
生活学习2024-02-12 13:02:03自考教育网




1. explore的含义


2. explore的读音


3. explore的同义词


4. explore的例句

(1) She loves to explore new places and cultures.


(2) The scientists are exploring the depths of the ocean.


(3) He is always eager to explore new ideas and theories.



1. 发音及读法


2. 同义词


3. 例句

① He loves to explore new places and cultures.


② The detective is exploring the crime scene for clues.


③ The scientist will examine the data to explore the possibility of a new theory.



1. explore的意思和读音


2. explore的同义词及例句

(1) investigate:调查,例句:The police are investigating the crime.(警方正在调查这起犯罪。)

(2) discover:发现,例句:He discovered a new planet.(他发现了一颗新行星。)

(3) examine:检查,例句:The doctor examined the patient's injuries.(医生检查了病人的伤势。)

3. explore的用法

(1) explore可以接名词或代词作宾语,也可以接介词短语作宾语。


- They explored the ancient ruins in Greece.(他们探索了希腊的古迹。)

- The scientists are exploring the depths of the ocean.(科学家们正在探索海洋的深处。)

- The group decided to explore the possibility of a partnership with the company.(这个团队决定探讨与该公司合作的可能性。)

(2) explore也可以用作不及物动词,表示“进行探索”。


- The team is exploring in the Amazon rainforest.(这个团队正在亚马逊雨林进行探索。)

- She loves to explore, so she travels to different countries every year.(她喜欢探索,所以每年都会去不同的国家旅行。)

(3) explore还可以用作名词,表示“探索,考察”。


- We went on an explore of the city's hidden gems.(我们进行了一次城市隐藏宝藏的探索之旅。)

- The book is a fascinating explore of the human mind.(这本书是对人类思想的迷人探索。)


1. Investigate

- Meaning: to carry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine facts or details.

- Example sentence: The detectives were sent to investigate the crime scene.

2. Discover

- Meaning: to find something for the first time, or to find something that was hidden or unknown.

- Example sentence: The archaeologists discovered ancient artifacts during their excavation.

3. Probe

- Meaning: to explore or examine thoroughly; investigate.

- Example sentence: The scientist used a probe to study the composition of the planet's surface.

4. Survey

- Meaning: to examine and record the features of an area, especially for the purpose of creating a map.

- Example sentence: The geologists conducted a survey of the mountain range.

5. Delve

- Meaning: to search deeply and carefully into something.

- Example sentence: The historian delved into archives to uncover new information about the historical event.

6. Investigate

- Meaning: to carry out a thorough and systematic examination in order to establish facts and reach conclusions.

- Example sentence: The journalist investigated the corruption scandal and uncovered evidence of wrongdoing.

7. Explore

- Meaning: to travel through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it.

- Example sentence: The adventurers set out to explore the uncharted jungle.

8. Examine

- Meaning: to inspect closely in order to determine its condition, quality, or accuracy.

- Example sentence: The doctor examined the patient's x-rays for any signs of injury.

9. Research

- Meaning: systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

- Example sentence: The scientists conducted extensive research on climate change.

10. Scrutinize

-Meaning: To examine closely and critically.

Example Sentence:The lawyer scrutinized every detail of the contract before signing it on behalf of his client


1. Explore new places: 探索新的地方

例句: She loves to explore new places and cultures when she travels.

2. Explore different options: 探索不同的选择

例句: We need to explore different options before making a decision.

3. Explore the unknown: 探索未知领域

例句: The researchers are determined to explore the unknown in this field.

4. Explore one's potential: 发掘某人的潜力

例句: This program aims to help students explore their potential and develop their skills.

5. Explore a topic/subject/idea: 探讨一个主题/课题/想法

例句: The conference will bring together experts to explore the latest trends in technology.

6. Explore different cultures/traditions/customs: 探索不同的文化/传统/习俗

例句: As a travel blogger, she loves to explore different cultures and share her experiences with her followers.

7. Explore nature/wildlife/beauty: 探索大自然/野生动物/美景

例句: The hiking club organizes trips to explore the beauty of the mountains and forests.

8. Explore one's feelings/emotions/thoughts: 探索自己的感情/情绪/想法

例句: Through journaling, she was able to explore her feelings and gain a better understanding of herself.

9. Explore a theory/hypothesis/idea: 探究一个理论/假设/想法

例句: The scientists conducted experiments to explore their theory about the origin of the universe.

10. Explore new opportunities/challenges/adventures: 寻找新的机会/挑战/冒险

例句: After graduation, she decided to explore new opportunities abroad and work in a different country

