
生活学习2024-02-12 07:56:40自考教育网





1. The company's profits exceeded expectations this year. (公司今年的利润超出了预期。)

2. The temperature today is exceeding 30 degrees Celsius. (今天的温度超过了30摄氏度。)

3. Her performance in the competition exceeded everyone's expectations. (她在比赛中的表现超出了所有人的预期。)


1. The view from the top of the mountain was exceeding beautiful. (从山顶俯瞰的景色非常美丽。)

2. She is an exceeding talented musician. (她是一个极具天赋的音乐家。)


1. 拼读及发音:exceeding [ɪkˈsiːdɪŋ]

2. 词性:形容词

3. 释义:超过的,超出的,超越的

4. 同义词:surpassing, surpassing, transcending, outdoing, outstripping

5. 例句:

- The company's profits are exceeding expectations this year.


- Her beauty is exceeding that of all the other contestants.


- The athlete's performance was truly exceeding, breaking the world record.


- The cost of living in this city is exceeding our budget.



1. 什么是exceeding?


2. 如何正确地读取exceeding?


3. exceeding的同义词有哪些?


4. 英文例句:

- The sales of the new product are exceeding our expectations.


- Her beauty is exceeding words.


- The company's profits are exceeding those of last year.


5. 中文例句:

- 这次考试成绩超过了我想象中的好。

- 这部电影的票房收入超过了上一部作品。

- 他们的友谊远远超出了普通同事之间的关系


1. Exceeding expectations: 超出预期

例句:The new product is exceeding expectations, with sales reaching record numbers.

2. Exceeding limits: 超过限制

例句:The speed of the car was exceeding the legal limit, resulting in a fine for the driver.

3. Exceeding boundaries: 超越界限

例句:His ambition knows no bounds and he is constantly exceeding boundaries in his career.

4. Exceeding standards: 超过标准

例句:The quality of their work is always exceeding industry standards.

5. Exceeding capacity: 超出容量

例句:The event was so popular that it exceeded the capacity of the venue.

6. Exceeding time frame: 超出时间范围

例句:The project was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, exceeding the original time frame.

7. Exceeding limits of patience: 耐心的极限

例句:His constant complaints were testing my limits of patience and I had to ask him to stop.

8. Exceeding limits of imagination: 想象力的极限

例句:The special effects in the movie were beyond my wildest dreams, exceeding even my limits of imagination.

9. Exceeding boundaries of comfort zone: 超越舒适区域的界限

例句:Taking risks and trying new things can help you exceed the boundaries of your comfort zone and grow as a person.

10. Exceedingly grateful: 非常感激的

例句:I am exceedingly grateful for all the support and help I have received during this difficult time


1. Surpassing - 超越

例句:Her intelligence is surpassing, she always gets the highest grades in class.

2. Exceeding expectations - 超出预期

例句:The new product's sales are exceeding expectations, it's been a huge success.

3. Outdoing - 胜过

例句:He is always outdoing himself, constantly setting new records.

4. Outpacing - 超越

例句:The company's growth is outpacing its competitors, making it a leader in the industry.

5. Beating - 打败

例句:The team worked hard and ended up beating their opponents by a large margin.

6. Overtaking - 超越

例句:China is quickly overtaking the US as the world's largest economy.

7. Exceeding limits - 超出限制

例句:His spending habits are exceeding his income, causing him financial troubles.

8. Overachieving - 过高成就

例句:She is an overachiever, always striving for perfection in everything she does.

9. Going beyond - 超越

例句:The athlete went beyond his physical limits and broke the world record.

10. Going above and beyond - 超出预期的努力

例句:She always goes above and beyond her duties as a volunteer, making a positive impact on the community

exceeding是一个多义词,它可以表示超过、超出、超越等含义。在英语中,它的发音为[ik'siːdɪŋ],请大家多加练习,以免发音不准确。在使用exceeding时,我们可以通过一些词组来丰富表达,例如exceeding expectations(超出期望)、exceeding limits(超越界限)等。此外,如果想要避免重复使用exceeding,我们也可以用其同义词来替换,如surpass、outstrip等。最后,在这里我还想向大家推荐一下我个人喜欢的语言学习网站,请关注我获取更多有关英语学习的信息!
