
生活学习2024-02-12 10:42:31自考教育网



1. 发音概述



2. /ɛks/的发音


3. /ɪt/的发音


4. 同义词及例句

Exit有多种同义词可以替换使用,如leave、depart、go out等。下面是一些例句,帮助你更好地理解这些同义词的用法及其发音。

- The train is about to depart. (列车即将出发。)

- Please leave the room quietly. (请安静地离开房间。)

- I need to go out and get some fresh air. (我需要出去呼吸新鲜空气。)



首先,exit是一个英语单词,读音为[ˈɛksɪt]。它可以作为动词使用,表示“离开”、“退出”。比如,“I need to exit the room now.”(我现在需要离开房间了。)同时,它也可以作为名词使用,表示“出口”、“退场”。比如,“The exit is on the right.”(出口在右边。)

除了以上的基本含义外,exit还有一些同义词可以替代使用。比如,“leave”、“depart”等都可以表示“离开”,而“way out”、“egress”等则可以表示“出口”。


1. 在购物中心或者电影院等公共场所,我们经常会看到标有“Exit”的指示牌,指引我们找到出口。

2. 当你乘坐地铁或者公交车时,司机会提醒你在哪个站点下车,并说“Please exit through the rear doors.”(请从后门下车。)

3. 在飞机上,空乘人员会在紧急情况下指示乘客从哪个出口撤离


1. 什么是exit?


2. exit怎么读?


3. exit的同义词有哪些?

Exit的同义词包括leave、depart、go out等,它们都表示离开某个地方或状态。

4. exit的例句

- Please use the emergency exit in case of fire.(请在火灾情况下使用紧急出口。)

- They decided to exit the market due to fierce competition.(由于激烈的竞争,他们决定退出市场。)

- The concert was over and everyone started to exit the venue.(演唱会结束了,大家开始离开场地。)

5. Exit在双语环境中的用法


- 出口:exit、way out、egress

- 离开:leave、depart、go out


1. 离开:leave, depart, go away, say goodbye

例句:I need to exit the party early tonight.


2. 出口:way out, egress, outlet

例句:Please use the emergency exit in case of fire.


3. 退场:withdrawal, retreat, departure

例句:The actor made a dramatic exit from the stage.


4. 结束:end, finish, conclude

例句:The meeting will come to an exit at 5 PM.


5. 退出:quit, resign, step down

例句:He decided to exit his job and travel around the world.



1. Departure

- Meaning: the action of leaving a place, especially to start a journey.

- Example sentence: The exit of the train station was crowded with people waiting for their loved ones' departure.

2. Egress

- Meaning: the action of going out of or leaving a place.

- Example sentence: The fire exit was blocked, making it difficult for people to find an egress in case of an emergency.

3. Withdrawal

- Meaning: the act or process of moving back or away from a place or situation.

- Example sentence: She made a sudden withdrawal from the meeting, leaving everyone puzzled.

4. Escape

- Meaning: the act of breaking free from confinement or control.

- Example sentence: The prisoner planned his escape through the emergency exit in his cell.

5. Exodus

- Meaning: a mass departure of people, especially emigrants.

- Example sentence: The country experienced an exodus after the war broke out.

6. Evacuation

- Meaning: the action of removing someone from a place of danger to a safer place.

- Example sentence: The government ordered an evacuation of all citizens living near the volcano eruption site.

7. Abandonment

- Meaning: the act of leaving something behind permanently.

- Example sentence: The abandoned building had an old sign that read "Exit at own risk".

8. Retreat

- Meaning: the act of moving back or withdrawing from a difficult situation.

- Example sentence: After facing heavy losses, they decided to retreat and regroup before launching another attack.

9. Departing

- Meaning: leaving or starting on a journey.

- Example sentence: The departing flight was delayed due to bad weather conditions.

10. Disappearance

- Meaning: the state or fact of being no longer visible or present.

- Example sentence: His sudden disappearance left everyone wondering about his whereabouts.

11. Seclusion

- Meaning: the state of being private and away from others.

- Example sentence: The cabin in the woods was a perfect place for seclusion and relaxation.

12. Retirement

- Meaning: the act of leaving one's job or career permanently.

- Example sentence: After 30 years of service, he finally announced his retirement and exit from the company.

13. Demise

- Meaning: the end or failure of an institution, person, or enterprise.

- Example sentence: The company's demise was inevitable after facing multiple financial crises.

14. Conclusion

- Meaning: the end or finish of an event, process, or story.

- Example sentence: The movie's conclusion left the audience in tears.

15. Termination

- Meaning: the action of ending something.

- Example sentence: The contract was terminated due to a breach of agreement by one party

