
生活学习2024-02-12 18:49:01自考教育网




familiar的拼音是“fǎ mǐ lì ā”,听起来有点像是在调皮地唱着歌。但其实,它并不是一个人名,也不是一个乐器,更不是一种食物。那么,它到底是什么意思呢?让我们一起来探究一下吧!


1. familiar的发音


2. familiar的词性和词义

familiar是一个形容词,意为“熟悉的,常见的,亲密的”。它可以用来描述人或事物,表示某人或某事已经被认识或了解得很好。例如:“He is quite familiar with the city.”(他对这座城市非常熟悉。)

3. familiar与其它单词的搭配

a. be familiar with:意为“对……熟悉”,常用来表示某人对某事或某地方有一定程度的了解。例如:“I am not very familiar with this topic.”(我对这个话题不太熟悉。)

b. become familiar with:意为“逐渐熟悉”,强调一个过程。例如:“It takes time to become familiar with a new language.”(熟悉一门新语言需要时间。)

c. be/get/become too familiar with:意为“过于熟悉”,常用来表示某人对某物或某情况过于了解而导致不尊重或冒犯。例如:“Don't get too familiar with your boss, you still need to show respect.”(不要对你的老板太过放肆,你还需要表现出尊重。)

d. familiar face:意为“熟悉的面孔”,常用来指认识的人或熟悉的名人。例如:“I saw a familiar face at the party, but I couldn't remember his name.”(我在派对上看到一个熟悉的面孔,但我记不起他的名字了。)

4. familiar与其它单词的近义词

a. acquainted:意为“熟悉的,了解的”,强调通过接触或经验而获得知识。例如:“I am not very acquainted with this subject.”(我对这个主题不是很了解。)

b. well-known:意为“众所周知的,出名的”,强调被广泛认可或知晓。例如:“He is a well-known actor in Hollywood.”(他是好莱坞一个出名的演员。)

c. intimate:意为“亲密的,私人的”,强调关系紧密或私密性质。例如:“They have been intimate friends since childhood.”(他们从小就是很亲密的朋友。)

5. familiar与其它单词的反义词

a. unfamiliar:意为“陌生的,不熟悉的”,常用来表示某人或某事物对自己来说是新的或未知的。例如:“I feel very unfamiliar with this city, it's my first time here.”(我对这个城市感到很陌生,这是我第一次来这里。)

b. strange:意为“奇怪的,陌生的”,强调与平常不同或不熟悉。例如:“This place looks strange to me, I have never been here before.”(这个地方对我来说很陌生,我以前从未来过。)

6. 用法提示

a. familiar作为形容词,后面通常接介词with和to,表示“熟悉的”。例如:“I am not familiar with this place.”(我对这个地方不熟悉。) “She is familiar to me.”(她对我来说很熟悉。)

b. 在口语中,familiar也可以用作名词,意为“亲密朋友”,常用于复数形式familiars。例如:“He invited all his familiars to the party.”(他邀请了所有他的亲密朋友参加派对。)

7. 派生词

a. familiarity:名词,意为“熟悉,亲密”,表示程度比较深厚的关系或了解程度。例如:“Their familiarity with each other surprised everyone.”(他们之间的亲密关系让大家都感到惊讶。)

b. familiarize:动词,意为“使熟悉,使熟知”,常用于被动语态。例如:“I was quickly familiarized with the company's rules and regulations.”(我很快就熟悉了公司的规章制度。)

8. 例句

a. I am not familiar with this neighborhood, can you give me directions to the nearest store?

b. He is very familiar with Chinese culture, he has been studying it for years.

c. Don't get too familiar with your new colleagues, it's important to maintain a professional relationship.

d. The famous singer was surrounded by her familiars at the event.

e. I feel quite unfamiliar with this topic, can you explain it in simpler terms?

f. This strange city quickly became familiar to me after I moved here.

g. It takes time to become familiarized with a new job and its responsibilities


1. familiar的含义


2. familiar作形容词使用

a. 熟悉的:She looks familiar to me.(她看起来很面熟。)

b. 亲密的:We are on familiar terms with each other.(我们彼此很亲密。)

c. 常见的:It is a familiar sight in this city.(这个城市常见这样的景象。)

3. familiar作副词使用

a. 熟悉地:He spoke to me in a very familiar tone.(他用一种很熟悉的语气跟我说话。)

b. 亲切地:The teacher greeted her students with a smile, making them feel very familiar and welcome.(老师微笑着向学生们问好,让他们感到很亲切和受欢迎。)

4. 双语例句

a.familiar with: 熟悉某事物

例句:I am not very familiar with this topic, could you explain it to me?(我对这个话题不太熟悉,你能给我解释一下吗?)

b.familiar to: 熟知某人/某事物

例句:The name of this restaurant is familiar to me, I have heard a lot about it.(这家餐厅的名字我很熟悉,我听说过很多关于它的事。)

c.get familiar with: 熟悉某人/某事物

例句:It takes time to get familiar with a new environment.(熟悉一个新环境需要时间。)

d.familiar face: 面熟的人

例句:When I saw her at the party, she was a familiar face in the crowd.(在派对上见到她时,她在人群中是一张面熟的脸。)

e.familiar territory: 熟悉的领域

例句:As a language model AI, talking about English is my familiar territory.(作为一个语言模型AI,谈论英语是我熟悉的领域。)


1. be familiar with - 熟悉,了解

2. familiar face - 熟悉的面孔

3. familiar territory - 熟悉的领域

4. too familiar - 过于熟悉的

5. become familiar with - 逐渐熟悉

6. very familiar - 非常熟悉的

7. make oneself familiar with - 让自己熟悉

8. feel familiar - 感觉熟悉的

9. be on familiar terms with - 与某人关系亲近

10. get too familiar with - 过于亲近某人

11. keep things familiar - 保持熟悉感觉

12. a sense of familiarity - 熟悉感觉

13. become more and more familiar with - 越来越熟悉

14. strikingly familiar - 引人注目的熟悉感觉

15. a touch of familiarity - 一丝熟悉感觉


1. acquainted - 熟悉的,熟知的

例句:I am well acquainted with the city, having lived here for many years.

2. well-known - 著名的,众所周知的

例句:The actor is well-known for his role in the popular TV series.

3. conversant - 熟悉的,精通的

例句:She is conversant in three languages and can easily communicate with people from different countries.

4. comfortable - 舒适的,自在的

例句:After living in the same town for so long, I feel comfortable and familiar with all my surroundings.

5. accustomed - 习惯的,惯常的

例句:He was accustomed to working long hours and did not mind the overtime.

6. intimate - 亲密的,私下的

例句:We have an intimate knowledge of each other's thoughts and feelings.

7. recognizable - 可识别的,可辨认的

例句:Even after all these years, her voice is still recognizable to me.

8. close - 亲密的,紧密相关的

例句:They have a close relationship and are very familiar with each other's habits and preferences.

9. well-versed - 精通于,熟悉于

例句:He is well-versed in the history of this country and can provide detailed explanations on any topic related to it.

10. accustomed to - 习惯于,适应于

例句:She quickly became accustomed to the fast-paced lifestyle of the city after moving there for work

