
生活学习2024-02-12 14:05:33自考教育网



1. 英式发音:[ɪkˈstensɪv]

2. 美式发音:[ɪkˈstensɪv]


3. 音标解读:

- [ɪ]:元音i的短音,舌尖抵住上齿,嘴唇微微张开。

- [k]:辅音k的清音,舌尖抵住上颚,嘴唇放松。

- [ˈ]:重读符号,表示重读前面的音节。

- [s]:辅音s的清音,舌尖抵住上齿,气流从牙间挤出。

- [t]:辅音t的清音,舌尖抵住上颚,气流从牙间挤出。

- [n]:辅音n的鼻音,舌尖抵住上颚,气流从鼻腔通过。

- [v]:辅音v的浊音,舌尖抵住下齿龈,气流从口腔中间挤出。

4. 发声顺序:




5. 注意事项:

- 发音时要保持舌头放松,不要用力过猛;

- 发出的气流要均匀,不要有停顿或断续的感觉;

- 重复练习几次,直到能够流畅地发出正确的发音



1. 数量大的,广泛的


2. 影响深远的


3. 广泛涉及多方面的


4. 大量的,充足的


1. 什么是extensive


2. extensive的用法

- 用作形容词,修饰名词时,“extensive”通常放在名词前面,例如:an extensive study(一项广泛的研究)、extensive knowledge(广博的知识)。

- 也可以用来修饰动词,表示“大量的、深入的”,例如:conduct an extensive investigation(进行大量调查)、have an extensive conversation(进行深入交谈)。

3. extensive的例句

- The company has an extensive network of stores across the country.(这家公司在全国有着广泛的店铺网络。)

- She has extensive experience in the field of marketing.(她在市场营销领域有着丰富的经验。)

- The police conducted an extensive search for the missing child.(警方对失踪儿童进行了大规模搜寻。)

- They had an extensive discussion about the new project.(他们就新项目进行了深入讨论。)


1. Extensive research: 广泛的研究

2. Extensive knowledge: 广博的知识

3. Extensive experience: 丰富的经验

4. Extensive use: 广泛使用

5. Extensive range: 广泛范围

6. Extensive network: 广泛的网络

7. Extensive coverage: 广泛覆盖

8. Extensive training: 全面培训

9. Extensive study: 深入研究

10. Extensive portfolio: 大量作品集

11. Extensive damage: 大范围损害

12. Extensive resources: 充足的资源

13. Extensive analysis: 全面分析

14. Extensive vocabulary: 丰富的词汇量

15. Extensive reading: 大量阅读

16. Extensive renovation: 大规模翻新

17.Extensively used in:广泛应用于...

18.Extensively researched:广泛研究过...

19.Extensively covered:广泛报道...

20.Extensively discussed:广泛讨论过


1. Comprehensive

- Definition: covering a large amount or range; inclusive; thorough

- Example: The research paper provided a comprehensive analysis of the topic.

2. Extensive

- Definition: covering a large area or scope; wide-ranging

- Example: The company has an extensive network of branches across the country.

3. Vast

- Definition: very large in size, amount, or extent; immense

- Example: The desert is home to vast stretches of sand dunes.

4. Broad

- Definition: having a wide range or scope; comprehensive

- Example: The seminar covered broad topics related to the field of medicine.

5. Widespread

- Definition: existing or happening over a large area or among many people

- Example: The news of the pandemic has caused widespread panic among the citizens.

6. Far-reaching

- Definition: having a wide influence or effect; extensive

- Example: The new policy will have far-reaching consequences for the economy.

7. Inclusive

- Definition: including all aspects or elements; comprehensive

- Example: The report provided an inclusive overview of the company's financial performance.

8. Encompassing

- Definition: including all aspects or elements within its scope; comprehensive

Example: The book offers an encompassing view of the history of art.

9. All-encompassing

- Definition: including everything; comprehensive and all-inclusive

Example: The project aims to create an all-encompassing solution for sustainable energy production.

10. Broad-ranging

- Definition: covering a wide variety of subjects or topics; comprehensive and diverse

Example: The conference featured broad-ranging discussions on global issues such as climate change and poverty alleviation

