
生活学习2024-02-12 15:55:36自考教育网






除了上述含义外,faceoff还有一些同义词可供选择。比如,“confrontation”(对抗)、“clash”(冲突)、 “competition”(竞争)等。例如,“The faceoff between the two teams was intense.”(两队之间的对峙非常激烈。)


1. faceoff的发音为/feɪs ɒf/,其中“face”的发音为/feɪs/,意为“面孔”,而“off”的发音为/ɒf/,意为“关闭”。

2. faceoff的读法可以简单理解为“面对面对决”,也可以用其他形象的表达来描述,比如“对峙”、“交锋”等。

3. faceoff的同义词包括:confrontation、clash、showdown等。

4. 例句:

- The faceoff between the two teams was intense and exciting.


- The politician faced off against his opponent in a heated debate.


- The faceoff between the boss and the employee ended in a compromise.



1. faceoff的意思是什么?


2. faceoff怎么读?


3. faceoff的同义词有哪些?

Faceoff的同义词包括:confrontation, showdown, confrontation, contest等。

4. faceoff的例句及翻译

(1) The game began with a faceoff between the two teams.


(2) The two leaders had a heated faceoff during the meeting.


5. 双语例句

(1) The coach called for a timeout after losing the faceoff.


(2) The final faceoff between the two candidates will determine the outcome of the election


1. Confrontation

- Definition: a situation in which people or groups oppose each other and compete for control or influence

- Example sentence: The faceoff between the two political parties is getting more intense as the election approaches.

2. Showdown

- Definition: a decisive confrontation or contest

- Example sentence: The faceoff between the two rival companies will determine who will dominate the market.

3. Clash

- Definition: a conflict or disagreement between people, ideas, or interests

- Example sentence: The faceoff between the protesters and the police turned into a violent clash.

4. Duel

- Definition: a formal fight between two people using weapons, especially swords, to settle a quarrel or challenge

- Example sentence: The faceoff between the two knights was eagerly awaited by the audience.

5. Confronting

- Definition: facing someone or something in a challenging or hostile way

- Example sentence: The faceoff with her boss about her promotion was nerve-wracking but necessary.

6. Challenge

- Definition: an invitation to compete in a game, contest, or conflict; also, an objection or dispute that tests one's abilities and determination

- Example sentence: The faceoff with the reigning champion was seen as a major challenge for the underdog team.

7. Standoff

- Definition: a deadlock or impasse in which neither side can make progress; also, an act of defiance towards authority figures

- Example sentence: The faceoff between the government and protesters resulted in a tense standoff.

8. Encounter

- Definition: an unexpected meeting or confrontation with someone or something

- Example sentence: The faceoff with her ex-boyfriend at the party was awkward but civil.

9. Opposition

- Definition: resistance against someone or something; also, political parties that are not in power

- Example sentence: The faceoff between supporters and opponents of the new policy led to a heated debate.

10. Rivalry

- Definition: competition or antagonism between individuals, groups, or organizations striving for the same objective

- Example sentence: The faceoff between the two basketball teams has been ongoing for years, with each side determined to win


1. Faceoff - 比赛开始时双方球队中心球员在中线圆圈内争球的动作

2. Drop the puck - 开始比赛,裁判员将冰球放在中线圆圈上,双方球员争抢控制冰球的动作

3. Puck drop - 冰球开始比赛的动作

4. Face-to-face - 面对面地站立或交流

5. Confrontation - 对峙,冲突

6. Showdown - 对决,较量

7. Duel - 决斗,一对一的较量

8. Clash - 冲突,碰撞

9. Battle - 战斗,搏斗

10. Challenge - 挑战,挑衅

11. Faceoff specialist - 擅长争抢比赛开始时冰球控制权的中锋球员

12. Centerman - 中锋球员,负责发起进攻和防守的重要位置之一

13. Wingmen - 边锋球员,在进攻和防守时与中锋协同配合的位置之一

14. Defensemen - 后卫球员,在防守时负责保护本方门将和阻止对方进攻的位置之一

15. Goalie/Goaltender/Netminder/Tender- 守门员,负责保护本方球门不被对方得分

16. Offense - 进攻,得分的行为或能力

17. Defense - 防守,阻止对方得分的行为或能力

18. Power play - 有优势场地位置时的进攻机会,通常是因为对方球员被罚出场外

19. Penalty kill - 在本方球员被罚出场外时,防守对方进攻的行为或能力

20. Fast break - 快速反击,利用对手失误或不利局面进行快速进攻

21. Faceoff circle - 中线圆圈,比赛开始时双方球员争抢冰球控制权的区域

22. Neutral zone - 中立区域,位于两个球门之间的区域,在比赛中起到连接进攻和防守的作用

23. Offensive zone - 进攻区域,在比赛中负责发起进攻和得分的区域

24. Defensive zone - 防守区域,在比赛中负责保护本方球门不被对手得分的区域

25. Blue line/red line/center line/goal line - 蓝线/红线/中线/球门线,在冰上标示不同区域边界的线条

26. Stickhandling - 操纵冰球杆控制冰球的技巧

27. Deke/dangle - 假动作,用来欺骗对手的技巧

28. Backhand/Forehand - 反手/正手,击球时冰球杆的不同位置

29. Slap shot - 冰球杆在空中猛击冰球的一种进攻射门方式

30. Wrist shot - 冰球杆在地面上快速推出冰球的一种进攻射门方式

