
生活学习2024-02-12 13:59:13自考教育网



1. 发音:



2. 拼写:


3. 单词含义:


4. 词性变化:


5. 同义词:


6. 例句:

a) We need to extend the deadline for the project.


b) The road extends for miles through the countryside.


c) This concept can be extended to other areas of study.


7. 派生词:

- extension:名词,表示“延伸、扩展”;

- extended:形容词,表示“延长的、扩大的”。

8. 相关词汇:

- extendable:形容词,表示“可延伸的、可扩展的”;

- extensional:形容词,表示“延伸的、扩展的”。

9. 用法小贴士:

extend可以与介词to或over连用,表示“延伸到某个地方”或“横跨某个区域”。例如:The river extends to the sea.(这条河流延伸至大海。)


1. 什么是extend


2. extend的用法

a. 作为动词,extend通常接一个宾语和一个介词短语,表示将某物延伸到某个地方或时间。例如:She extended her hand to shake mine.(她伸出手来和我握手。)The deadline for the project has been extended to next week.(项目的截止日期已经延长到下周。)

b. extend也可以接另一个介词短语,表示某物在空间或时间上的延续。例如:The Great Wall extends for thousands of kilometers.(长城延伸数千公里。)Her influence extends beyond the workplace.(她的影响力超越了工作场所。)

c. extend还可以用于抽象概念中,表示扩大、增加、加强等含义。例如:The company will extend its services to other countries next year.(公司明年将把服务范围扩展到其他国家。)I want to extend my gratitude to everyone who helped me.(我想向帮助过我的每个人表达感谢。)

3. extend与其他单词的区别

a. extend与expand都可以表示“扩展”的意思,但extend更侧重于在空间或时间上的延伸,而expand则更侧重于数量或范围的增加。

b. extend与lengthen都可以表示“延长”的意思,但extend通常用于物体的延伸,而lengthen则更多指时间的延长。

c. extend与stretch都可以表示“延伸”的意思,但extend通常用于物体的延伸,而stretch则更多指身体或肌肉的伸展。

4. extend在不同语境下的用法

a. 在商业领域,extend常常指公司或品牌将产品或服务扩展到新的市场或领域。例如:The company plans to extend its line of products to target a younger audience.(公司计划将产品线扩展到年轻受众。)

b. 在法律上,extend可以指将某项权利、特权等延长到某个时间点。例如:The landlord agreed to extend the lease for another year.(房东同意将租约延长一年。)

c. 在科学技术领域,extend可以指通过改进已有技术来提高其功能或性能。例如:Scientists are working on extending the battery life of smartphones.(科学家们正在研究如何提高智能手机电池续航时间。)


1. 什么是extend?


2. extend作为动词

2.1 意为“延伸、扩展”

例句:The company plans to extend its business to overseas markets.


2.2 意为“延长”

例句:The meeting was extended for another hour.


2.3 意为“给予、提供”

例句:The teacher extended her students extra help after class.


2.4 意为“伸出、伸展”

例句:He extended his hand for a handshake.


3. extend作为名词

3.1 意为“延期、延长”

例句:We have been granted an extension for the project deadline.


3.2 意为“范围、距离”

例句:The extend of the damage caused by the earthquake is still unknown.


4. extend的常见搭配短语

4.1 extend to


例句:The river extends to the neighboring town.


4.2 extend beyond


例句:The benefits of exercise extend beyond just physical health.


4.3 extend a hand


例句:The organization extended a helping hand to those in need.


4.4 extend an invitation


例句:I would like to extend an invitation to you for dinner next week.



1. Extend an invitation: 发出邀请

2. Extend a deadline: 延长截止日期

3. Extend a hand: 伸出援手

4. Extend a warranty: 延长保修期限

5. Extend a contract: 延长合同期限

6. Extend an offer: 提出延期要约

7. Extend an apology: 表达歉意

8. Extend one's stay: 延长逗留时间

9. Extend one's gratitude: 表达感激之情

10. Extend one's support: 给予支持和帮助


1. Expand

- To increase in size, scope, or range.

- To make something bigger or longer.

- Examples:

- The company plans to expand its operations to other countries.

- The designer extended the length of the dress to make it more elegant.

2. Stretch

- To extend or spread out over an area.

- To pull or draw out to full length or width.

- Examples:

- The yoga instructor told us to stretch our arms and legs before starting the class.

- The rubber band can stretch up to three times its original length.

3. Lengthen

- To make something longer in size or duration.

- To become longer in size or duration.

- Examples:

- The teacher asked us to lengthen our essays by adding more details and examples.

- As the days got shorter, we noticed that the shadows were lengthening.

4. Protract

- To prolong or extend in time or space.

- To draw out; lengthen; extend.

- Examples:

- The negotiations were protracted due to disagreements between the two parties.

- She protracted her visit by staying an extra week with her family.

5. Enlarge

- To make bigger; increase in size or extent.

- To become bigger; expand; grow larger.

- Examples:

- The artist used a magnifying glass to enlarge the details of his painting.

- As we walked further into the forest, the trees seemed to enlarge around us.

6. Broaden

- To make something wider; expand in scope or range.

- To become wider; broaden one's knowledge or experience.

- Examples:

- The government plans to broaden access to healthcare for all citizens.

- Traveling has broadened my perspective on different cultures and customs.

7. Augment

- To make something greater by adding to it; increase in size, value, or strength.

- To become greater; grow; enlarge.

- Examples:

- The company decided to augment their product line with new and innovative items.

- As the demand for organic food increases, farmers are augmenting their production.

8. Lengthen

- To make something longer in size or duration.

- To become longer in size or duration.

- Examples:

- The teacher asked us to lengthen our essays by adding more details and examples.

- As the days got shorter, we noticed that the shadows were lengthening.

9. Prolong

- To extend the duration of something; make it last longer.

- To lengthen in time; delay; protract.

- Examples:

- The medication helped to prolong the patient's life for a few more months.

- We can prolong our vacation by staying an extra day at the beach.

10. Expand

- To increase in size, scope, or range.

- To make something bigger or longer.

- Examples:

- The company plans to expand its operations to other countries.

- The designer expanded the width of the dress to make it more comfortable

