
生活学习2024-02-12 14:57:09自考教育网



The pronunciation of extruder

1. What is the meaning of extruder?

Extruder is a noun that refers to a machine used for shaping or forming materials by forcing them through a die or nozzle under pressure. It can also refer to a person who operates this machine.

2. How to pronounce extruder?

The word "extruder" is pronounced as /ɪkˈstruːdər/ in British English and /ɛkˈstrudər/ in American English. It has three syllables with the stress on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for extruder

Some synonyms for extruder include:

- Shaper: a machine used for shaping materials by forcing them through a die or nozzle.

- Former: a machine that forms materials into specific shapes by applying pressure.

- Molder: a machine that molds or shapes materials into desired forms.

- Press: a device that applies pressure to shape or form materials.

4. Examples of using extruder in sentences

- The factory installed new extruders to increase production efficiency.

- The plastic pellets are fed into the extruder and melted before being shaped into pipes.

- The operator carefully adjusts the settings on the extruder to achieve the desired product shape.

- The company invested in state-of-the-art extruders to keep up with market demands.

5. Tips for using extruder

When using "extruder" as a noun, it is important to remember that it refers to both the machine and the person operating it. Therefore, it is correct to say "the operator of the extruder" instead of "the operator of an extruder." Additionally, make sure to stress the second syllable when pronouncing it.

In conclusion, "extruder" is a versatile word with multiple meanings and uses. It is commonly used in industries such as manufacturing, construction, and engineering. Knowing its pronunciation, synonyms, and usage can help improve your understanding and communication in these fields

Is extruder an idiom?

1. Introduction to Extruder

Extruder is a noun that refers to a machine used to produce continuous lengths of material with a defined cross-section, also known as extrusion. It is commonly used in industries such as plastic, food, and pharmaceuticals for shaping raw materials into various forms.

2. Meaning of "Extruder"

The term "extruder" comes from the Latin word "extrudere", which means "to thrust out". In simple terms, an extruder works by pushing a material through a die to create a specific shape or form. It is often used in conjunction with other machines, such as mixers and grinders, to create the desired end product.

3. How to Pronounce "Extruder"

The correct pronunciation of "extruder" is [ik-stru-der], with the emphasis on the second syllable. The "-er" at the end is pronounced like the word "her", not like the word "hurt".

4. Synonyms for Extruder

There are several synonyms for extruder, including:

- Molding machine: This refers to any machine that shapes raw materials into specific forms.

- Press: This term can be used interchangeably with extruder when referring to machines that squeeze or force materials through a die.

- Extrusion press: This term specifically refers to an extrusion machine that uses high pressure to push materials through a die.

5. Examples of Extruders in Use

Some common examples of extruders include:

- Plastic extruders: These machines are used in the production of plastic products such as pipes, tubes, and sheets.

- Food extruders: These are often used in the production of snacks such as cereal and pasta.

- Pharmaceutical extruders: These machines are used in the production of pills and capsules.

6. Is Extruder an Idiom?

No, extruder is not an idiom. It is a technical term used in industries that involve shaping raw materials into specific forms. It is not commonly used in everyday language and does not have a figurative meaning.

7. Conclusion

In summary, extruder is a machine used in various industries for shaping raw materials into specific forms. It is not an idiom and should be pronounced as [ik-stru-der]. Some synonyms for extruder include molding machine, press, and extrusion press

Usage and examples of extruder


1. Extruder的含义


2. Extruder的发音

Extruder这个单词在英语中并不难读,但也有一些人会发生发音错误。正确的发音应该是 [ikˈstruːdər] ,其中重点在于第二个音节“stru”的发音。如果你想更准确地掌握它的发音,在网上可以找到很多相关视频进行学习。

3. Extruder的同义词

除了extruder,还有一些其他的单词也可以用来表示这个设备。比如,你可以用“extrusion machine”、“extruding press”、“molding machine”等来替代它。这些同义词在不同的场合下也会有略微不同的用法,但总体意思都是相同的。

4. Extruder的实际应用


- 在塑料制品生产过程中,extruder通常会和其他设备一起使用,比如模具、冷却机等。它们共同作用可以将塑料原料加工成各种形状的产品。

- 除了塑料制品,extruder也被广泛应用于食品加工行业。比如,在制作膨化食品时,就需要使用到挤出机来将原料挤压成型。

- 在3D打印领域,也有一些专门设计的extruder设备。它们可以将熔融态的塑料材料通过喷嘴挤出到指定位置上,从而实现3D打印效果

Antonyms and synonyms of extruder

1. Antonyms of extruder

- Inserter: A machine that inserts or places objects into a larger object or material.

- Expeller: A machine that extracts or removes material from a larger object.

- Ejector: A device that pushes or throws objects out of a larger object.

- Discharger: A machine that releases or unloads material from a larger object.

2. Synonyms of extruder

- Molder: A machine that shapes or forms materials into a specific shape.

- Presser: A device that applies pressure to materials to change their shape.

- Former: A machine that molds or forms materials into a desired shape.

- Shaper: A tool or machine used to give materials a specific form.

3. Example sentences:

- The company uses an extruder to create plastic pipes for their products.

- The extruder is an essential part of the manufacturing process for this type of product.

- The new model of the extruder has improved efficiency and accuracy in shaping materials.

- The factory has multiple extruders to meet the high demand for their products

Explanation of extruder

1. Definition of extruder

Extruder is a mechanical device used in the process of manufacturing to create objects with a fixed cross-sectional profile. It works by pushing or pulling a material through a shaped opening to create a continuous form.

2. Pronunciation of extruder

The word "extruder" is pronounced as /ɪkˈstruːdər/ or ik-STROO-der.

3. Synonyms for extruder

- Extrusion machine: This is another term commonly used to refer to an extruder.

- Extruding press: This term is often used in the metalworking industry to describe an extrusion machine.

- Extruding machine: This is another synonym for an extruder, especially in the plastic industry.

4. Examples of extruders

There are various types of extruders used in different industries, such as:

- Plastic extruders: These are used to produce plastic products like pipes, tubes, and sheets.

- Food extruders: These are used to produce food products like pasta, cereals, and snacks.

- Metal extruders: These are used to shape metals into various forms for industrial use.

5. How does an extruder work?

An extruder works by feeding raw material into a hopper at one end and then using a screw mechanism to push the material through a die at the other end. The die determines the shape and size of the final product.

6. Types of extruders

Depending on the industry and materials being processed, there are different types of extruders available, including:

- Single screw extruders: These have one screw that rotates within a barrel to push materials through the die.

- Twin screw extruders: These have two screws that work together to mix and push materials through the die.

- Ram type or plunger type extruders: These use a ram or plunger to push materials through the die.

- Co-extruders: These have multiple extruders working together to produce a final product with different layers.

7. Advantages of using an extruder

- High production speed: Extruders can produce large quantities of products quickly, making them ideal for mass production.

- Versatility: They can process a wide range of materials, including plastics, metals, and food products.

- Cost-effective: Extruders are cost-effective in terms of both initial investment and maintenance costs.

- Consistency: The continuous process of extrusion ensures consistent quality and dimensions of the final product.

8. In conclusion

An extruder is a versatile mechanical device used in various industries to produce products with a fixed cross-sectional profile. It works by pushing or pulling materials through a die to create a continuous form. With its high production speed, versatility, and cost-effectiveness, the extruder has become an essential tool in modern manufacturing processes

