
生活学习2024-02-12 14:14:25自考教育网




1. 外部的拼音为"èkstərnəl"

2. "external"一词来自拉丁语的词根"externus",意为“外部的”或“来自外部的”

3. 在英语中,"external"一词可以作形容词或名词使用,形容词意为“外部的”或“外面的”,名词意为“外部因素”或“外界”

4. 在翻译解释行业中,"external"通常用来描述某一事物与外界或环境的关系,例如:"external factors"(外部因素)、"external environment"(外界环境)等

5. "external"也可以指代某一事物与内部成分相对立的一面,例如:"external conflict"(内在冲突)

6. 在计算机领域中,"external"通常用来表示外接设备或存储器,例如:"external hard drive"(外接硬盘)、"external memory"(外存储器)等

7. "external"也可以用来修饰某一事物的特性或属性,例如:"external appearance"(外表)、"external influence"(外在影响)等

8. 总结:英语单词"external"的拼音为èkstərnəl,在翻译解释行业中常用来描述某一事物与外界关系、内在对立面、计算机设备等


1. 外部的意思:external一词来自拉丁语,意为“外部的”,是一个形容词。

2. 读音:external的发音为/ɪkˈstɜːnl/,其中第一个字母i发音为/i/,而不是/e/,这是一个常见的错误。

3. 口语表达:如果你想要用更加口语化的方式来表达external这个词,可以说成“eks-TURN-al”,这样更符合年轻人的习惯。

4. 转换成名词:除了作为形容词使用外,external也可以转换成名词,表示“外部因素”或者“外部条件”等含义。

5. 举例说明:比如说,在一场比赛中,我们经常会听到教练或者球员提到“外部因素”的影响,指的就是比赛之外的各种因素。

6. 幽默解释:如果把external拆分开来看,ex-ternal可以理解为“前任(ex)+太烦人(eternal)”,有点幽默的意味在里面。当然这只是玩笑话,并不代表实际含义


1. External的含义


2. External作为形容词


例句1:The external environment of the company is constantly changing.


例句2:Her external beauty is only a small part of her charm.


3. External作为名词


例句1:The external of the building has been renovated.


例句2:He was more focused on his external appearance than his inner qualities.


4. External与其他单词搭配使用


例句1:External factors影响因素

例句2:External appearance外表

例句3:External environment外部环境

例句4:External source外部来源

例句5:External influence外界影响

5. External的近义词和反义词


近义词:outer, outside, exterior

反义词:internal, inner

6. External在语言学中的用法


External is an English word meaning "outside". It is often used to describe things or people related to the outside world. It can be used as an adjective or a noun, depending on the sentence structure and context. Below are some bilingual examples to explain the usage of external.

2. External as an adjective

As an adjective, external usually refers to things or characteristics that are not directly related to the internal. It can modify nouns or be used as a predicate.

Example 1: The external environment of the company is constantly changing.


Example 2: Her external beauty is only a small part of her charm.


3. External as a noun

As a noun, external refers to the outer part of something or someone. It can refer to concrete objects or abstract concepts.

Example 1: The exterior of the building has been renovated.


Example 2: He was more focused on his external appearance than his inner qualities.


4. Collocations with external

External is often used in collocation with other words to enhance accuracy and richness of expression. Below are some common collocations.

Example 1: External factors


Example 2: External appearance


Example 3: External environment


Example 4: External source


Example 5: External influence


5. Synonyms and antonyms of external

To better understand external, we can also look at its synonyms and antonyms.

Synonyms: outer, outside, exterior

Antonyms: internal, inner

6. Usage of external in linguistics

In addition to its general usage, external also has a specific meaning in linguistics. It refers to the relationship between a phoneme or linguistic unit and other units. For example, in the pronunciation of a word, there is an external relationship between consonants and vowels.

7. Conclusion

In summary, external is a common English word that can be used as an adjective or a noun. It usually refers to things or characteristics that are not directly related to the internal and often collocates with other words. It also has a specific meaning in linguistics. Through the above introduction, I believe you now have a deeper understanding of external


1. External factors: 外部因素,指影响某一情况或结果的外在因素。

2. External resources: 外部资源,指可以利用的外部资源,如人力、物力等。

3. External environment: 外部环境,指影响某一组织或个人生存和发展的外在条件。

4. External communication: 外部沟通,指与外部个体或组织进行交流和沟通。

5. External audit: 外部审计,指由独立第三方对公司财务报表进行审核和评估。

6. External debt: 外债,指国家或企业从国外获得的贷款或债券。

7. External trade: 对外贸易,指国家与其他国家之间的商品和服务交易活动。

8. External appearance: 外表,指一个人或物品的外观特征。

9. External influence: 外部影响力,指来自外界对个人或组织产生的影响。

10. External linkages: 外部联系,指与其他组织或个人建立关系和合作


1. Outside

- This word can be used as a synonym for external when referring to something that is located on the outside or exterior of something else.

- Example: The external walls of the building were covered in beautiful ivy.

2. Exterior

- Similar to outside, exterior can also be used to describe something that is located on the outer surface or boundary of something else.

- Example: The external appearance of the house was deceiving, as the interior was completely modernized.

3. Outer

- This word is often used to describe something that is situated on the outside or outer part of an object or place.

- Example: The external layer of the earth's atmosphere is known as the exosphere.

4. Outward

- When referring to something that is external, outward can be used to emphasize its position or direction away from a central point.

- Example: The company's focus was primarily outward, expanding their business internationally.

5. Surface

- This word can be used as a synonym for external when describing something that is visible or accessible from the outside.

- Example: The external surface of the car was scratched and dented from years of use.

6. Superficial

- Similar to surface, superficial can also be used to describe something that is located on or affecting only the outer layer or surface.

- Example: Her beauty was only superficial, as she lacked depth and intelligence.

7. Peripheral

- When referring to something that is external, peripheral can be used to describe its position on the edge or outskirts of a larger entity.

- Example: The external regions of the country were less developed and lacked access to basic resources.

8. Outlying

- This word can be used as a synonym for external when describing something that is situated far from a central point or main area.

- Example: The company's outlying offices were struggling financially compared to their main headquarters.

9. Extraneous

- Similar to outlying, extraneous can also be used to describe something that is not essential or relevant to the main subject or purpose.

- Example: The external factors of the economy had a negative impact on the company's profits.

10. Foreign

- This word can be used as a synonym for external when referring to something that is from or related to a different country or culture.

- Example: The external influences of Western culture were evident in their traditional cuisine.

11. Alien

- Similar to foreign, alien can also be used to describe something that is unfamiliar or different from what is considered normal or natural.

- Example: The external force of nature caused chaos and destruction in the small town.

12. Independent

- When referring to something that is external, independent can be used to describe its autonomy or detachment from a larger entity.

- Example: The company's external consultants provided an unbiased perspective on their business strategies.

13. Outward-bound

- This word can be used as a synonym for external when describing something that is directed away from a central point or moving towards the outside.

- Example: The ship's outward-bound voyage was marked by rough seas and stormy weather.

14. Exteriorized

- Similar to outward-bound, exteriorized can also be used to describe something that has been made visible or apparent on the outside.

- Example: The artist's emotions were exteriorized through his abstract paintings.

15. Outmost

- When referring to something that is external, outmost can be used to describe its position furthest away from a central point.

- Example: The outmost layer of the earth's atmosphere is known as the thermosphere

