
生活学习2024-02-12 11:18:12自考教育网




1. 什么是expected


2. expected的读音

Expected的发音为 /ɪkˈspektɪd/,其中第一个音节读作短元音/i/,第二个音节读作长元音/e/,最后一个音节读作短元音/ɪd/。

3. expected在句子中的用法

Expected作为形容词时,通常用来描述某件事情或情况符合预期或符合预计。例如:“The expected result of the experiment was achieved.”(实验的预期结果已经实现了。)当它作为动词时,则表示某人对某件事情有所期待或预计。例如:“We are expecting a large turnout for the event.”(我们期待这次活动会有很多人参加。)

4. expected与其他同义词的区别


5. expected在商业领域的应用

在商业领域,expected通常用来描述预期的收益、利润或者业绩。例如:“The company's expected revenue for this quarter is $1 million.”(公司本季度的预期收入为100万美元。)它也可以用来描述市场对某种产品或服务的需求量,如:“The expected demand for the new product is high.”(对于这种新产品的需求量预计会很高。)

6. expected在学术研究中的重要性



1. expected的含义


2. expected作为形容词

当expected作为形容词时,通常指某件事情被期待或预计会发生。例如:“The expected arrival time of the flight is 8 p.m.”(航班预计到达时间是晚上8点)。另外,expected也可以表示符合预期或合理的。“The expected reaction to the news was shock and disbelief.”(对这个消息的预期反应是震惊和不信任)。

3. expected作为动词

当expected作为动词时,意思是“预计”、“期待”。例如:“We are expecting a large turnout at the event.”(我们预计会有很多人参加这次活动)。此外,expected也可以表示“要求”、“命令”。比如:“The boss expects us to work overtime this weekend.”(老板要求我们这个周末加班)。

4. expected与expectation的区别


5. expected的同义词


6. expected的反义词


7. expected在句子中的用法

Expected可以作为主语、宾语、表语或定语出现在句子中。例如:“The expected result of the experiment was surprising.”(实验的预期结果令人惊讶)。“We are expecting a baby in a few months.”(我们预计几个月后会有一个孩子)。在句子中使用expected时,需要注意时态和语态的变化


1. expected的意思


2. expected的读音


3. expected的用法

(1) 作为动词,expected可以直接加后置宾语,也可以加介词短语作后置宾语。例如:

- I expected him to come to the party.


- We didn't expect such a big crowd at the concert.


(2) 作为形容词,expected可以修饰名词,并且通常放在名词前面。例如:

- The expected results were not achieved.


- The expected arrival time of the train is 8 PM.


4. 双语例句

- The company's profits for this year are expected to be higher than last year's.


- I didn't expect you to be here so early!


- The expected rainfall for this month is 50 mm.


- The expected delivery time for this package is next week.


- We are all eagerly waiting for the expected announcement from the government.



1. As expected: 如预期的那样,符合预期

例如:As expected, the new product received a lot of positive reviews from customers.

2. Expected outcome: 预期结果

例如:The expected outcome of this project is to increase sales by 20%.

3. Expected behavior: 预期行为

例如:Employees are expected to follow the company's code of conduct at all times.

4. Expected challenges: 预期挑战

例如:We have identified the expected challenges and have come up with solutions to overcome them.

5. Expected delivery date: 预计交货日期

例如:The expected delivery date for this order is next Monday.

6. Unexpected turn of events: 意外的事件发展

例如:The unexpected turn of events caught us off guard and we had to come up with a new plan.

7. High expectations: 高期望值

例如:As a top performer, she always has high expectations for herself.

8. Meet expectations: 达到预期要求

例如:The new employee has been performing well and has met all our expectations so far.

9. Beyond expectations: 超出预期

例如:The success of our latest campaign went beyond our expectations and we couldn't be happier.

10. Unrealistic expectations: 不切实际的期望值

例如:Setting unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and frustration in the long run


1. Anticipated – This word can be used as a synonym for expected, especially in the context of something that is predicted or foreseen to happen.

2. Projected – Similar to anticipated, this word can also be used to describe something that is expected to happen in the future.

3. Foreseen – This word implies that something has been predicted or seen before it actually happens, making it a suitable synonym for expected.

4. Predicted – As the word suggests, this means that something has been foretold or forecasted, making it another synonym for expected.

5. Assumed – This word can be used when something is believed to be true or likely to happen, making it a suitable alternative for expected.

6. Envisaged – This word means to imagine or foresee something happening in the future and can be used as a synonym for expected.

7. Presumed – Similar to assumed, this word also implies that something is believed to be true without definite proof and can be used interchangeably with expected.

8. Counted on – This phrase means to rely on something happening and can be used as a synonym for expected in certain contexts.

9. Awaited – This word implies that something is eagerly anticipated or looked forward to, making it another suitable alternative for expected.

10. Probable – This adjective means likely to happen or exist and can be used as a synonym for expected in certain situations.

11. Estimated – This word suggests an approximate calculation of something and can also be used as a synonym for expected in certain contexts.

12. Expectedly – While not technically a synonym, this adverb means in an anticipated or predictable manner and can provide more context when discussing what is expected.

13. Supposed - Similar to presumed, this adjective implies that something is believed or assumed without definite proof and can also be used as a synonym for expected.

14. Scheduled - This adjective means planned or arranged for a certain time and can be used as a synonym for expected in certain situations.

15. Awaited - Similar to anticipated, this word also implies that something is eagerly expected or looked forward to, making it a suitable synonym for expected

