
生活学习2024-02-12 08:22:03自考教育网



1. "Excess"的发音是[ɪkˈses],音标为/ɪkˈses/.

2. 其中,单词的第一个音节发音为[ɪk],音标为/ɪk/,读音类似于汉语中的“一克”。


3. 第二个音节发音为[ˈses],音标为/ˈses/,读音类似于汉语中的“色斯”。

4. 总体来说,"Excess"的发音比较简单明了,重点在于第二个音节的发音需要注意清晰地发出/s/和/e/两个元音。

5. "Excess"是一个名词,意为“过量、超额”,常用来形容某物超出正常或合理范围。例如:The excess weight on the luggage cost us an extra fee.(行李超重让我们付了额外费用。)

6. 除了作名词外,在英语中"excess"还可以作形容词和副词使用。作形容词时,意为“过量的、额外的”,例如:He has an excess amount of energy that he doesn't know what to do with it.(他有过多的精力却不知道如何利用它。)作副词时,则表示“过度、过分”,例如:She was talking excessively and wouldn't let anyone else speak.(她说话太多了,不让别人说话。)

7. "Excess"还有一个相关的形容词"excessive",意为“过多的、过度的”,常用来修饰名词。例如:The excessive noise from the party kept me up all night.(派对上过多的噪音让我整晚都没法睡觉。)

8. 总的来说,"excess"是一个常用且重要的英语单词,在日常生活和工作中都可能会遇到,因此正确地掌握其发音和含义非常重要。

9. 最后,需要提醒的是,在英语中有些单词的发音可能会因为不同方言或口音而有所差异,因此建议在学习发音时可以参考多个来源,并结合自己的实际情况进行学习和练习


1. "Excess"的发音:首先,我们来解决一个最基本的问题,就是如何正确地读出"Excess"这个单词。它的发音是[ɪkˈses],注意第一个音节要轻读,重读在第二个音节。

2. "Excess"的意思:字面上来看,"excess"是指超过正常或合理范围的数量或程度。比如说,你吃了太多甜食,就可以说你有excessive sugar intake(过量摄入糖分)。除此之外,它还可以表示多余、剩余的意思。比如说,你买了一件衣服后发现自己已经有两件类似的了,那这件衣服就是excess(多余的)。

3. "Excess"在日常生活中的用法:在日常生活中,我们也经常会用到"excess"这个词。比如说,在商场打折时,你可能会看到标签上写着"This item is on sale due to excess inventory."(这件商品因为库存过量而打折)。又或者,在餐厅点餐时,服务员问你是否需要doggy bag(打包袋)带走剩下的食物时,你也可以回答说"Yes, please pack the excess food for me."(好的,请帮我打包剩下的食物)。

4. "Excess"的替换词:如果你觉得"excess"这个词用得太多了,想要换一种说法,可以考虑以下几个替换词:surplus(剩余的)、extra(额外的)、redundant(多余的)等等。但是注意,它们并不完全相同,具体用法要根据语境来决定。

5. "Excess"在文学作品中的运用:最后,我们来看一下"excess"在文学作品中的运用。有时候,作家会故意使用这个词来表达某种情感或刻画人物特征。比如说,在小说《The Great Gatsby》中,主人公Gatsby就被描述为一个excessive spender(过度花费者),因为他总是挥金如土地举办大型派对。所以,如果你在阅读文学作品时遇到"excess"这个词,不妨思考一下它所代表的更深层含义


1. "Excess"的基本含义


2. "Excess"作为名词的用法

a. 表示数量或程度超出限度

例句:The excess of sugar in this cake makes it too sweet for my taste.(这个蛋糕里糖太多了,我不喜欢这么甜。)

b. 表示超过某种标准或要求

例句:The excess weight on the luggage caused it to exceed the airline's weight limit.(行李超重导致它超出了航空公司的重量限制。)

c. 表示剩余部分

例句:After paying all the bills, I had an excess of 100 dollars in my bank account.(付完所有账单后,我的银行账户里剩下100美元。)

