
生活学习2024-02-12 16:07:54自考教育网



The pronunciation of facile

1. Introduction to the word "facile"

The word "facile" comes from the Latin word "facilis" meaning "easy" or "easily done". It is often used to describe something that is effortless, simple, or uncomplicated.

2. Pronunciation of "facile"

In English, the word "facile" is pronounced as /ˈfæsəl/ with the stress on the first syllable. The first syllable is pronounced with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by a soft 's' sound and ending with a short 'l' sound.

3. Variations in pronunciation

Depending on the speaker's accent, there may be slight variations in the pronunciation of "facile". For example, some speakers may pronounce it as /ˈfæsɪl/ with a short 'i' sound instead of a short 'a' sound. However, both pronunciations are considered acceptable.

4. Similar words

There are some words that have a similar pronunciation to "facile", such as "fascial", which is pronounced as /ˈfeɪʃəl/ and means relating to or affecting fascia (a thin layer of connective tissue). Another similar word is "fossil", which is pronounced as /ˈfɒsl/ and refers to the remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form.

5. Usage and meaning

The word "facile" can be used as an adjective to describe something that is easy or effortless to do, understand, or achieve. For example:

- The instructions were so facile that even a child could follow them.

- She has a facile mind and can grasp complex concepts easily.

- His argument was too facile and lacked depth.

6. Common collocations

Here are some common collocations (words that are often used together) with "facile":

- facile solution/approach/answer: an easy or simplistic solution, approach, or answer

- facile argument/explanation: a weak or superficial argument or explanation

- facile smile/manner: an insincere or superficial smile or manner

7. Synonyms and antonyms

Some synonyms (words with similar meanings) of "facile" include effortless, simple, uncomplicated, and facile. On the other hand, some antonyms (words with opposite meanings) of "facile" are difficult, complex, challenging, and hard.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, the word "facile" is pronounced as /ˈfæsəl/ in English and means easy or effortless. It can be used to describe something that is simple or uncomplicated. Remember to use this word carefully and avoid using it in an insincere or superficial manner

How to read facile

1. 理解facile的基本含义


2. 掌握facile在不同语境中的用法

作为一个形容词,facile可以用来修饰名词或代词,在句子中通常位于被修饰词的前面。例如,“She has a facile mind.”(她头脑灵活),“His facile excuses didn't convince me.”(他轻易编造的借口并没有说服我)。

3. 了解facile与其他形容词的区别


4. 举例说明facile的使用场景

在日常生活中,我们可以遇到很多与facile相关的场景。比如,我们可以说“Learning a new language is not facile, but with enough practice, it can be done.”(学习一门新语言并不容易,但是通过足够的练习,是可以做到的)。又比如,在评论一个电影时,我们可以说“The plot of this movie is too facile and predictable.”(这部电影的情节太过简单和可预测)。

5. 注意facile可能带来的负面含义

虽然facile通常被用来形容某件事情或人的轻松性质,但有时候它也可能带来一些负面含义。比如,在描述一个人时,如果说他“too facile”,就可能暗指他缺乏深度和认真性;如果说某件事情“too facile”,也可能表示它缺乏挑战性和创意性。


Usage and examples of facile

Facile is a word that originates from the Latin word "facilis" meaning "easy" or "easily done". In English, facile is used to describe something that is easily accomplished or achieved without much effort. It can also refer to something that is superficially simplistic or lacking depth.


1. Facile can be used as an adjective to describe a task, process or activity that is easy to do. For example, "The instructions were so facile that even a child could follow them."

2. It can also be used to describe someone who has a natural aptitude for something, making it effortless for them. For instance, "She has a facile mind for mathematics."

3. In literary terms, facile can be used to describe writing or speech that is too simplistic and lacks depth or complexity. For example, "The author's facile writing style made the novel predictable and uninteresting."

4. In politics, facile can be used to criticize someone who presents overly simplistic solutions to complex problems. For instance, "The politician's facile promises may sound appealing but lack practicality."


1. The new software has a user-friendly interface, making it facile for even non-technical users to operate.

2. The artist's paintings may seem facile at first glance, but upon closer examination, one can see the intricate details and layers of meaning.

