
生活学习2024-02-12 08:29:37自考教育网



1. 什么是exchanges?



2. exchanges的读音


3. exchanges的同义词

exchanges的同义词包括:trade, swap, interchange, barter, transfer等。这些词都可以表示物品、信息、服务等之间的交换或转移。

4. exchanges的例句

- The two countries have established regular exchanges in the fields of culture and education.


- We often exchange gifts with our neighbors during the holiday season.


- The company has seen a significant increase in stock exchanges this year.



1. 发音和读法


2. 同义词

exchanges的同义词包括trades, swaps, transactions等。

3. 例句

a) The two countries have been engaging in exchanges of goods and services for years.


b) The cultural exchange between the two countries has brought about a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other's traditions.


c) The stock exchange is a place where stocks and other securities are bought and sold.



1. exchanges是什么意思?


2. exchanges怎么读?


3. exchanges的同义词有哪些?

exchanges的同义词包括:trades, transactions, interactions, communications等。

4. 英文例句:

- The stock market is a place where exchanges of securities take place.


- The two countries have had many cultural exchanges in recent years.


- We need to increase our exchanges with foreign universities to improve our academic level.


5. 中文例句:

- 这家公司与国外企业进行了技术交流。

- The company has had technical exchanges with foreign enterprises.

- 外国留学生来中国留学可以促进两国间的文化交流。

- Studying in China for foreign students can promote cultural exchanges between the two countries


1. Exchange rate - 汇率

例句:The exchange rate between the US dollar and the Euro has been fluctuating recently.

2. Cultural exchange - 文化交流

例句:The school organized a cultural exchange program for students to experience different cultures.

3. Stock exchange - 股票交易所

例句:The stock exchange was closed due to a sudden drop in the market.

4. Language exchange - 语言交换

例句:I joined a language exchange program to improve my Spanish skills.

5. Exchange program - 交换项目

例句:The university offers various exchange programs for students to study abroad.

6. Exchange student - 交换生

例句:My roommate is an exchange student from Japan.

7. Exchange of ideas - 想法交流

例句:The conference provided a platform for the exchange of ideas among experts in the field.

8. Cultural exchange program - 文化交流计划

例句:The embassy organized a cultural exchange program to promote understanding between the two countries.

9. Foreign exchange - 外汇

例句:She works in foreign exchange and deals with different currencies every day.

10. Student exchange - 学生交流

例句:I participated in a student exchange program during my junior year of college and it was an amazing experience


1.交易 (trade)

例句:The two countries have a long history of exchanges in trade and culture.

2.互换 (swap)

例句:The students will have an opportunity to do a language exchange with native speakers.

3.交流 (communication)

例句:The conference provided a platform for exchanges of ideas and experiences among researchers.

4.调换 (replace)

例句:You can exchange your old phone for a new one at the store.

5.转换 (convert)

例句:You can exchange your foreign currency at the bank for local currency.

6.交易所 (exchange market)

例句:The stock exchange market is experiencing a downturn due to economic uncertainties.

7.对换 (barter)

例句:In some rural areas, people still practice barter exchanges instead of using money.

8.调整 (adjustment)

例句:The company made some exchanges in their management team to improve efficiency.

9.交易品种 (trading instruments)

例句:There are various trading instruments available on the stock exchange, such as stocks, bonds, and options.

10.贸易往来 (commercial relations)

例句:The two countries are working towards strengthening their commercial exchanges for mutual benefit

通过本文的阅读,我们对exchanges有了更深入的认识。它不仅仅是指交流或交换,还可以表示交易、兑换等含义。同时,我们也学习了exchanges的发音和读法,并通过双语例句更加直观地理解了其用法。在日常生活中,我们可以用exchanges来表达各种各样的意思,如exchange ideas(交流想法)、exchange gifts(交换礼物)等。此外,exchanges还有许多同义词,如trade、swap、barter等,在不同语境中可以灵活运用。最后,我是网站编辑小编,在未来的文章中将继续为大家带来更多有趣的知识和实用的技能。喜欢我的文章,请关注我哦!
