
生活学习2024-02-12 13:48:05自考教育网



1. 精致的意思:exquisite这个词源于拉丁语的“exquisitus”,意为“精心挑选的”、“精心制作的”。在英语中,它可以用来形容物品、事物或人的外表和内在特质都非常精美细致。

2. 发音:exquisite的发音为[ɪkˈskwɪzɪt],其中重读音节为第一个“i”。


3. 同义词:exquisite的同义词包括delicate、elegant、refined、graceful等,它们都可以用来形容优雅精致的事物。

4. 例句:

- The exquisite craftsmanship of the ancient vase impressed everyone in the museum.


- She has an exquisite taste in fashion, always wearing the most stylish and elegant outfits.


- The restaurant is known for its exquisite dishes, each one carefully prepared with the freshest ingredients.



1. 发音:[ɪkˈskwɪzɪt],读作“ik-skwi-zit”

2. 读音:exquisite的第一个音节是重读音节,发音时要重点发出“ik”的音,后面的“skwi”是轻声,最后的“zit”是一个短元音。

3. 同义词:delicate, elegant, refined

4. 例句:

- The restaurant served an exquisite meal, with each dish carefully crafted and presented.


- She has exquisite taste in fashion, always choosing the most stylish and sophisticated outfits.


- The artist's paintings are truly exquisite, capturing the beauty of nature in every stroke.




1. 同义词:delicate, elegant, beautiful


- The cake was decorated with exquisite flowers and tasted as good as it looked.(这个蛋糕装饰着精致的花朵,味道和外表一样好。)

- She wore an exquisite dress to the party and received many compliments.(她穿了一件精美的裙子去参加派对,得到了很多赞美。)

2. 用于修饰物品或事物时:


- The museum's collection includes exquisite paintings by famous artists.(博物馆收藏了著名艺术家的精美绘画作品。)

- The restaurant is known for its exquisite seafood dishes.(这家餐厅以其精致的海鲜菜肴而闻名。)

3. 用于形容人时,表示某人有高雅或优雅的品味:


- She has an exquisite taste in fashion and always looks stylish.(她对时尚有着高雅的品味,总是看起来很时尚。)

- The young pianist's performance was truly exquisite, leaving the audience in awe.(年轻钢琴家的表演真是令人惊叹,让观众们惊叹不已。)

4. 用于形容经历或感受时,表示非常美妙或令人愉悦:


- We had an exquisite time exploring the charming streets of Paris.(我们在巴黎迷人的街道上度过了美妙的时光。)

- The music was so exquisite that it brought tears to my eyes.(音乐太美妙了,让我感动得落泪。)


1. Delicate

- 同义词:精致的,细腻的

- 例句:The exquisite embroidery on her dress caught everyone's attention.

2. Elegant

- 同义词:优雅的,高贵的

- 例句:The exquisite design of the building impressed the visitors.

3. Exemplary

- 同义词:典范的,出色的

- 例句:Her exquisite performance on stage left the audience in awe.

4. Dainty

- 同义词:雅致的,精美的

- 例句:The restaurant served us an exquisite meal with dainty presentation.

5. Fine

- 同义词:精美的,出色的

- 例句:The artist's paintings are known for their fine and exquisite details.

6. Refined

- 同义词:精制的,优雅的

- 例句:She has a refined taste in fashion, always choosing the most exquisite pieces.

7. Superb

- 同义词:杰出的,极好的

- 例句:The chef's cooking skills are superb, every dish he makes is exquisite.

8. Impeccable

- 同义词:无可挑剔的,完美无瑕的

- 例句: The hotel's service was impeccable, providing us with an exquisite experience.

9. Flawless

- 同义词: 完美无瑕的,无缺点的

- 例句: The singer's voice was flawless, delivering an exquisite performance.

10. Exotic

- 同义词: 异国情调的,奇特的

- 例句: The restaurant offers an exquisite menu with exotic flavors from around the world


1. Rough - 粗糙的

例句:The table was made of rough wood, in contrast to the exquisite furniture in the rest of the room.

2. Common - 普通的

例句:The restaurant served common dishes, nothing as exquisite as the ones I had in France.

3. Plain - 平凡的

例句:She wore a plain dress, without any of the exquisite details that her sister's dress had.

4. Coarse - 粗俗的

例句:His language was coarse and vulgar, a stark contrast to her exquisite manners.

5. Unrefined - 未经加工的

例句:The unrefined sugar gave the dessert a gritty texture, not at all like the exquisite pastries she had tasted in Italy.

6. Ordinary - 普通的

例句:The hotel room was ordinary, nothing like the exquisite suite she had stayed in during her last vacation.

7. Unpolished - 未经打磨的

例句:His manners were unpolished and rough, not at all like the exquisite etiquette of his wife.

8. Crude - 粗鲁的

例句:Her crude jokes were a far cry from the witty and refined humor of her friend's exquisite sense of humor.

9. Unimpressive - 平庸的

例句:The painting was unimpressive, lacking the exquisite details and colors that usually captivated her.

10. Inferior - 低劣的

例句:The materials used for this product were inferior to those used for its more expensive and exquisite counterpart

