
生活学习2024-02-12 19:09:24自考教育网



1. 词性:名词,动词,形容词


2. 词义:

- 名词:想象力,幻想;迷恋,爱好;花式,装饰

- 动词:想象,幻想;喜欢,爱好;认为,以为

- 形容词:奇特的,特别的;昂贵的,豪华的;喜欢的,钟爱的

3. 同义词:

- 名词:imagination, fantasy, craze, passion, decoration

- 动词:imagine, fantasize, like, adore, think

- 形容词:fancying, fancyful, luxurious, expensive

4. 例句:

- 名词:“She has a wild fancy for traveling to exotic places.”(她对去异国旅行有着疯狂的幻想。)

- 动词:“I fancy that I could be a great singer.”(我想象自己可以成为一名伟大的歌手。)

- 形容词:“She always wears fancy clothes to parties.”(她总是在聚会上穿着花哨的衣服。)



1. 发音


2. 读音



例如:I fancy going to the beach this weekend.(我喜欢这个周末去海滩。)


例如:She has a fancy for adventure.(她对冒险有着幻想。)

3. 同义词

fancy的同义词包括:like, enjoy, prefer(动词);imagination, fantasy, dream(名词)。


- Do you fancy going out for dinner tonight?(你今晚想出去吃晚餐吗?)

- My fancy is to travel around the world.(我的幻想是环游世界。)

4. 例句

- I fancy a cup of coffee.(我想要一杯咖啡。)

- She fancies herself as a great singer.(她自认为是个伟大的歌手。)

- He has a fancy for collecting stamps.(他对收集邮票有着爱好。)


1. fancy的意思


2. fancy的发音


3. fancy的同义词

fancy的同义词包括imagine, envision, visualize, dream等。

4. fancy的例句

- I fancy a cup of tea right now. (我现在想喝一杯茶。)

- She has a fancy for designer clothes. (她对设计师服装很感兴趣。)

- He fancies himself as a great singer. (他自认为是个伟大的歌手。)

- Do you think he fancies her? (你认为他喜欢她吗?)

5. Fancy作为动词时的用法

a) 想象、幻想:I can't even begin to fancy what it would be like to live on another planet.


b) 喜爱:She fancies him because he's rich and handsome.


c) 认为、猜测:I fancy he'll be late again. (我猜他又会迟到。)

6. Fancy作为名词时的用法

a) 奇想、幻想:He has all sorts of fanciful ideas about how to make money.


b) 想象力:As a writer, she has a great fancy for creating new worlds.


c) 爱好、喜好:My fancy is for spicy food. (我喜欢吃辣食。)

7. 双语例句

- He had a fancy that he could fly. (他幻想自己可以飞行。)

- I never fancied myself as a dancer, but I've been taking lessons and I'm actually quite good now. (我从来没有想过自己能成为一名舞者,但是我一直在学习,现在已经相当不错了。)

- She fancies her boss, but she's too shy to tell him. (她喜欢她的老板,但是太害羞了不敢告诉他。)

- Do you fancy going to the beach tomorrow? (你明天想去海滩吗?)

- The little girl's room was decorated with all sorts of fanciful things, like unicorns and rainbows. (小女孩的房间装饰着各种奇幻的东西,比如独角兽和彩虹。)


1.想象 (imagine)

例句:I fancy myself living in a big city one day.

2.喜欢 (like)

例句:She fancies the new guy in her office.

3.渴望 (desire)

例句:He fancies a life of luxury and leisure.

4.迷恋 (infatuation)

例句:She has a fancy for designer clothes and expensive jewelry.

5.热衷于 (passionate about)

例句:He is fancy about exploring new cultures and trying different foods.

6.钟爱 (cherish)

例句:They fancy their time spent together and cherish every moment.

7.心仪 (admire)

例句:She fancies him from afar, but is too shy to approach him.

8.认为 (consider)

例句:I fancy him as a reliable and trustworthy friend.

9.幻想 (fantasize)

例句:He often fancies about winning the lottery and living a lavish lifestyle.

10.崇拜 (idolize)

例句:Many young girls fancy celebrities and idolize them as role models


1. Fancy a cup of tea? - 想要一杯茶吗?

2. I have a fancy for sweets. - 我对甜食有兴趣。

3. She has a fancy for designer clothes. - 她对名牌服装很有兴趣。

4. He has a fancy car collection. - 他收藏了很多豪华汽车。

5. Do you have a fancy for adventure? - 你对冒险感兴趣吗?

6. I don't fancy the idea of going out in this weather. - 我不喜欢在这种天气下出门的想法。

7. She fancies herself as a fashion icon. - 她自认为是时尚偶像。

8. He fancies her, but she doesn't feel the same way. - 他喜欢她,但她并不感觉相同。

9. I have a fancy for Italian cuisine. - 我对意大利菜有兴趣。

10. She has expensive tastes and fancies only the best things in life. - 她品味高雅,只追求生活中最好的东西