3. "Excess"作为形容词的用法

a. 表示数量过多或超出所需量

例句:The excess fabric on this dress needs to be trimmed off before sewing it together.(这条裙子上多余的布料需要在缝合前修剪掉。)

b. 表示额外、多余的部分

例句:The excess money from the fundraiser will be donated to charity.(筹款活动中多余的钱将被捐赠给慈善机构。)

4. "Excess"的常见搭配

a. in excess of:超过,多于

例句:The company's profits were in excess of 1 million dollars last year.(去年该公司的利润超过了100万美元。)

b. excess baggage:超重行李

例句:Passengers are required to pay an extra fee for any excess baggage they bring on the flight.(乘客需要为他们带上航班的超重行李支付额外费用。)

c. excess oil:多余的油

例句:The recipe calls for 2 tablespoons of oil, but I accidentally poured in an excess amount.(食谱上要求放入2汤匙油,但我不小心倒入了多余的量。)

"Excess"是一个常用的英语单词,作为名词时表示“过量”、“超出限度”,作为形容词时表示“过多的”、“多余的”。它可以用来描述数量、程度、重量、剩余等方面,常见搭配有"in excess of"和"excess baggage"等。在使用时要注意避免过度使用,以免造成负面影响


1. "In excess": 意为“过多”,通常用来表示某物或某事超出了正常或合理的范围。

例如:She ate in excess and ended up feeling sick.(她吃得太多,结果感觉不舒服。)

2. "Excess weight": 意为“超重”,指体重超过正常或健康标准。

例如:I need to lose some excess weight before my wedding.(我需要在婚礼前减掉一些多余的体重。)

3. "Excess baggage": 意为“超重行李”,指旅行中携带的行李超过航空公司规定的免费额度。

例如:I had to pay extra for my excess baggage at the airport.(我在机场不得不为我的超重行李额外付费。)

4. "Excessive drinking": 意为“酗酒”,指喝酒过量。

例如:His excessive drinking has caused many problems in his life.(他过量饮酒导致了他生活中的很多问题。)

5. "In excess of": 意为“超过”,表示数量或程度上远远超过某个特定的数目或标准。

例如:The company's profits are in excess of $1 million this year.(该公司今年的利润超过了100万美元。)

6. "Excessively": 意为“过分地”,用来形容某事做得过多或过度。

例如:She was excessively worried about her exam.(她对考试过度担心。)

7. "Excessively high/low": 意为“过高/低”,指某物或某事的水平远远超出了正常或合理的范围。

例如:The rent for the apartment was excessively high.(这套公寓的租金太高了。)

8. "Excessively long/short": 意为“过长/短”,指某物或某事的长度远远超出了正常或合理的范围。

例如:The meeting was excessively long and I couldn't wait for it to end.(这次会议太长了,我等不及它结束。)


1. Too much or more than necessary

- Overabundance: "Excess" refers to an overabundance of something, indicating that there is more of it than needed or desired.

- Surplus: Another synonym for "excess" is "surplus," which also implies an extra amount beyond what is necessary.

- Superfluous: This word has a negative connotation and suggests that something is unnecessary or excessive.

2. Beyond the limit or allowed amount

- Overindulgence: In terms of behavior, "excess" can refer to overindulgence, meaning going beyond the normal limits or moderation.

- Extravagance: This word suggests excessive spending or indulgence in luxury and can be used to describe someone who lives beyond their means.

- Overkill: When something is done to an extreme degree, it can be described as "excess" or overkill. This term is often used in a humorous way.

3. More than what is expected or appropriate

- Redundancy: In certain contexts, "excess" can refer to something that is unnecessary because it duplicates information or serves no purpose.

- Overload: This word can be used to describe a situation where there is too much of something, whether it's work, information, or emotion.

- Gluttony: Similar to overindulgence, gluttony refers specifically to excessive eating and drinking

