
生活学习2024-02-12 07:49:56自考教育网




1. “exam”在英语中的发音是/ɪɡˈzæm/,其中重点发音在第二个音节,即“zam”的部分。

2. 这个单词的发音与“exam”相似的单词还有“example”,但注意两者的重读音节不同,后者是/ɪɡˈzæmpl/。

3. “exam”的同义词包括“test”、“assessment”、“evaluation”等,它们都有考核、评估的意思。

4. 例如:“I have an exam tomorrow, so I need to study hard tonight.”(我明天有一场考试,所以今晚要认真学习。)

5. 除了作为名词使用外,“exam”也可以作为动词,“examine”的缩写形式,意为“检查、审查”。例如:“The doctor will examine you to determine the cause of your illness.”(医生会检查你,以确定你生病的原因。)


1. exam的定义


2. exam的读音


3. exam的同义词


4. exam的例句

(1) I have an important exam tomorrow, so I need to study hard tonight.


(2) The doctor will perform a thorough exam to determine the cause of your symptoms.


(3) The teacher gave us a pop quiz today, so we were not prepared for the unexpected exam.




1. Exam的意思


2. Exam的发音


3. Exam的同义词


4. Exam的例句

- I have an exam tomorrow and I haven't studied yet. (我明天有一场考试,但我还没复习。)

- The final exam will cover all the topics we have learned this semester. (期末考试将涵盖我们这学期学习过的所有内容。)

- He passed the bar exam and is now a licensed lawyer. (他通过了律师资格认证考试,现在是一名持牌律师。)

- The university requires all applicants to take an entrance exam before admission. (该大学要求所有申请人在入学前参加入学考试。)

5. 双语例句

- I didn't do well on my math exam, but I aced my English test. (我的数学考试没考好,但我的英语测试得了满分。)

- The exam is divided into two parts: a written test and an oral exam. (考试分为两部分:笔试和口试。)

- She studied hard for the exam and her efforts paid off when she got an A. (她为考试努力学习,最终以A的成绩收获了回报。)

- In order to pass the driving exam, you need to demonstrate your ability to drive safely. (为了通过驾驶考试,你需要展示你的安全驾驶能力。)


1. exam meaning: 考试的意思

2. how to pronounce exam: 如何发音exam

3. synonym for exam: 考试的同义词

4. examples of using exam in a sentence: 用exam造句的例子

5. take an exam: 参加考试

6. pass an exam: 通过考试

7. fail an exam: 考试不及格

8. prepare for an exam: 准备考试

9. study for an exam: 为考试学习

10. final exam: 期末考试

11. midterm exam: 期中考试

12. entrance exam: 入学考试

13. standardized exam: 标准化考试

14. oral exam: 口语考试

15. written exam: 笔试

16. multiple-choice exam: 多项选择题考试

17. mock exam: 模拟考试

18. practice exam: 练习考试

19. online exam: 网上考试

20. open-book exam:开卷考试

21. closed-book exam:闭卷考试

22. proctored exams:监控监督的考试

23. retake an exam:重修一门课程的测试

24 .finals week:期末复习周

25 .grading system:评分系统


1. Test - This is a commonly used synonym for exam and refers to an evaluation or assessment of knowledge or skills.

Example: I have a history test tomorrow, so I need to study tonight.

2. Assessment - This word is often used in an academic setting and refers to the process of evaluating someone's knowledge or abilities.

Example: The final assessment for this course will be a written exam.

3. Examination - This word is similar in meaning to exam and also refers to a formal test or evaluation of knowledge.

Example: The examination will cover all material from the entire semester.

4. Quiz - This is a shorter, more informal version of an exam that typically covers a smaller amount of material.

Example: We have a quiz on vocabulary words next class, so make sure you study.

5. Evaluation - This word can be used as a synonym for exam when referring to assessing someone's performance or progress.

Example: The teacher's evaluation of my essay was very positive.

6. Assessment test - This phrase combines two synonyms and refers to an exam that evaluates someone's abilities or knowledge.

Example: In order to get into this program, you must pass the assessment test.

7. Final - In some cases, the word final can be used as a synonym for exam when referring to the last evaluation in a course.

Example: The final for this class will be worth 30% of your overall grade.

8. Paper - This word is often used in university settings and refers to a written exam or assignment.

Example: I have three papers due next week, so I won't have time to study for any exams.

9. Oral examination - This phrase refers specifically to an exam where students are required to speak rather than write their answers.

Example: My oral examination for French was nerve-wracking, but I think I did well.

10. Midterm - This word is used in educational contexts and refers to an exam that takes place in the middle of a course.

Example: The midterm will cover material from the first half of the semester

