
生活学习2024-02-12 08:27:17自考教育网



1. exchanged的含义:exchanged是动词exchange的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“交换”、“兑换”、“调换”等。


2. exchanged的词性:exchanged是一个动词,属于可数名词。

3. exchanged的读音:[ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒd],可以简写为[eksch-d]。

4. exchanged的同义词:swap、trade、switch、replace等。

5. 例句1:We exchanged our seats so that we could sit closer to the stage.


6. 例句2:The two countries have agreed to exchange prisoners of war.



1. 发音:exchanged的发音为[iksˈtʃeɪndʒd],其中重点在第二个音节“changed”的发音,发音时要注意将“ch”发成清辅音,即类似于“t”的发音。

2. 读法:exchanged的读法为[eks-cheyndjd],可以将其拆分为三个部分来读,即“eks”、“cheyn”和“djd”,注意将“ch”发成清辅音,“eyn”读作[ein],最后的“djd”读作[dʒd]。

3. 同义词:exchanged的同义词包括traded、swapped、bartered等。这些词都可以表示交换或互换的意思。

4. 例句:

a. They exchanged gifts on their anniversary.


b. We exchanged phone numbers so we can keep in touch.


c. The two countries agreed to exchange prisoners of war.


d. They exchanged heated words during the argument.


5. 注意事项:

a. 在英语中,“x”通常不是一个单独的字母,而是用来表示某些组合字母的发音,例如ex-、ox-等。

b. “changed”的发音为[ʧeɪndʒd],而不是[cheynjd],因此在读exchanged时要注意区分两者的发音。

c. 在一些方言中,exchanged的发音可能会有所不同,但总的来说要注意将“ch”发成清辅音


1. exchanged的意思及读音


2. exchanged的同义词

exchanged的同义词包括:traded, swapped, switched, replaced等。

3. exchanged的用法解释


- They exchanged gifts at the Christmas party.

- The two countries have agreed to exchange information on security issues.

- We exchanged our old car for a newer model.


- I need to exchange some dollars for euros before my trip to Europe.

- The company's stocks were exchanged for a higher price in the market.

4. exchanged的双语例句

1) They have already exchanged their vows and are now officially married.


2) The students in the language exchange program will be able to practice speaking with native speakers.


3) The two countries have agreed to exchange ambassadors as a sign of improved relations.


4) I always exchange my foreign currency at this bank because they offer a good rate.


5) The company is planning to exchange its old equipment for newer, more efficient models.


6) We exchanged our contact information so we can keep in touch after the conference.


7) The two teams exchanged goals throughout the match, making it an exciting game to watch.


8) The travelers had to exchange their currency at the airport because they didn't have time to do it beforehand.



1. Synonyms for exchanged: swapped, traded, switched, bartered, substituted.

例句:We exchanged our books for the weekend. (我们交换了周末的书籍。)

2. Synonyms for exchanged: converted, transformed, altered, modified.

例句:The currency was exchanged at a favorable rate. (货币以有利的汇率进行兑换。)

3. Synonyms for exchanged: reciprocated, returned, replaced.

例句:The gifts were exchanged between the two families during the holiday season. (假期期间,两个家庭之间互相交换礼物。)

4. Synonyms for exchanged: communicated, shared, imparted.

例句:They exchanged ideas and opinions on the latest technology trends. (他们就最新的技术趋势交换了想法和意见。)

5. Synonyms for exchanged: negotiated, bargained, haggled.

例句:The two countries have been exchanging trade agreements for years. (这两个国家多年来一直在交换贸易协议。)


1. Exchanged greetings (交换问候):在见面或离别时,人们通常会互相问候,这种情况下可以使用exchanged greetings这个短语。

例句:We exchanged greetings before the meeting started.

2. Exchanged gifts (交换礼物):在节日或特殊场合,人们常常会互相赠送礼物,这时可以用exchanged gifts来表达。

例句:We exchanged gifts at the Christmas party.

3. Exchanged contact information (交换联系方式):当我们想要与某人保持联系时,通常会交换电话号码、电子邮件等信息。

例句:We exchanged contact information after the conference.

4. Exchanged ideas (交换想法):在讨论某个话题或问题时,人们会分享自己的想法并与他人交流。

例句:During the brainstorming session, we exchanged ideas and came up with a great solution.

5. Exchanged currency (兑换货币):当我们去到外国旅行或者跨国购物时,可能需要将本国货币兑换成目的地国家的货币。

例句:Before our trip, we went to the bank to exchange currency for our vacation expenses.

6. Exchanged words (交谈):两个人之间发生对话、争吵或者说话的情况都可以用exchanged words来表示。

例句:The couple were seen exchanging heated words in public.

7. Exchanged blows (打斗):当两人或多人发生肢体冲突时,可以用exchanged blows来描述。

例句:The two boxers exchanged blows in the ring for several rounds.

8. Exchanged contracts (交换合同):在签订协议或合同时,双方会互相交换文件以确认协议的有效性。

例句:After months of negotiation, the two companies finally exchanged contracts for the merger.

9. Exchanged glances (交换眼神):当两个人在没有说话的情况下通过眼神交流时,可以使用exchanged glances这个短语。

例句:During the meeting, we exchanged glances to show our agreement without interrupting the speaker.

10. Exchanged pleasantries (闲聊):在正式场合或与陌生人相遇时,人们通常会先进行一些客套的问候和闲聊。

例句:As they waited for the event to start, they exchanged pleasantries and got to know each other better

