
生活学习2024-02-12 07:53:49自考教育网



exceeded是一个动词,意为“超过,超出”,读作[ikˈsiːdɪd]。它的同义词包括surpassed, exceeded, outstripped等。例如,“The sales of the new product exceeded our expectations.”(这款新产品的销售量超出了我们的预期。)

在英语翻译解释行业中,exceeded通常用来描述某种情况或者数量超过了预期或者规定的范围。比如,“The number of attendees exceeded the capacity of the venue.”(参加活动的人数超过了场地的容纳量。)在这种情况下,exceeded可以被替换为surpassed或者outstripped。


除了用来描述数量或者范围上的超越,exceeded也可以用来表示某种标准或者要求被满足或者达到。“The student's performance in the exam exceeded our expectations.”(学生在考试中表现出色,超出了我们的期望。)在这种情况下,exceeded可以被替换为met


1. 发音:[ikˈsiːdɪd],读作“ik-see-did”。

2. 读法:exceeded的第一个音节是重音,发音时要稍微延长第一个音节的发音,并将后面的两个音节连读。

3. 同义词:surpassed、outstripped、transcended。

4. 例句:His performance exceeded all expectations and he was awarded the top prize.



1. exceeded的意思是超过,超出。它可以用来描述某个事物或者数量超过了预期或者规定的范围。

例句:The company's profits exceeded expectations this quarter. (公司这个季度的利润超出了预期。)

2. exceeded的同义词包括surpassed、outstripped、exceeded expectations等,它们都表示某个事物或者数量超过了预期或者规定的范围。

例句:The team's performance surpassed all previous records. (这支队伍的表现超越了以往所有记录。)

3. exceeded也可以指时间上的延迟,即耗费了比原先预计更多的时间。

例句:The construction project has already exceeded its deadline by three months. (这项建设项目已经比原定截止日期延迟三个月。)

4. 在口语中,exceeded也可以用来表示被感动到,被打动到。

例句:Her kindness and generosity have truly exceeded my expectations. (她的善良和慷慨真的让我感动到了。)

5. Exceeded怎么读?[ɪkˈsiːdɪd],其中“ee”发长音,“c”发[k]音,“ed”发[d]音。

6. Exceeded在双语语境中常见于商业领域,表示某项数据或者业绩超过预期。例如:

- Our sales have exceeded last year's numbers. (我们的销售额超过了去年的数字。)

- The company has exceeded its quarterly targets. (公司已经超过了本季度的目标。)


1. Surpassed - "Her performance exceeded all expectations and she was awarded the top prize."

2. Outperformed - "The team's results exceeded their previous record and they were praised for their hard work."

3. Beat - "Their sales figures exceeded those of their competitors, making them the top company in the industry."

4. Outdid - "The students' test scores exceeded those of the previous year, showing a significant improvement in their academic performance."

5. Went beyond - "His generosity exceeded all limits, as he donated a large sum of money to charity."

6. Transcended - "Her artistic skills exceeded those of her peers, earning her recognition as one of the best in her field."

7. Overachieved - "The team's success exceeded their own expectations, as they never thought they would make it to the finals."

8. Excelled - "Her talent for singing exceeded that of her friends, and she was often asked to perform at events."

9. Surmounted - "Despite facing many challenges, they exceeded all obstacles and achieved great success."

10. Went above and beyond - "Their dedication to their work went above and beyond what was expected, resulting in outstanding results."


1. Exceeded expectations - 超出预期

例句:The company's profits exceeded expectations this quarter.

2. Exceeded limits - 超过限制

例句:He exceeded the speed limit and got a ticket.

3. Exceeded capacity - 超出容量

例句:The venue was filled to capacity and many people were turned away.

4. Exceeded budget - 超出预算

例句:The project costs exceeded the allocated budget.

5. Exceeded time frame - 超出时间范围

例句:The construction work exceeded the expected time frame due to delays.

6. Exceeded authority - 越权

例句:He was fired for exceeding his authority and making decisions without consulting his superiors.

7. Exceeded speed of sound - 超过音速

例句:The fighter jet exceeded the speed of sound during its test flight.

8. Exceeded word count - 超过字数限制

例句:Her essay was rejected because it exceeded the maximum word count.

9. Exceeded weight limit - 超过重量限制

例句:The luggage exceeded the weight limit and had to be repacked.

10. Exceeded quota - 超过配额

例句:They were unable to make any more sales as they had already exceeded their quota for the month

exceeded是一个非常常用的词汇,它可以用来表示超过、超越、超出等意思。它的发音也非常简单,只需要注意读音中的“ed”发音即可。在实际使用中,我们可以通过一些同义词来替换exceeded,例如surpassed、outstripped等。同时,我们也可以通过一些短语搭配来丰富句子表达,比如exceeded expectations(超出预期)、exceeded limits(超越极限)等。最后,我作为网站的编辑,希望通过这篇文章能够帮助大家更好地了解和使用这个词汇。如果您喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣、有用的知识。谢谢阅读!
