- 其中的重点是字母a和e之间的元音组合“am”,发音类似于美国英语中的短元音/æ/。

3. example的同义词有哪些?

- instance:意为“实例”,也可用来指代一个具体情况或事物。

- illustration:意为“说明”,可以用来解释或阐述某个概念或观点。

- sample:意为“样本”,通常用于指代一小部分来自整体的东西。

- model:意为“模式”,可以指代一种典型范例。

4. 双语例句

1) Can you give me an example of how to use this new software?


2) The teacher used many examples to explain the difficult concept.


3) This painting is a good example of abstract art.


4) The company's success is a perfect example of hard work paying off.



1. 实例 (instance)

例句:This is just one example of how technology has changed our lives.

2. 范例 (illustration)

例句:Let me give you an example to better explain my point.

3. 榜样 (model)

例句:My grandfather is a great example of hard work and determination.

4. 样本 (sample)

例句:We need to collect a larger sample size to get more accurate results.

5. 范围 (scope)

例句:The course covers a wide scope of examples from different industries.

6. 事例 (case)

例句:The lawyer presented several cases as examples of similar situations.

7. 案例 (case study)

例句:The professor assigned a case study as an example for us to analyze.

8. 引用案例 (citation)

例句:Make sure to include proper citations when using examples from other sources.

9. 实践经验 (practical experience)

例句:Internships provide valuable practical experience, which is often more valuable than theoretical knowledge alone.

10. 应用示范 (demonstration)

例句:The teacher gave a demonstration as an example of how to use the new software.

11. 典型情况 (typical scenario)

例句:This is a typical scenario where we can use this method, but there are exceptions as well.

12. 典范 (paragon)

例句:He was considered a paragon of success and many looked up to him as an example to follow.

13. 标准样式 (standard format/style)

例句:Please follow the standard format for citing examples in your research paper.

14. 成功案列 (success story)

例句:The company's success story is often used as an example in business schools.

15. 试例 (trial)

例句:We need to conduct a trial to see if this method will work in our situation.

16. 比喻 (metaphor)

例句:Using a metaphor can be a powerful way to explain complex ideas, as seen in this example.

17. 诠释 (explanation)

例句:The professor provided a detailed explanation using real-life examples to help us understand the concept better.

18. 原型 (prototype)

例句:This prototype is just an example of what the final product could look like.

19. 实证研究 (empirical research)

例句:The study included both theoretical analysis and empirical research, with real-world examples to support their findings.

20. 范本 (pattern)

例句:This design is based on a classic pattern that has been used for centuries, with modern examples incorporating new elements


1. Sample


例句:This is just a sample of what we can do. (这只是我们能做的一个例子。)

2. Illustration


例句:Let me give you an illustration of how it works. (让我给你一个它如何工作的实例。)

3. Demonstration


例句:The teacher gave a demonstration to show us the experiment process. (老师进行了演示来向我们展示实验过程。)

4. Exemplar


例句:She is an exemplar of hard work and dedication. (她是勤奋和奉献的典范。)

5. Prototype


例句:The company is still working on the prototype of their new product. (公司仍在研发他们新产品的原型。)

6. Instance


例句:Let me give you another instance to make it clearer. (让我给你一个更清晰的实例来说明。)

7. Model


例句:He is the model of a perfect gentleman in everyone's eyes. (他是每个人眼中完美绅士的典范。)

8. Representation

代表性的东西, 表现, 代表物

例句: This painting is a representation of his inner feelings and emotions.(这幅画代表了他内心的感受和情绪。)

9. Paradigm

范例, 典范, 模范

例句: This new theory has become the paradigm for understanding human behavior. (这一新理论已成为理解人类行为的典范。)

10. Specimen

样品, 样本, 标本

例句: The scientist collected various specimens from the forest for his research. (科学家从森林中收集了各种标本用于他的研究。)

