
生活学习2024-02-12 11:45:37自考教育网



1. experience的拼音是 [ɪkˈspɪriəns]。

2. experience一词源自拉丁语“experientia”,意为“经验、体验”。


3. 在英语中,experience既可以作为名词,也可以作为动词使用。

4. 作为名词,experience指的是通过亲身经历获得的知识、技能或感受。例如:“My trip to Europe was an amazing experience.”(我去欧洲的旅行是一次令人惊叹的体验。)

5. 作为动词,experience意为“经历、体验”。例如:“I have experienced many challenges in my life.”(我在生活中经历了许多挑战。)

6. experience在口语中也可以缩写为“exp”,例如:“I have a lot of exp in customer service.”(我在客户服务方面有很多经验。)

7. 在英式英语中,experience还可以用作形容词,意为“有经验的”。例如:“She is an experienced teacher.”(她是一位有经验的老师。)

8. 在美式英语中,experience也可以用作动词的过去分词形式,“experienced”,意为“有经验的”。例如:“We are looking for an experienced candidate for this position.”(我们正在寻找一位有经验的候选人担任这个职位。)

9. 在商业领域,experience常常被用来描述与产品或服务相关的消费者体验。例如:“We want to provide our customers with a memorable shopping experience.”(我们希望为顾客提供一个难忘的购物体验。)

10. 总的来说,experience一词强调的是通过亲身经历获得的知识、技能或感受,是一种宝贵的财富,可以帮助我们成长和发展


1. "experience"是一个英语单词,发音为[ikˈspɪə.ri.əns],重音在第二个音节。

2. 它的意思是指“经历”、“体验”、“经验”,作为名词时常用复数形式“experiences”,作为动词时常用于现在分词形式“experiencing”。

3. 在口语中,有时也可以简写为"exp"。

4. "experience"一词来自拉丁语的"experientia",意为“实践、尝试、经验”,由前缀"ex-"(表示“出、外”)和动词"perire"(表示“通过、穿过”)构成。

5. 在英语中,这个单词最早出现在14世纪,最初的含义是指通过感官获得知识或技能。后来逐渐演变为指人生中所经历的事件和情况。

6. "experience"也可以用作不可数名词,表示总体的经历或知识。例如:"He has a lot of experience in this field."(他在这个领域有很多经验。)

7. 当作及物动词使用时,它后面通常接名词或动名词作宾语。例如:"She experienced a lot of difficulties during her trip."(她在旅途中遇到了很多困难。)

8. 当作不及物动词使用时,它后面通常接介词"with",表示“经历、体验”。例如:"He experienced a sense of freedom with his new job."(他在新工作中体验到了一种自由感。)

9. "experience"也可以用作形容词,表示“有经验的、老练的”。例如:"She is an experienced teacher."(她是一位经验丰富的老师。)

10. 在翻译时,根据具体语境可以有多种表达方式,如“经历、体验、经验、阅历”等。需要根据句子结构和语义来选择最合适的翻译方式。

11. 总的来说,“experience”是一个非常常用且含义丰富的单词,在日常生活中我们会经常遇到它,希望通过本次介绍能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用它


1. experience的意思


2. experience的发音

experience的读音为 /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/,其中的“i”发音为/ɪ/,“e”发音为/ə/,重读部分是第二个“e”。

3. experience的中文翻译

experience在中文可以翻译为“经历、体验、经验”。例如,“My travel experience was amazing.”(我的旅行经历非常棒。)

4. experience的用法

a. 作名词时,一般用来表示一个人或者一件事所经历过的事情。例如,“She has a lot of work experience.”(她有很多工作经验。)

b. 作动词时,一般用来表示一个人所经历过或者感受到的事情。例如,“I have experienced many challenges in my life.”(我在生活中经历了许多挑战。)

5. 双语例句

a. She has years of teaching experience in this field.


b. He had a bad experience with his previous boss.


c. This trip was an unforgettable experience for me.


d. I have never experienced such kindness before.


e. The company values employees' experiences and skills.



