
生活学习2024-02-12 13:16:09自考教育网



1. expose的含义是揭露、暴露,指将某件事情或某个人的真相公之于众。

2. expose的同义词包括reveal、uncover、disclose等。


3. 例如,他们通过调查,最终成功expose了政府官员的贪污行为。

4. expose在口语中通常读作/ɪkˈspoʊz/,也可以读作/ɛkˈspoʊz/


1. expose的发音


2. expose的意思


- The journalist exposed the corruption scandal. (记者揭露了腐败丑闻。)

- The hot sun exposed her delicate skin. (炎热的阳光使她娇嫩的皮肤暴露在外。)


- The children were exposed to violence at a young age. (这些孩子在很小的时候就经历了暴力。)

- She was exposed to different cultures during her travels. (她在旅行中接触到了不同的文化。)

3. expose的同义词


- The leaked documents revealed the truth about the company's illegal activities. (泄露出来的文件揭示了公司非法活动的真相。)

- The investigation uncovered a network of corruption within the government. (调查发现了政府内部的腐败网络。)

- The whistleblower disclosed confidential information to the authorities. (告密者向当局透露了机密信息。)

4. expose的例句

- The documentary exposed the harsh living conditions of migrant workers. (这部纪录片揭露了农民工艰苦的生活条件。)

- The journalist was praised for exposing the truth behind the political scandal. (这位记者因揭露政治丑闻背后的真相而受到赞扬。)

- The company was exposed for its unethical business practices. (这家公司因其不道德的商业行为而被曝光。)


1. expose的意思是暴露、揭露,通常用来指揭发某人或某事的真相。

例句:The journalist's investigation exposed the corruption within the government.(这位记者的调查揭露了政府内部的腐败行为。)

2. expose也可以用作动词,表示使暴露于某种环境中,暴露于危险之中。

例句:The newborn babies were exposed to the cold air for only a few seconds.(新生儿只被暴露在冷空气中几秒钟。)

3. expose的同义词包括reveal、disclose、uncover等,都有揭示、展现的意思。

例句:The leaked documents revealed the company's illegal activities.(泄漏的文件揭示了公司的非法活动。)

4. 另外,expose也可以用作名词,表示曝光、公开。

例句:The expose of the celebrity's scandal caused a huge uproar in the media.(这位名人丑闻的曝光在媒体上引起了巨大轰动。)


1. Reveal

- 意思:揭露,暴露

- 例句:The journalist's investigation exposed the corruption within the government.


2. Uncover

- 意思:揭开,发现

- 例句:The detective worked tirelessly to uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearance.


3. Disclose

- 意思:披露,公开

- 例句:The company was forced to disclose their financial records due to a lawsuit.


4. Exposee

- 意思:暴露者,被曝光者

- 例句:The whistleblower was hailed as a hero for being the exposee of the corrupt organization.


5. Lay bare

- 意思:暴露,使裸露

- 例句:The scandal laid bare the company's unethical practices.


6. Unveil

- 意思:揭幕,公布

- 例句:The artist unveiled his latest masterpiece at the gallery opening.


7. Bring to light

- 意思:揭露,暴露

- 例句:The investigation brought to light the illegal activities of the company's CEO.


8. Exposement

- 意思:揭露,暴露

- 例句:The exposement of the scandal caused a public outcry for justice.


9. Unmask

- 意思:揭露,掩饰

- 例句:The whistleblower bravely unmasked the corrupt officials in the government.


10. Open up

- 意思:打开,展现

- 例句:The investigation opened up a can of worms, revealing more scandals within the organization.


expose是一个常用的动词,意思是暴露、揭露。它的发音为/ɪkˈspoʊz/,读起来比较简单。在使用时,可以用于指责或揭发某人的错误行为,也可以用于描述暴露或揭示某一事物的真相。除了expose之外,还有一些同义词可以替换使用,比如reveal、uncover等。例如,“The journalist's investigation exposed the corruption within the government.”最后,我是网站的编辑小张,在这里分享关于英语学习的知识和技巧。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我,我们一起进步吧!
