
生活学习2024-02-12 10:33:21自考教育网




1. 拼写:existent,读作[ɪɡˈzɪstənt],强调第二个音节。

2. 发音:单词中的“x”发音为/ɡ/,而不是常见的/k/,要注意不要读错哦!







1. Existent reality: 现实存在

2. Non-existent: 不存在的

3. Physical existent: 物质存在体

4. Social existent: 社会存在

5. Metaphysical existent: 形而上学的存在


1. existent的基本含义


2. existent的用法

a. 作为形容词,existent可以修饰名词或代词,表示某物确实存在。

例:The existent problem needs to be solved immediately.(这个存在的问题需要立即解决。)

b. 也可以作为名词,指代具有真实性或实在性的事物。

例:The existents in this world are constantly changing.(这个世界上的存在不断变化。)

c. 在哲学领域中,existent通常被用来指代存在论中所讨论的事物。

例:According to the philosophy of existentialism, every individual is responsible for their own existence.(根据存在主义哲学,每个人都对自己的存在负责。)

3. existent的例句

a. The evidence presented in court proved that the crime was an existent threat to society.


b. The government needs to take action to address the existent issue of poverty in our country.


c. The existent dilemma of choosing between family and career is a common struggle for many working parents.


d. The concept of existent beings in philosophy has been debated for centuries.


e. The existents in this universe are constantly evolving and changing, making it difficult to define their true nature.



1. Existing - 存在的

2. Present - 现存的

3. Actual - 实际的

4. Real - 真实的

5. Tangible - 有形的

6. Material - 物质的

7. Substantial - 实质性的

8. Genuine - 真正的

9. Authentic - 真实的

10. Factual - 事实上的

11. Concrete - 具体的

12. Valid - 有效的

13. Legitimate - 合法的

14. Veritable - 真实可信的

15. Verifiable - 可证明的

16. Credible - 可信赖的

17. Reliable - 可靠的

18. Trustworthy - 值得信赖的

19. Undeniable- 不可否认的


21.Evident- 明显地

22.Apparent- 显然地

23.Manifest- 显而易见地

24.Overt- 公开地

25.Visible- 可见地

26.Presented- 提供给你

27.Available- 可获得地

28.Readily available- 容易获得地

29.Ready for use- 准备好使用了

30.Ready for action- 准备好行动了

31.Existing in reality- 实际存在着

32.Living and breathing- 活生生存在着

33.Being alive and kicking- 活跃着存在着

34.Being in existence- 存在着

35.Still existing today – 至今仍然存在着

36.Currently existing- 现在存在着

37.Continuing to exist- 继续存在着

38.Persisting- 持续存在着

39.Ongoing- 进行中的

40.Everlasting- 永恒的


1. Nonexistent - 不存在的

- "The rumors of ghosts in the old mansion are nonexistent, they are just made up by the kids to scare each other."


2. Absent - 缺席的,缺少的

- "The evidence to support his claim was completely absent, making his argument weak and unconvincing."


3. Inexistent - 不存在的,虚构的

- "Her dream of becoming a princess was inexistent, she knew it was just a fantasy and not achievable in real life."


4. Imaginary - 想象中的,虚构的

- "His fears were all imaginary, there was no real danger or threat present in the situation."


5. Fictitious - 虚构的,捏造出来的

- "The story he told about his adventures in space was completely fictitious, he had never even been on a spaceship before."


