
生活学习2024-02-12 07:57:51自考教育网



1. 概念解释



2. 同义词

Exceeds的同义词包括:surpass, go beyond, outdo, transcend等。它们都表示某物或某人超出了预期或超越了限制。

3. 例句

- His performance in the exam exceeded our expectations.


- The company's profits have exceeded last year's record.


- The speed limit on this road is 50mph, please do not exceed it.


4. 派生词

- Exceeding (形容词):表示“超过的,优于的”。

例如:The cost of the project is exceeding our budget.


- Exceeded (过去式/过去分词):表示“超过,胜过”,常用于被动语态。

例如:Our expectations were exceeded by their excellent service.


5. 用法指南


- 表示数量或程度超过某个限制或标准。

例如:The number of participants exceeded our expectations.


- 表示某种能力或表现优于其他人或预期。

例如:His intelligence exceeds that of his classmates.


- 表示某种情感或反应超出了预期。

例如:Her joy at the news exceeded all bounds.


6. 注意事项


例如:The temperature exceeds 100 degrees over the weekend.



1. exceeds的发音及含义


2. exceeds的同义词


3. exceeds的例句

(1) His performance in the exam far exceeds our expectations.


(2) The company's profits have exceeded last year's earnings.


(3) The number of attendees at the conference exceeded 500.


4. 如何正确阅读exceeds?


5. 注意事项


(1) 它是一个不规则动词,其过去式和过去分词分别为“exceeded”和“exceeded”。

(2) 它的名词形式为“excess”,意为“超过、过量”。

(3) 在句子中,它通常作及物动词,后面接宾语。

(4) 当表示某物或某人超过了某个标准时,可以用“exceeds + 某个标准/限制”的结构来表达







1. Surpasses:意为“超越,胜过”。

2. Outdoes:意为“比...做得更好”。

3. Excells:意为“优于,突出”。


1. His performance exceeds all expectations. (他的表现超出了所有人的预期。)

2. The company's sales have exceeded last year's record. (公司的销售额已经超过了去年的记录。)

3. She always exceeds her classmates in math. (她在数学方面总是比同学们做得更好。)


1. Surpasses - 超过,超越

例句:His performance in the competition surpasses all expectations.

2. Outstrips - 超过,胜过

例句:The company's revenue outstrips that of its competitors.

3. Exceeding limits - 超出限制

例句:The noise level is exceeding the allowed limit.

4. Goes beyond - 超越,超出

例句:Her generosity goes beyond what is expected.

5. Goes above and beyond - 超出预期

例句:The team went above and beyond to complete the project on time.

6. Oversteps boundaries - 越界,超越界限

例句:His behavior oversteps the boundaries of acceptable conduct.

7. Transcends - 超越,卓越于

例句:Her talent transcends that of her peers.

8. Goes overboard - 过分,夸张

例句:He always goes overboard with his compliments.

9. Tops - 高于,超过

例句:Their sales figures top those of last year.

10. Goes over the limit - 超过限制

例句:If you go over the limit, you will be charged extra fees


1. Surpasses

- Definition: to go beyond in amount, extent, or degree; be greater than; exceed

- Example: Her intelligence surpasses that of her classmates.

2. Outperforms

- Definition: to do better than (someone or something) in a particular activity or competition

- Example: The new model of the car outperforms its predecessor in terms of speed and fuel efficiency.

3. Excells

- Definition: to be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject

- Example: She excels in math and science subjects.

4. Surmounts

- Definition: to overcome (a difficulty or obstacle)

- Example: Despite facing many challenges, she was able to surmount them and achieve her goals.

5. Transcends

- Definition: to go beyond the limits of; exceed; surpass

- Example: His artwork transcends traditional techniques and styles.

6. Beats

- Definition: to do something better than (someone)

- Example: She always beats me at chess, she's just too good at it!

7. Tops

- Definition: to be better than (something else)

- Example: This year's sales figures top last year's by 20%.

8. Overtakes

- Definition: to catch up with and pass while traveling in the same direction

- Example: The runner overtook his opponent in the final stretch of the race.

9. Outshines

- Definition: to surpass in splendor, ability, achievement, etc.

- Example: Her performance on stage outshines all others.

10. Exceeds expectations

- Definition: to do more or better than what was expected or predicted

- Example:

The new product exceeded expectations with its high quality and innovative features

