
生活学习2024-02-12 13:51:49自考教育网



1. 什么是“extend”的拼音?



2. “extend”的发音及其特点


- 单词开头字母e的发音为/i/而不是/e/;

- 第一个辅音字母x和第二个元音字母t之间有一个弱读元音/s/;

- 最后一个元音字母d发音时要加上/t/。

3. “extend”的用法及其相关短语


- 延长:如extend the deadline(延长截止日期)、extend one's stay(延长逗留时间)

- 扩展:如extend one's business(扩展业务)、extend one's knowledge(扩展知识)

- 伸展:如extend one's arm(伸出手臂)、extend one's legs(伸展腿部)

- 给予:如extend a warm welcome(热情欢迎)、extend an invitation(发出邀请)

- 扩大影响力:如extend one's influence(扩大影响力)、extend one's reach(扩大范围)

此外,还有一些常用的短语和搭配,如extend credit(提供信贷)、extend condolences(表示哀悼)、extended family(大家庭)等。

4. “extend”的同义词及反义词


- lengthen:表示延长某物的长度或时间;

- expand:表示扩大某物的规模或范围;

- prolong:表示延长某物的持续时间。


- shorten:表示缩短某物的长度、时间或持续时间;

- reduce:表示减少某物的规模、数量或程度;

- limit:表示限制某物的范围或影响力。

5. “extend”在不同场景中的用法


- 在商业领域,我们可以说:“The company plans to extend its business to foreign markets.”(公司计划将业务拓展到国外市场。)

- 在学术领域,我们可以说:“The professor extended the deadline for the final paper.”(教授延长了期末论文的截止日期。)

- 在日常生活中,我们可以说:“Can you extend your arm a little further?”(你能再伸出手臂更远一点吗?)

6. “extend”在翻译解释行业中的应用



1. 延伸还是扩展?


2. 从字面上看


3. 延长时间还是空间?


4. extend与expand有什么区别?


5. extend在计算机领域中的应用



1. 用法解释


2. 作为动词的用法

2.1 延伸物体或空间


- The bridge extends over the river for 500 meters.(这座桥横跨河流,长度达500米。)

- The beach extends for miles along the coast.(沙滩沿着海岸延伸数英里。)

- The meeting has been extended by one hour due to some urgent matters.(由于一些紧急事务,会议已经延长了一个小时。)

2.2 扩大规模


- The company plans to extend its business to overseas markets next year.(公司计划明年将业务拓展到海外市场。)

- She extended her hand to welcome the new employee.(她伸出手欢迎新员工。)

2.3 提供帮助或服务


- The organization extends its support to the victims of the natural disaster.(该组织向自然灾害的受害者提供支持。)

- The hotel extends its room service to 24 hours during peak season.(酒店在旺季将客房服务延长到24小时。)

3. 作为名词的用法

3.1 延期


- The deadline for the project has been extended by two weeks.(项目的截止日期已经延长了两周。)

- Due to the bad weather, the concert has been extended to next weekend.(由于天气不好,音乐会已经延期到下个周末。)

3.2 延伸部分


- The extend of the damage caused by the earthquake is still being assessed.(地震造成的损失范围仍在评估中。)

- The extend of his knowledge on this subject is impressive.(他对这个主题的知识广度令人印象深刻。)

4. 双语例句

4.1 延伸物体或空间的例句

- The highway extends for miles through the mountains.


- The city plans to extend the subway line to the outskirts.


- The meeting has been extended by one hour due to the unexpected guest.


4.2 扩大规模的例句

- The company is looking to extend its market share in Asia.


- The school is extending its campus to accommodate more students.


- He extended his hand to help the old lady cross the street.


4.3 提供帮助或服务的例句

- The organization extends its support to refugees from war-torn countries.


- The hotel extends its room service to cater to the needs of business travelers.


4.4 延期的例句

- The deadline for the project has been extended by two weeks due to unforeseen circumstances.


- The event has been extended until next month due to popular demand.


4.5 延伸部分的例句

- We need to assess the extend of the damage caused by the hurricane.


- The extend of his vocabulary is impressive.



1. Extend a helping hand: 伸出援助之手

2. Extend an invitation: 发出邀请

3. Extend the deadline: 延长截止日期

4. Extend an offer: 提供延期或折扣

5. Extend one's reach: 扩大影响力

6. Extend an olive branch: 伸出橄榄枝,表示和解

7. Extend one's knowledge: 扩展知识领域

8. Extend one's gratitude: 表示感激之情

9. Extend a warm welcome: 热烈欢迎

10. Extend beyond expectations: 超出预期范围


1. Expand: This word can be used as a synonym for extend, meaning to make something larger or more extensive.

Example: The company plans to expand its business operations to other countries.

2. Lengthen: When something is lengthened, it is made longer or extended in length.

Example: The teacher asked the students to lengthen their essays by adding more details.

3. Stretch: This word can be used as a synonym for extend when referring to making something longer or wider.

Example: The athlete stretched his muscles before starting the race.

4. Prolong: To prolong something means to make it last longer or extend its duration.

Example: The meeting was prolonged due to the heated discussion among the members.

5. Broaden: Similar to extend, broaden means to make something wider or more expansive.

Example: The company aims to broaden its customer base by targeting new markets.

6. Enlarge: When something is enlarged, it is made bigger or extended in size.

Example: The artist decided to enlarge her painting by adding more details and colors.

7. Continue: This word can be used as a synonym for extend when referring to an action that is ongoing or prolonged.

Example: The government has decided to continue the lockdown for another two weeks.

8. Add on: This phrase can be used as a synonym for extend when referring to adding something extra or extending a current structure.

Example: The hotel offers an option for guests to add on an extra night at a discounted rate.

9. Protract: To protract something means to prolong or extend its duration, often implying that it is taking longer than expected.

Example: The negotiation process was protracted due to conflicting demands from both parties.

10. Elongate: Similar to lengthen, elongate means to make something longer or stretch it out.

Example: The caterpillar elongated its body as it crawled along the branch

