
生活学习2024-02-12 19:12:28自考教育网



1. fanfare的定义



2. fanfare的词源


3. fanfare在古代


4. fanfare在现代


5. fanfare的同义词


6. fanfare的例句

① The fanfare of trumpets announced the arrival of the king.


② The new product launch was accompanied by a lot of fanfare and media coverage.


③ The team's victory was greeted with a fanfare of cheers and applause.



1. fanfare的发音:[fan-fair]

2. fanfare的读法:发音为[fan-fair],其中“fan”发音类似于“凡”,“fair”发音类似于“费尔”,重音在第一个音节上。

3. fanfare的同义词:trumpet, flourish, announcement

4. fanfare的例句:

- The grand opening was accompanied by a fanfare of trumpets.


- The company's latest product was introduced with great fanfare.


- She entered the room to a fanfare of applause.



1. fanfare的意思是什么?


2. fanfare怎么读?


3. fanfare的同义词有哪些?

Fanfare的同义词包括trumpet, flourish, proclamation等。它们都指喇叭声或欢呼声,并且具有庄严、热闹、盛大等含义。

4. fanfare的例句

- The arrival of the king was announced with a fanfare of trumpets.


- The new product launch was accompanied by a lot of fanfare and media coverage.


- The team's victory was met with a fanfare of cheers from their fans.


- The restaurant opened with a lot of fanfare, but it failed to live up to the hype.


- The politician's speech was met with fanfare and applause from the audience.


5. fanfare在不同语境中的用法

- 在音乐领域,fanfare指的是一种短小精悍、欢快明亮的乐曲,常用来作为庆典或仪式上的开场音乐。

- 在商业领域,fanfare可以指一种宣传手段,用来吸引公众对某个产品或事件的关注。

- 在日常生活中,fanfare也可以用来形容某件事情被过分吹嘘和炒作。

- 在政治领域,fanfare可以指政治宣传活动或政治家在公众面前表现出来的热情和自信。



1. Trumpet call - 喇叭声

例句:The fanfare of trumpets announced the arrival of the king.

2. Flourish - 繁荣,兴旺

例句:The company's success was greeted with a fanfare of publicity.

3. Acclaim - 赞扬,喝彩

例句:The new product was met with great fanfare and acclaim from consumers.

4. Ovation - 热烈的欢迎,喝彩

例句:The singer received a standing ovation after his performance, accompanied by a fanfare of cheers.

5. Applause - 鼓掌,喝彩

例句:The audience erupted into a fanfare of applause as the actor took his final bow.

6. Praise - 赞美,赞扬

例句:The book received a fanfare of praise from critics for its unique storytelling style.

7. Commotion - 喧闹,骚动

例句:As the parade passed by, there was a fanfare of commotion in the streets.

8. Hype - 夸大宣传,炒作

例句:The new movie was released with a lot of fanfare and hype, but it failed to live up to expectations.

9. Jubilation - 欢欣鼓舞,狂喜

例句:There was a fanfare of jubilation as the team won their first championship in years.

10. Celebration - 庆祝活动,庆典

例句:The city held a grand parade with much fanfare to celebrate its 100th anniversary


1. Trumpet fanfare - 喇叭鼓声

2. Royal fanfare - 皇家鼓声

3. Military fanfare - 军乐鼓声

4. Fanfare of trumpets - 喇叭鼓声

5. Brass fanfare - 铜管乐器的鼓声

6. Grand fanfare - 盛大的鼓声

7. Festive fanfare - 节日的鼓声

8. Trumpet blast and fanfare - 喇叭吹响和鼓声

9. Fanfare of applause - 掌声的欢呼

10. Fanfare of cheers - 欢呼的欢呼

11. Loud fanfare - 响亮的鼓声

12. Triumphant fanfare - 胜利的鼓声

13. Joyful fanfare - 欢乐的鼓声

14. Regal fanfare - 帝王般的鼓声

15. Resounding fanfare - 雄浑的鼓声

16. Rousing fanfare - 激昂的鼓声

17. Majestic fanfare- 雄伟的鼓声

18. Glorious fanfare- 光荣的鼓声

19. Trumpet call and fanfare- 喇叭呐喊和欢呼

20.Fanfaronade- 夸张或夸大其词

21.Trumpet flourish and fanfares-喇叭飞扬和欢呼

22.Fanfare for the common man- 为普通人而鼓吹

23. Fanfare of trumpets and drums - 喇叭和鼓的鼓声

24. Flashy fanfare - 浮华的鼓声

25. Trumpet voluntary and fanfare - 喇叭飞扬和欢呼

26. Fanfare of trumpets and cymbals - 喇叭和钹的鼓声

27. Solemn fanfare - 庄严的鼓声

28. Trumpet blast and fanfares - 喇叭吹响和欢呼

29. Stirring fanfare - 振奋人心的鼓声

30. Trumpet call, flourish, and fanfares - 喇叭呐喊、飞扬和欢呼

31. Fanfare of trumpets and bugles- 喇叭和号角的鼓声

32. Dramatic fanfare- 戏剧性的鼓声

33. Trumpet blast, roll, and fanfares- 喇叭吹响、滚动和欢呼

34. Bold fanfare- 大胆的鼓声

35. Martial fanfare- 军事式的鼓声

36. Heroic fanfare- 英雄式的鼓声

37. Trumpet call, march, and fanfares-喇叭呐喊、行军和欢呼

38. Triumphant trumpet call and fanfares- 胜利的喇叭呼唤和欢呼

39. Grand fanfare and procession- 盛大的鼓声和游行

40. Trumpet call, flourish, and fanfares- 喇叭呐喊、飞扬和欢呼

