
生活学习2024-02-12 12:22:22自考教育网







或许你会问,为什么要用第三人称单数形式呢?这是因为在英语中,当主语为第三人称单数时,动词需要加上"-s/-es/-ies"结尾。比如:she explains(她解释)。



1. 简介


2. 动词explains的用法


- Explain something (to somebody): 向某人解释某事

- Explain how/why/what: 解释如何/为什么/什么

- Explain the meaning of something: 解释某事的含义

3. 名词explains的用法


- Give an explain: 给出一个解释

- Provide an explain: 提供一个解释

- Offer an explain: 提供一个解释

4. 相关表达


- Clarify something: 澄清某事

- Elaborate on something: 对某事进行详细阐述

- Shed light on something: 阐明某事

5. 注意事项


- 不要将其与explain混淆。explain是动词原型形式,而explains是第三人称单数形式。

- 不要将其与explanation混淆。explanation是名词形式。

- 在正式场合使用时,建议使用更正式的表达方式,如clarify、elaborate等


1. explains的用法


2. 双语例句

1) She explains the concept of democracy in simple terms. 她用简单的话解释了民主的概念。

2) The teacher patiently explains the difficult grammar rules to her students. 老师耐心地向学生们解释难懂的语法规则。

3) Can you explain why you arrived late for the meeting? 你能解释一下为什么会迟到参加会议吗?

4) The article clearly explains the process of making traditional Chinese dumplings. 本次介绍清楚地解释了制作中国传统饺子的过程。

5) He always explains everything in great detail, which can be a bit overwhelming. 他总是把每件事情都讲得非常详细,有时候会让人有点不知所措。



1. explain away 解释掉,辩解,为...找借口

例句:He tried to explain away his absence from the meeting, but no one believed him.


2. explain oneself 解释自己的行为或言论

例句:The politician had to explain himself after his controversial statement caused a public outcry.


3. explain something to someone 向某人解释某事

例句:Can you please explain the rules of the game to me? I've never played before.


4. explain something in detail 详细解释某事

例句:The teacher explained the concept of gravity in detail, making sure all the students understood it.


5. explain oneself clearly 清楚地表达自己的意思

例句:It's important for a leader to be able to explain themselves clearly and effectively to their team.


6. explain the meaning of something 解释某事的含义

例句:Could you please help me understand this poem by explaining the meaning of each line?


7. explain the reason for something 解释某事的原因

例句:The doctor explained the reason for my symptoms and prescribed medication to treat them.


8. explain the process of something 解释某事的过程

例句:The tour guide explained the process of making traditional pottery to the group of tourists.


9. explain oneself out of something 通过解释摆脱某事

例句:He tried to explain himself out of getting a speeding ticket, but the police officer didn't buy it.


10. explain the situation 解释情况

例句:The manager called a meeting to explain the situation and address any concerns from employees.



1. Elucidates - This word means to explain or clarify something in a clear and easily understandable manner.

Example: The teacher elucidated the difficult concept of calculus by using real-life examples.

2. Expounds - This word means to present or explain an idea or theory in detail.

Example: The scientist expounded on his groundbreaking research during the conference.

3. Describes - This word means to give an account or representation of something in words.

Example: The travel blogger described her adventures in Europe with vivid details.

4. Clarifies - This word means to make something easier to understand by providing additional information or context.

Example: The lawyer clarified the legal jargon for her client during the court case.

5. Deciphers - This word means to interpret or decode something that is difficult or mysterious.

Example: The cryptographer deciphered the coded message using his advanced skills.

6. Unravels - This word means to explain something that is complex and difficult to understand.

Example: The historian unraveled the mystery behind the ancient ruins through extensive research and analysis.

7. Breaks down - This phrase means to simplify and explain something complicated into smaller, more manageable parts.

Example: The chemistry teacher broke down the chemical reactions into simple steps for her students to understand.

8. Demystifies - This word means to make something less mysterious or confusing by providing a clear explanation.

Example: The magician demystified his tricks by revealing the secrets behind them.

9. Interprets - This word means to explain the meaning of something, especially through translation or analysis.

Example: The interpreter interpreted the foreign leader's speech for the audience.

10. Elaborates on - This phrase means to provide more details and information about something that has been mentioned briefly.

Example: The journalist elaborated on the scandal by interviewing key witnesses and sources

