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How to pronounce "explode"








Explode's definition and usage with examples

1. Explode的定义


2. Explode的用法

在句子中,explode通常作为及物动词使用,后面接名词或代词作宾语。例如:“The bomb exploded in the building.”(炸弹在建筑物内爆炸了。)“Her anger suddenly exploded.”(她的愤怒突然爆发了。)

3. Explode的例句

- The fireworks exploded in the sky, creating a beautiful display of colors.


- The volcano erupted and hot lava exploded out of it.


- The balloon popped and confetti exploded everywhere.


- The audience erupted in cheers as the singer exploded onto the stage.


4. Explode与其他动词搭配使用

- Explode with anger/happiness/joy: 爆发出愤怒/幸福/喜悦

- Explode into laughter/tears: 突然大笑/哭泣

- Explode in popularity/fame: 爆发出人气/名声

- Explode into pieces: 破碎成碎片

5. Explode的同义词和反义词

Explode的同义词包括:burst, blow up, detonate。反义词包括:implode, collapse。

6. Explode的衍生词汇

exploding (动词现在分词), explosion (名词), explosive (形容词)

7. Explode在日常用语中的应用

- Let's explode this myth and find out the truth.


- The news of their engagement exploded on social media.


- The coach exploded at the referee's decision.



Common phrases with "explode"

1. Explode into (sth): 突然爆发,突然变得极为激烈或强烈

例句:The argument between the two friends exploded into a full-blown fight.

2. Explode with (emotion): 充满某种强烈的情感

例句:The crowd exploded with excitement when their team scored the winning goal.

3. Explode in (anger/laughter): 突然大怒/大笑

例句:She exploded in anger when she found out her husband had been lying to her.

4. Explode in (a burst of) applause: 突然爆发出一阵掌声

例句:The audience exploded in a burst of applause after the amazing performance.

5. Explode into (pieces): 爆炸成碎片

例句:The bomb exploded into pieces, causing widespread damage.

6. Explode in popularity: 风靡一时,迅速流行起来

例句:The new app has exploded in popularity, with millions of downloads within the first week of its release.

7. Explode (sth) out of proportion: 夸大了(某事物)的重要性或影响力

例句:The media has been accused of exploding the news story out of proportion, causing unnecessary panic among the public.

8. Explode onto the scene: 突然出现在公众视野中,引起轰动

例句:The young singer exploded onto the music scene and quickly gained a huge following.

9. Explode with color: 充满色彩,色彩缤纷

例句:The painting exploded with color, showcasing the artist's vibrant and bold style.

10. Explode (sth) in one's face: 突然失败,出现意想不到的问题

例句:The business deal exploded in his face when the other party suddenly backed out

Synonyms for "explode" in context

1. Burst

Burst is a synonym for "explode" that is often used in contexts where something suddenly and violently breaks or bursts open. For example, "The balloon suddenly burst with a loud pop."

2. Detonate

Detonate is another synonym for "explode" that is commonly used in reference to explosives or bombs. It suggests a sudden and powerful release of energy, often causing destruction or damage. For instance, "The bomb detonated, causing chaos and destruction."

3. Erupt

Erupt can be used as a synonym for "explode" when describing a sudden and violent outburst or eruption of something. It can also imply an intense emotional release, such as anger or laughter. For example, "Mount Vesuvius erupted with a massive explosion."

4. Blast

Blast is a versatile synonym for "explode" that can be used in various contexts to describe a sudden and forceful release of energy or sound. It can also refer to an explosion caused by pressure, such as in a blast furnace or rocket launch. For instance, "The fireworks blasted into the sky with a loud boom."

5. Pop

Pop is a more informal synonym for "explode" that suggests something bursting open with a sharp sound. It can also refer to the act of bursting or breaking open something small and delicate, like a bubble or balloon. For example, "The champagne bottle popped open with a celebratory bang."

6. Shatter

Shatter can be used as a synonym for "explode" when something breaks into many small pieces due to an impact or explosion. This word often conveys the idea of destruction and fragmentation. For instance, "The glass shattered into pieces when it hit the floor."

7. Blow up

Blow up is another informal synonym for "explode" that suggests something expanding rapidly and forcefully due to an explosion or strong force. It can also mean to destroy something with explosives or to become extremely angry. For example, "The balloon blew up after being filled with too much air."

8. Disintegrate

Disintegrate can be used as a synonym for "explode" when something breaks apart or collapses into smaller pieces due to an explosion or force. It can also imply a gradual breaking down or destruction of something. For instance, "The old building disintegrated after the bomb went off."

9. Burst open

Burst open is a more specific synonym for "explode" that suggests something suddenly and forcefully bursting open, often due to pressure or tension. It can also imply an unexpected and dramatic reveal of something hidden inside. For example, "The piñata burst open, scattering candy everywhere."

10. Split

Split is a synonym for "explode" that can be used in contexts where something breaks or separates into two or more parts with great force. It can refer to physical objects as well as emotions or groups of people dividing. For instance, "The tree split in half when struck by lightning."

Explaining the meaning of "explode"

1. Introduction to "explode"

"Explode" is a commonly used verb in the English language, but its meaning can be quite confusing for non-native speakers. In this section, we will delve into the various meanings and uses of this versatile word.

2. Definition of "explode"

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "explode" means to burst forth with sudden violence or noise, or to undergo a rapid increase in size or number. This definition gives us an idea of the two main ways in which "explode" is used – as a physical action and as a metaphorical expression.

3. Physical meaning of "explode"

In its physical sense, "explode" refers to something bursting open or breaking apart with a loud noise and force. This can happen due to pressure, heat, or other external factors. For example, a bomb explodes when it is detonated, causing destruction and chaos.

4. Metaphorical meaning of "explode"

In a figurative sense, "explode" is often used to describe sudden and intense reactions or emotions. For instance, if someone's anger explodes, it means they lose control and express their anger in a forceful manner. Similarly, if someone's popularity explodes, it means they become widely known or successful in a short period of time.

5. Synonyms for "explode"

Some common synonyms for "explode" include burst, blow up, erupt, detonate, shatter, and expand rapidly. These words can be used interchangeably with "explode" depending on the context.

6. Exploding vs Imploding

While we often associate explosions with outward movement and destruction, there is also an opposite concept called implosion where something collapses inwardly due to pressure from within. For example, when a building collapses during controlled demolition, it implodes rather than explodes.

7. Common collocations with "explode"

To further understand how "explode" is used, let's look at some common collocations or phrases that are often used with it. These include "explode in anger," "explode with laughter," "explode into pieces," "explode into applause," and "exploding population."

8. Other meanings of "explode"

Apart from its physical and metaphorical uses, "explode" can also have other meanings depending on the context. For example, in science, it can refer to a chemical reaction or a sudden release of energy. In sports, it can mean to suddenly increase one's speed or power.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, the word "explode" has multiple meanings and uses in the English language. It can refer to a physical action or a metaphorical expression of intense emotions or reactions. It is important to understand the context in which it is used to fully grasp its meaning.

10. Tips for using "explode"

To avoid any confusion while using "explode," here are some tips:

- Pay attention to the context in which it is used.

- Use appropriate synonyms for different situations.

- Be aware of its figurative meaning and use it accordingly.

- Use collocations to make your language more natural and accurate.

In summary, explaining the meaning of a word like "explode" requires us to understand its various nuances and uses. Hopefully, this section has helped clarify any doubts you may have had about this versatile word

