
生活学习2024-02-12 14:05:33自考教育网



What does extensive mean?

Extensive, a word that may sound intimidating at first, actually has a very simple meaning. It refers to something that covers a large area or has great extent. Now, let's break it down further and explore what exactly this word means and how it can be used in different contexts.

1. What does extensive mean?

Extensive is an adjective that describes something as being large or widespread. It can also refer to something that is thorough or comprehensive in its scope. In simpler terms, it means something that is big in size, amount, or range.

2. How do you pronounce extensive?

The correct pronunciation of extensive is ik-sten-siv. The stress is on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for extensive

Some synonyms for extensive include vast, wide-ranging, expansive, broad, and far-reaching.

4. Example sentences using extensive

- The company has an extensive network of suppliers all over the world.

- The book provides an extensive analysis of the current economic situation.

- She underwent an extensive training program before joining the team.

- The damage caused by the hurricane was extensive and will take years to repair.

Now that you know what extensive means and how it can be used in different ways, try incorporating it into your vocabulary and impress others with your knowledge!

How to pronounce extensive?

Are you struggling with the pronunciation of the word "extensive"? Don't worry, you're not alone. This word can be a bit tricky to say, but with a little practice, you'll be able to master it like a pro.

1. What does extensive mean?

Before we dive into the pronunciation, let's first understand the meaning of this word. Extensive is an adjective that describes something that covers a large area or has a wide range. It can also refer to something that is thorough or comprehensive.

2. How do you pronounce extensive?

The correct pronunciation of extensive is ik-sten-siv. The stress is on the second syllable, and the "e" in "ex" is pronounced like "i". To help you remember, think of it as saying "I'm extensive" but without the "m".

3. Synonyms for extensive

If you're looking for other words to use instead of extensive, here are some synonyms: widespread, expansive, broad, comprehensive, thorough.

4. Examples of using extensive in a sentence

- The company has an extensive network of distributors all over the country.

- She conducted an extensive research on the topic before writing her thesis.

- The damage from the hurricane was extensive and will take months to repair.

Now that you know how to pronounce and use this word correctly, go ahead and impress your friends with your new vocabulary! Remember to practice saying it out loud until it becomes natural for you

Usage and examples of extensive

Extensive is an adjective that describes something as having a large or wide range, scope, or coverage. It can be used to describe something that is comprehensive, thorough, or far-reaching. The word is often used in different contexts and has various meanings depending on the situation. In this section, we will explore the usage and examples of the word extensive.

1. Meaning of extensive

- Extensive (adj.) - covering a large area; having a wide range or scope.

- Extensively (adv.) - in a widespread way; to a great extent.

2. Pronunciation

The word "extensive" is pronounced as /ɪkˈstɛnsɪv/ with the stress on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms of extensive

Some synonyms for extensive include:

- Broad: covering a wide range or having a wide scope.

- Comprehensive: including all or nearly all elements or aspects.

- Widespread: distributed over a large area.

- Vast: very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, etc.

4. Examples of extensive in sentences

- The company conducted an extensive market research before launching their new product.

- She has an extensive collection of vintage records.

- The damage caused by the hurricane was extensive and will take years to recover from.

- The professor's knowledge about ancient civilizations is quite extensive.

- Our team has made extensive preparations for the upcoming competition.

5. Idioms with "extensive"

There are some idiomatic expressions that use "extensive" such as:

- Go to great/extensive lengths: to make a lot of effort to achieve something.

Example: He went to great lengths to find his lost wallet.

- Extensive reading: reading widely and extensively on various topics.

In conclusion, "extensive" is a versatile word that can be used in different contexts and situations. Its synonyms provide alternative ways to express the same meaning. By understanding its usage and examples, you can use this word more confidently and accurately in your daily conversations and writing. So go ahead and expand your vocabulary with the word "extensive"!

Phrases with extensive

1. Extensive knowledge: 广博的知识

例句:She has extensive knowledge in the field of biology.

2. Extensive research: 广泛的研究

例句:The scientist conducted extensive research on the effects of climate change.

3. Extensive experience: 丰富的经验

例句:The job requires someone with extensive experience in marketing.

4. Extensive use: 广泛使用

例句:Social media has become an extensive use for communication and networking.

5. Extensive reading: 大量阅读

例句:To improve your language skills, you should do extensive reading in English.

6. Extensive damage: 大范围破坏

例句:The hurricane caused extensive damage to the coastal areas.

7. Extensive range: 广泛范围

例句:This store offers an extensive range of products to choose from.

8. Extensive travel: 长途旅行

例句:Her job requires her to do extensive travel, visiting different countries for business meetings.

9. Extensive network: 广泛的网络

例句:He has an extensive network of contacts in the fashion industry.

10. Extensive training: 全面培训

例句:New employees are given extensive training to ensure they are familiar with company policies and procedures

Synonyms for extensive with examples

1. What does extensive mean?

- Meaning: covering a large area; great in amount, scale, or degree.

- Example: The company has an extensive network of stores across the country.

2. How do you pronounce extensive?

- Pronunciation: ik-sten-siv

- Example: The pronunciation of the word "extensive" can be tricky for non-native speakers.

3. Synonyms for extensive:

- Extensive synonyms: vast, widespread, expansive, far-reaching, comprehensive, broad, thorough.

- Example: She has an extensive knowledge of different cultures and languages.

4. Examples using synonyms:

a) Vast - His vast collection of books filled the entire room.

b) Widespread - The virus has become widespread in the community.

c) Expansive - The hotel offers expansive views of the ocean.

d) Far-reaching - The consequences of climate change are far-reaching.

e) Comprehensive - The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the issue.

f) Broad - He has a broad understanding of various subjects.

g) Thorough - She did a thorough research on the topic before writing her paper.

In conclusion, "extensive" can be described as something that covers a large area or is great in amount or degree. It can be pronounced as ik-sten-siv and has synonyms such as vast, widespread, and comprehensive. These synonyms can be used in various contexts to convey similar meanings as "extensive"

In summary, extensive means widespread, covering a large area or amount, or thorough and detailed. It is pronounced as /ɪkˈstɛnsɪv/. As a website editor, I hope this article has helped you understand the meaning and pronunciation of extensive. If you have found it useful, please don't forget to like and share it with your friends. Also, feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions or suggestions for future articles. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more interesting language-related content! I'm your editor and I hope to see you here again soon. Remember, learning never ends. Keep exploring and expanding your knowledge!