1. Experience as a noun:

- Definition: the knowledge or skill that is gained from doing, seeing, or feeling things

- Example: She has years of experience in the field of marketing.

- Translation: 作为名词:从做、看或感受事物中获得的知识或技能

2. Experience as a verb:

- Definition: to have practical contact with and observation of facts or events

- Example: He experienced a lot of difficulties during his trip.

- Translation: 作为动词:与事实或事件有实际接触和观察

3. Life experience:

- Definition: the knowledge and wisdom acquired through living and encountering different situations

- Example: His life experiences have shaped him into a wise and mature person.

- Translation: 生活经历:通过生活和遇到不同情况所获得的知识和智慧。

4. Work experience:

- Definition: the practical knowledge and skills gained from previous employment

- Example: The job requires at least 2 years of work experience in a related field.

- Translation: 工作经验:从以前的就业中获得的实践知识和技能。

5. Cultural experience:

- Definition: the understanding and appreciation of different cultures through interaction with people from diverse backgrounds

- Example: Studying abroad can provide students with valuable cultural experiences.

- Translation: 文化体验:通过与来自不同背景的人交流,理解和欣赏不同文化。

6. Learning experience:

- Definition: the process of gaining knowledge or skills through study, instruction, or practical application

- Example: The internship was a great learning experience for me.

- Translation: 学习经历:通过学习、教学或实践获得知识或技能的过程。

7. Teaching experience:

- Definition: the knowledge and skills gained from teaching others

- Example: The candidate must have at least 3 years of teaching experience in a similar subject.

- Translation: 教学经验:从教导他人中获得的知识和技能。

8. Travel experience:

- Definition: the knowledge and understanding gained from traveling to different places

- Example: His travel experiences have broadened his perspective on the world.

- Translation: 旅行经历:通过到不同地方旅行所获得的知识和理解。

9. Customer experience:

- Definition: the overall impression and satisfaction a customer has with a company or product

- Example: The company strives to provide a positive customer experience through excellent service.

- Translation: 客户体验:顾客对公司或产品的总体印象和满意度。

10. Personal experience:

- Definition: the individual's own subjective encounter or involvement in events or situations

- Example: Her personal experiences have shaped her beliefs and values.

- Translation: 个人经历:个人在事件或情况中的主观遭遇或参与


1. Encounter: 意为“遇到”,与experience同样可以用来描述某种经历或感受,例如:I had a great encounter at the music festival last weekend. (上周末我在音乐节上度过了一个美妙的经历。)

2. Adventure: 意为“冒险”,可以用来形容一次充满刺激和挑战的经历,例如:My trip to Thailand was an amazing adventure. (我去泰国的旅行是一次令人惊叹的冒险。)

3. Trial: 意为“考验”,常用来形容艰难的经历或挑战,例如:Starting a new business is definitely a trial, but it's also an exciting experience. (开创一项新业务肯定是一次考验,但也是一次令人兴奋的经历。)

4. Journey: 意为“旅程”,可以用来描述任何类型的旅行或经历,例如:My journey to self-discovery has been full of ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. (我探索自我的旅程充满了起起伏伏,但我不会把它换成任何东西。)

5. Experiment: 意为“实验”,可以用来比喻尝试新事物或学习新技能的过程,例如:Learning how to cook was an interesting experiment for me. (学习如何做饭对我来说是一次有趣的实验。)

6. Memory: 意为“记忆”,可以用来形容某种经历或事件留下的印象,例如:My childhood memories are filled with happy experiences. (我童年的记忆充满了快乐的经历。)

7. Event: 意为“事件”,可以用来描述任何类型的经历或活动,例如:Attending a music concert is always an exciting event for me. (参加音乐会对我来说总是一次令人兴奋的事件。)

8. Lesson: 意为“教训”,可以用来指某种经历带来的学习或成长,例如:Going through a tough breakup taught me a valuable lesson about love and relationships. (经历一次艰难的分手让我学到了有关爱情和关系的宝贵教训。)

