
生活学习2024-02-12 07:45:14自考教育网



1. "examine"的发音为 /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/,词性为动词。


2. 这个单词的发音比较特别,有些人会把最后一个音节读成 /aɪn/,但正确的发音应该是 /ɪn/。

3. 该词源于拉丁语 "examinare",意思是"仔细审查、调查"。

4. 在英语中,它可以表示多种含义,如:检查、观察、考察、审视等。

5. 通常用作及物动词,后接宾语表示被检查的对象。例如:"The doctor will examine your throat."(医生会检查你的喉咙。)

6. 也可以用作不及物动词,后接介词短语表示检查的范围。例如:"The police will examine into the case."(警方会调查这个案件。)

7. 在口语中,我们也可以用 "check out" 或 "take a look at" 来替换 "examine" 这个单词。

8. 常见的搭配有:examine something/someone (for something)、examine something/someone closely/thoroughly等。

9. 总之,"examine" 是一个非常常用的单词,在日常生活和工作中都能经常遇到。希望本小节能够帮助你更好地理解它的发音及词性







- examination:名词,意为“检查,审查”

- examiner:名词,意为“检查员,考官”

- exam:名词,意为“考试”


- The doctor will examine you to determine the cause of your symptoms.


- The police are examining the evidence to solve the crime.


- The teacher will examine the students' understanding of the topic through a quiz.



- examine carefully:仔细检查

- examine in detail:详细审视

- examine thoroughly:彻底检查

- examine the evidence:审视证据

- examine a patient:检查病人



- The students are being examined on their knowledge of math.


- The suspect was examined by the police for hours before confessing to the crime.




1. examine的基本意思


2. examine的常用用法

(1) examine something:检查某物,如:The doctor examined the patient's wound carefully.(医生仔细检查了病人的伤口。)

(2) examine somebody:审查某人,如:The police examined the suspect for any evidence.(警方审查了嫌疑人是否有任何证据。)

(3) examine something for something:为某事检查某物,如:I need to examine this document for any errors.(我需要检查这份文件是否有任何错误。)

(4) examine into something:调查某事,如:The committee will examine into the matter thoroughly.(委员会将彻底调查此事。)

3. examine的例句

1) The teacher asked us to carefully examine the painting and describe its details.


2) The customs officer will thoroughly examine your luggage before allowing you to enter the country.


3) The detective examined the crime scene for any clues that could help solve the case.


4) The doctor will examine you to determine the cause of your symptoms.


5) The auditor will examine the company's financial records to ensure their accuracy.


6) The committee will examine into the allegations of corruption against the politician.


4. 注意事项



1. 探究:examine强调对事物的深入研究和探索,更加注重细节和全面性。

2. 调查:examine与调查的区别在于,examine更加注重对事物的详细分析,而调查则更多关注搜集信息和数据。

3. 检查:examine与检查的区别在于,examine强调对事物的仔细审视和评估,而检查则更多关注发现问题和纠正错误。

4. 鉴定:examine与鉴定的区别在于,examine更加强调对事物的评估和判断,而鉴定则更多关注确定事物的真实性和价值。

5. 审视:examine与审视的区别在于,examine强调对事物的仔细观察和分析,而审视则更多关注对事物的评判和决策


1. To examine something closely: 仔细检查某物

例句:Before submitting your essay, make sure to examine it closely for any errors.

2. To examine a patient: 检查患者

例句:The doctor will examine the patient to determine the cause of their symptoms.

3. To carefully examine evidence: 仔细审查证据

例句:The detective spent hours examining the evidence at the crime scene.

4. To thoroughly examine a problem: 彻底研究一个问题

例句:In order to find a solution, we must thoroughly examine the problem and all its aspects.

5. To critically examine an argument: 批判性地分析论点

例句:Before accepting someone's opinion, it is important to critically examine their argument.

6. To physically examine something: 实地考察某物

例句:The team went on a field trip to physically examine the site before making any decisions.

7. To mentally examine one's thoughts: 思考自己的想法

例句:During meditation, we are encouraged to mentally examine our thoughts without judgment.

8. To carefully examine a contract: 仔细审查合同

例句:Before signing any legal documents, it is crucial to carefully examine all the terms and conditions.

9. To closely examine a painting: 仔细观察一幅画作

例句:Art enthusiasts often spend hours closely examining paintings in museums or galleries.

10. To systematically examine data: 系统地分析数据

例句:Scientists must systematically examine data in order to draw accurate conclusions from their research

