
生活学习2024-02-12 13:53:03自考教育网







想象一下,你正在和朋友们聊天,突然有人问你:“extend. 是什么意思?”如果你用正确的发音回答,“它的意思是延长、扩展、延伸。” 那么你肯定会让大家都震惊。



在英语中,extend是一个动词,意为“延长、扩大、伸展”。它可以用来表示某物的长度、时间或范围的增加,也可以指延期或延长某项活动或计划。例如,“The company decided to extend the deadline for the project.”(公司决定延长项目的截止日期。)

除此之外,extend也可以被用作及物动词,表示“给予、提供”等含义。比如,“I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who helped me.”(我想向帮助过我的每个人致以最真挚的感谢。)

此外,在某些特定的语境下,extend还可以被用作名词和形容词。作为名词时,它指代“延期、延长”等概念;而作为形容词时,则意为“扩展的、广阔的”。例如,“We need to discuss the contract extension.”(我们需要讨论合同延期的事宜。)“The extend view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking.”(从山顶上看到的广阔景色令人惊叹。)


1. 扩展的含义:extend一词最基本的意思是“延伸”,指某物从原来的位置或状态向外延伸或扩大。在英语翻译解释行业中,extend通常被用来表示某个概念、理论或观点的进一步阐述和扩展,使其更加具体和详细。

2. 用法示例:比如我们可以说,“The author extended his argument by providing more evidence and examples.”(作者通过提供更多证据和例子来扩展他的论点。)这里的extend就是指作者对自己的观点进行了进一步的阐述和拓展。

3. 数字说明:根据Merriam-Webster词典,extend一词最早出现于14世纪,起源于拉丁语的extendere,意为“拉长、伸展”。目前已经衍生出多种含义和用法,在不同领域都有不同的解释。

4. 幽默感:如果把extend这个词拆分开来看,可以发现其中也有一些幽默元素。比如ext-end,可以理解为“结束”(end)之后还有更多(ext)要说;或者是ex-tend,可以理解为“超越”(exceed)原来的范围(tend)。这样看来,extend也可以被认为是一个非常有趣的词汇。

5. 反问修辞:那么,extend到底是什么意思呢?它是一个多义词,可以根据不同的语境和领域来理解。但总的来说,它都指向一个共同的概念——延伸、扩大、拓展。所以,当你在看到extend这个词时,不妨问问自己,“这个概念还能再继续扩展吗?”或者,“我能用什么方法来更加详细地阐述这个概念呢?”相信这样的反问会帮助你更好地理解和运用extend


1. 同义词:expand, prolong, lengthen, stretch, increase

2. 反义词:shorten, reduce, decrease, limit, curtail

1. 同义词解释:

- expand:指增加、扩大或延伸,常用于描述物体的大小、范围或数量的增加。

- prolong:强调延长某种状态或持续时间,常用于描述时间的延长。

- lengthen:指使某物变得更长,也可以表示延长时间。

- stretch:与extend的意思相似,指使某物变得更长或更宽。

- increase:指数量、程度或大小的增加。

2. 反义词解释:

- shorten:与extend相反,指使某物变短。

- reduce:强调减少数量、程度或大小。

- decrease:与increase相反,表示数量、程度或大小的减少。

- limit:指限制某物的范围、数量或程度。

- curtail:与extend相反,指缩短某物的长度或持续时间


1. To extend one's stay in a foreign country means to prolong the duration of your visit beyond the originally planned date. For example, if you have a tourist visa for 30 days but decide to stay for an extra week, you will need to extend your stay by applying for a visa extension.

2. The company decided to extend its business into new markets in order to increase its profits and expand its customer base.

3. The deadline for submission of the project has been extended by two weeks due to unforeseen circumstances.

4. In order to extend their reach and influence, many companies are now using social media platforms as part of their marketing strategies.

5. The teacher asked the students to extend their essays by including more examples and details to support their arguments.

6. The bridge was extended by 10 meters in order to accommodate the increasing traffic flow.

7. Many people use credit cards to extend their purchasing power, but they often end up with huge debts that are difficult to pay off.

8. The government has announced plans to extend free education up until high school in order to provide equal opportunities for all children.

9. When faced with a difficult situation, it is important to remain calm and try to extend your patience and understanding towards others.

10. The company's profits have been steadily increasing since they decided to extend their product line and offer more variety to customers.

11. The yoga instructor encouraged us to extend our bodies fully during each pose in order to achieve maximum benefits from the practice.

12. In some cultures, it is considered polite and respectful to extend your hand for a handshake when meeting someone for the first time.

13. The warranty on this product can be extended by an additional year if you purchase an extended warranty plan from the manufacturer.

14. As part of our commitment towards sustainability, we have implemented initiatives that aim to reduce waste and extend the lifespan of our products.

15. The company has decided to extend its employee benefits package to include parental leave and flexible working hours in order to support a healthy work-life balance

