
生活学习2024-02-12 08:15:20自考教育网






首先,我们先来看一下“except”的基本含义。它是一个介词,意为“除了…之外”、“不包括…”。例如,“I like all kinds of fruits except bananas.”(我喜欢各种水果,除了香蕉。)

除了上述的基本含义,我们还可以将“except”用作动词和名词。作为动词时,它的意思是“排除、拒绝”,例如,“She excepted his invitation to the party.”(她拒绝了他邀请参加派对。)作为名词时,它可以表示“例外、异议”,例如,“There were no exceptions to the rule.”(没有例外违反这条规定。)


除了以上的含义和发音外,我们还可以通过以下同义词来更好地理解“except”的意思:besides, apart from, other than等。这些词都可以用来表示“除了…之外”。

1. Everyone is invited to the party except for John.


2. I like all kinds of music except for heavy metal.


3. The teacher asked the students to read all the chapters except for the last one.





1. except的意思是除了,表示排除某个事物或情况。例如:I like all kinds of fruits except for bananas.(除了香蕉,我喜欢各种水果。)

2. except的读音为/ɪkˈsept/。

3. 除了except外,还有一些同义词可以表示类似的意思,如besides、apart from、aside from等。

4. 双语例句:

- I love all animals except spiders, they just give me the creeps.(我喜欢所有动物,除了蜘蛛,它们让我毛骨悚然。)

- Everyone was invited to the party except for Tom, who wasn't feeling well.(每个人都被邀请参加聚会,除了Tom,他感觉不舒服。)

- The restaurant serves all kinds of dishes except for seafood, as the chef is allergic to it.(这家餐厅供应各种菜肴,除了海鲜,因为厨师对海鲜过敏。)

- Everyone passed the test except for Jack, who failed by only one point.(每个人都通过了考试,只有Jack没过,只差一分。)


1. 除了...以外 (except for)

例如:I like all fruits except for bananas.(除了香蕉,我喜欢所有的水果。)

2. 除此之外 (except this)

例如:I have finished all my homework except this last question.(除了这个最后一道题,我已经做完所有的作业了。)

3. 除非 (except if)

例如:I won't go to the party tonight except if my best friend comes with me.(今晚我不会去参加派对,除非我的好朋友跟我一起去。)

4. 除外 (except for)

例如:Everyone is invited to the meeting, except for John who is on vacation.(每个人都被邀请参加会议,只有约翰例外,他在度假。)

5. 但是 (except that)

例如:I really like this dress, except that it's too expensive for me to afford.(我真的很喜欢这件裙子,但是它对我来说太贵了。)

6. 无论如何 (no matter what/ how/ when/ who...etc.)

例如:No matter what happens, I will always support you and stand by your side.(无论发生什么事情,我都会永远支持你,站在你身边。)

7. 只有...才能 (only when)

例如:Only when you have a positive attitude can you achieve success in life.(只有当你拥有积极的态度时,才能在生活中取得成功。)

8. 除外 (with the exception of)

例如:With the exception of my sister, everyone in my family has blue eyes.(除了我妹妹,我家里每个人都有蓝眼睛。)

9. 除此之外 (apart from)

例如:Apart from the fact that it's raining, today is a beautiful day.(除了下雨这个事实,今天是一个美好的日子。)

10. 不同于 (except for/ other than)

例如:I don't like any type of music except for classical, it's just not my cup of tea.(除了古典音乐,我不喜欢任何类型的音乐,它不适合我的口味。)


1. Aside from - 除了

例句:I love all kinds of fruits except for bananas. (我喜欢各种水果,除了香蕉。)

2. Excluding - 排除

例句:Everyone is invited to the party, excluding John. (每个人都被邀请参加派对,排除了约翰。)

3. Apart from - 除了

例句:Apart from a few minor mistakes, his presentation was excellent. (除了几个小错误,他的演讲非常出色。)

4. Other than - 除了

例句:I don't have any plans for the weekend other than studying. (我周末除了学习没有其他计划。)

5. Save - 除了...之外

例句:Save for a few loyal friends, he had no one to turn to in times of need. (除了几个忠实的朋友,他在需要帮助的时候没有人可以求助。)

6. Excepting - 除...外

例句:Excepting the rainy days, the weather has been perfect this week. (这周天气一直很好,就是下雨天例外。)

7. With the exception of - 除...之外

例句:With the exception of Mary, everyone in our group is a vegetarian. (我们小组里每个人都是素食主义者,只有玛丽例外。)

8. Omitting - 排除

例句:Omitting certain details from your report may result in misunderstandings. (从你的报告中排除某些细节可能会导致误解。)

9. Except for - 除了

例句:I like all kinds of music except for heavy metal. (我喜欢各种音乐,除了重金属。)

10. But - 除了...以外

例句:I have everything I need, but a good night's sleep. (我拥有我需要的一切,但缺少一个好觉。)

