
生活学习2024-02-12 17:46:07自考教育网




1. faith的定义


2. faith的同义词


3. faith的发音


4. faith作为名词的用法

a. 表示对某人或某事物的坚定信念或相信:She has great faith in her abilities.

b. 表示宗教上对神或宗教教义的虔诚和忠心:His faith in God never wavers.

c. 表示对某种理论或观点的坚定认可:I have lost my faith in the government's ability to solve this problem.

5. faith作为动词的用法

a. 表示相信或信任某人或某事物:I have always faithed in you.

b. 表示遵循或信守某种信仰或原则:She faithfully follows the teachings of her religion.

c. 表示承诺或保证:He faithed to keep his promise.

6. faith的例句

a. She has unshakable faith in her husband's love for her.


b. His faith in humanity was restored after witnessing an act of kindness.


c. As a doctor, I have to have faith in my patients' recovery.




1. faith的读音


2. faith的含义


3. faith的同义词

- belief:表示相信某种事物或理论,也可以指宗教上的信仰。

- trust:强调基于个人经验和感觉而建立起来的信任。

- confidence:指对自己或他人能力的坚定信心。

- conviction:表示深刻的坚定信念。

4. faith在句子中的用法示例

- He has faith in his team and believes they will win the game.


- My grandmother has a strong faith in God and attends church every Sunday.


- The success of any relationship depends on mutual trust and faith.


5. 其他相关表达方式

- keep the faith:保持信念、坚定不移

- lose faith:失去信心、失去信仰

- have faith in:对...有信心、相信...

faith是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思包括“信念、信心”等,可以指对某种事物或人的坚定信任和依赖,也可以指宗教信仰中对神灵的虔诚和忠诚。它的同义词有belief、trust、confidence和conviction等。在句子中,我们可以使用keep the faith来表示保持信念,而lose faith则表示失去信心。希望本小节能够帮助您更好地理解并正确使用faith这个单词


1. faith的意思是什么?


2. faith怎么读?


3. faith的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句1:She has a strong faith in God.


例句2:I have faith in your abilities.


5. 例句3:He lost his faith in humanity after witnessing the war.


例句4:The team's victory restored the fans' faith in them.


6. 英汉双语搭配:

- have faith in 对...有信心

- keep the faith 坚持信念

- lose one's faith 失去信念

- restore one's faith 恢复信心


1. Keep the faith: 保持信念,坚持不懈

例句:No matter how tough things get, we must keep the faith and believe that everything will work out in the end.

2. Blind faith: 盲目的信任,盲从

例句:Don't just follow blindly, use your own judgement and don't have blind faith in others.

3. Leap of faith: 冒险,冒险的行动

例句:I took a leap of faith and quit my stable job to pursue my dream of becoming an artist.

4. Faithful companion: 忠实的伴侣,忠实的朋友

例句:My dog has been my faithful companion for many years, always by my side through thick and thin.

5. Crisis of faith: 信仰危机,怀疑自己的信仰

例句:After experiencing a personal tragedy, she went through a crisis of faith and questioned her beliefs.

6. Faith without works is dead: 纸上谈兵无用,只有行动才能证明一切

例句:You can say you have faith, but if you don't put in the work to make it happen, it's meaningless.

7. Keep the faith alive: 保持信仰活跃,坚定不移地相信

例句:In times of hardship, it's important to keep the faith alive and not lose hope for a better future.

8. Lose faith in someone/something: 对某人/某事失去信心

例句:After being let down multiple times, I've lost all faith in him and his promises.

9. Faithful follower: 忠实的追随者,忠实的信徒

例句:The preacher had a faithful following of devoted believers who attended every sermon.

10. Restoring faith: 恢复信心,重建信仰

例句:Through their acts of kindness and generosity, the charity organization is restoring faith in humanity


1. Belief - 信念

例如:She has a strong faith in God and believes that everything happens for a reason.

2. Trust - 信任

例如:I have complete trust in my best friend, she has never let me down.

3. Confidence - 自信

例如:With faith in oneself, anything is possible.

4. Conviction - 坚定的信念

例如:Her conviction in her abilities led her to achieve great success in her career.

5. Devotion - 奉献、热爱

例如:Their faith and devotion to their religion is evident in their daily prayers and rituals.

6. Loyalty - 忠诚

例如:He showed his loyalty to his country by serving in the military for many years.

7. Allegiance - 忠诚、效忠

例如:The soldiers swore their allegiance to the king and promised to defend their kingdom until their last breath.

8. Fidelity - 忠诚、忠实

例如:Their marriage was built on love, trust, and fidelity.

9. Credence - 信任、相信

例如:Her actions proved that she had no credence in the rumors spread about her.

10. Piety - 虔诚、虔敬

例如:The monks lived a life of piety, dedicating themselves to prayer and meditation every day