3. The company's success was not due to some facile strategy but rather years of hard work and dedication.

4. The politician's campaign slogans were deemed as too facile by many experts in the field.

In conclusion, facile is a versatile word with various uses in different contexts. Whether it refers to something easy or simplistic, it always conveys the idea of simplicity and ease. However, one should be cautious when using this word as it can also carry negative connotations of being shallow or lacking depth

Phrases with facile

1. Facile definition: This phrase describes the meaning of "facile" as something that is easy to do or understand. It can also refer to someone who is able to do something with ease and without much effort.

2. Facile synonym: This phrase refers to words that have a similar meaning to "facile," such as effortless, simple, uncomplicated, and straightforward.

3. Facile antonym: This phrase refers to words that have the opposite meaning of "facile," such as difficult, challenging, complex, and complicated.

4. Facile use in a sentence: This phrase provides examples of how "facile" can be used in a sentence, such as "She has a facile way of solving problems" or "The instructions were written in a facile manner."

5. Facile origin: This phrase explains the origin of the word "facile," which comes from the Latin word "facilis" meaning easy or manageable.

6. Facile in literature: This phrase discusses how "facile" has been used in literature, either as a description of something easy or as a criticism for something lacking depth or complexity.

7. Facile in everyday life: This phrase explores how we encounter "facile" in our daily lives, whether it's through tasks that are easy to accomplish or people who seem to effortlessly excel at something.

8. Facile vs facilely: This phrase explains the difference between using "facile" as an adjective (describing something) and using it as an adverb (describing how an action is done).

9. False facile: This phrase refers to when something appears easy on the surface but is actually more complex or difficult upon closer examination.

10. Overly facile: This phrase describes when someone does something too easily without putting much thought or effort into it, often leading to superficial results.

11. Faux facile: This phrase refers to something that is falsely or deceptively easy, often used to describe something that appears simple but is actually quite challenging.

12. Facile solutions: This phrase discusses the concept of "facile solutions," which are quick and easy fixes that may not address the root of a problem.

13. Facile thinking: This phrase refers to a superficial or simplistic way of thinking, often criticized for lacking depth or critical analysis.

14. Facile arguments: This phrase describes arguments that are too simplistic or shallow, lacking in evidence or logical reasoning.

15. Facile language: This phrase refers to language that is too simple or easy, often used in a derogatory manner to criticize someone's communication skills.

16. Facile attitude: This phrase describes someone who has an overly optimistic or carefree attitude towards life, often seen as being unrealistic or naive.

17. Facile charm: This phrase refers to someone who has an effortless charm and charisma, making it easy for them to win people over.

18. Facile personality: This phrase describes someone who is able to adapt easily and effortlessly in different situations, often seen as being adaptable and flexible.

19. Facile victory: This phrase refers to a victory that was achieved with little effort or difficulty, often used in sports or competitions.

20. The danger of facile thinking: This phrase discusses the potential negative consequences of relying on facile thinking, such as oversimplifying complex issues and missing important details

Synonym examples for facile

1. Effortless - 容易的,不费力的。例如:The task was completed effortlessly by the team.

2. Simple - 简单的,易懂的。例如:The instructions were simple and easy to follow.

3. Easy - 容易的,轻松的。例如:She found it easy to learn the new software.

4. Uncomplicated - 不复杂的,简单明了的。例如:The process was uncomplicated and quick.

5. Straightforward - 直截了当的,简单明了的。例如:The solution to the problem was straightforward.

6. Smooth - 顺利的,不费力的。例如:The transition to the new system was smooth and efficient.

7. Effortless - 毫不费力地,轻而易举地。例如:He completed the task effortlessly, showing his expertise.

8. Painless - 轻松愉快的,毫无痛苦的。例如:With this new technology, the process became painless and efficient.

9. Simple-minded - 愚蠢简单的,头脑简单的。例如:His simple-minded approach made solving the problem seem effortless.

10. Easy-peasy - 非常容易做到,轻而易举。例如:With this new tool, completing the task is easy-peasy!

