
生活学习2024-02-12 19:40:28自考教育网



1. faraway的拼音是"fā ā wéi"。

2. "faraway"一词由两个部分组成,"far"和"away",分别读作"fā ā"和"wéi"。


3. "far"意为“远的”,可用来形容距离遥远的事物或地点。

4. "away"意为“离开”,表示远离某处或某人。

5. 因此,结合起来,"faraway"可以理解为“远离的地方”或“遥远的距离”。

6. 在英语中,这个词通常用来形容某件事情或某个地方距离较远,比如:“My home is faraway from here.”(我的家离这里很远。)

7. 同时,也可以用来形容某件事情或某个地方与现在所处位置相差很远,比如:“The past is faraway from us now.”(过去与我们现在相差很远。)

8. "faraway"还可以作为一个副词使用,在句子中修饰动词或形容词,表示距离遥远、时间久远、心神恍惚等含义。

9. 例如:“She stared into the distance, lost in faraway thoughts.”(她凝视着眼前的景色,陷入了遥远的思绪中。)

10. 总的来说,"faraway"是一个形容距离、时间或心理状态远的词语,它可以用来描述具体的地点、事物,也可以用来表达抽象的情感和感受


1. faraway是什么意思


2. faraway的发音


3. faraway作为形容词

Faraway作为形容词时,可以表示遥远的、遥不可及的、偏僻的等含义。例如,“The village is located in a faraway place.”(这个村庄位于一个偏僻的地方。)另外,在情感表达中,faraway也可以指代对某件事物或人心生向往和渴望。“She always dreams of a faraway land where she can start a new life.”(她总是梦想着一个她可以开始新生活的遥远国度。)

4. faraway作为副词

Faraway作为副词时,则表示“遥远地”、“远离地”、“疏远地”等含义。例如,“He walked faraway from his hometown.”(他走远离了家乡。)此外,faraway也可以用于表示时间上的远离,如“faraway in the future”(遥远的未来)。

5. faraway的同义词


6. faraway的反义词

与faraway相反的是nearby,意为“附近的”,表示距离近或时间短暂。例如,“There is a supermarket nearby.”(附近有一家超市。)


1. 词性:形容词

2. 词源:faraway一词源自于中世纪英语的“feraway”,由“feor”(远)和“awe”(地方)两个单词组合而成,意为“远离的地方”。随着时间的推移,这个单词逐渐演变成了现在所使用的faraway。

3. 意思:指距离较远的地方,也可以用来形容某件事情或人与自己之间有一定距离。在当下年轻人的语言中,也常用来表示某件事情很遥远或不太可能发生。例如,“我们住在faraway的城市,每次见面都需要坐好久的火车。”、“我想去旅行,但是钱包里只有几块钱,那可太faraway了!”


1. faraway的释义

Faraway是一个形容词,意为“遥远的、远方的”。它可以用来形容距离、地点或时间等。例如,“The faraway mountains looked majestic in the distance.”(远处的山脉在视野中显得雄伟壮观。)“She had a dream of traveling to faraway lands.”(她梦想着去遥远的国家旅行。)

2. faraway的双语例句

1) She gazed out at the faraway horizon, wondering what adventures awaited her there.(她凝视着遥远的地平线,想知道那里有什么冒险等待着她。)

2) The old man's eyes seemed to be lost in some faraway memory as he told his stories.(老人讲述故事时,眼神似乎迷失在某个遥远的回忆中。)

3) We could hear the sound of the ocean even from our faraway hotel room.(即使在我们遥远的酒店房间里,我们也能听到海洋的声音。)

4) The little girl's imagination took her to faraway places and she dreamed of becoming an explorer one day.(小女孩充满想象力,她梦想有一天能成为探险家去到遥远的地方。)

5) He had been away for so long that his hometown seemed like a faraway dream to him.(他离开家乡已经很久了,它似乎成了一个遥远的梦想。)


1. Faraway lands: 遥远的国度

2. Faraway dreams: 遥远的梦想

3. Faraway places: 遥远的地方

4. Faraway memories: 遥远的回忆

5. Faraway adventures: 遥远的冒险

6. Faraway destinations: 遥远的目的地

7. Faraway journeys: 遥远的旅程

8. Faraway horizons: 遥远的视野

9. Faraway thoughts: 遥远的思绪

10. Faraway escapes: 遥远的逃离


1. Distant

- Meaning: far away in space or time; remote.

- Example: The village was located in a distant corner of the country.

2. Far-flung

- Meaning: widely spread or scattered; remote.

- Example: The company has offices in far-flung locations around the world.

3. Remote

- Meaning: situated far from the main centers of population; distant.

- Example: The small island was remote and isolated from the rest of the world.

4. Outlying

- Meaning: situated far from the center or main area; remote.

- Example: The outlying villages were often forgotten by the government.

5. Far-off

- Meaning: very distant in time or space; remote.

- Example: The dream of traveling to a far-off land kept her going through difficult times.

6. Faraway

- Meaning: distant, especially emotionally; dreamy or absent-minded.

- Example: She had a faraway look in her eyes as she reminisced about her childhood memories.

7. Removed

- Meaning: taken away from a particular place; separated by distance.

- Example: The town was removed from all major cities, making it hard to access.

8. Isolated

- Meaning: separated from others; alone or lonely.

- Example: The cabin in the woods was isolated and provided a peaceful retreat for its owners.

9. Inaccessible

- Meaning: difficult or impossible to reach or enter.

- Example: The mountain peak was inaccessible to most hikers due to its steep terrain.

10. Secluded

- Meaning: hidden, sheltered, or isolated from others.

- Example: The couple enjoyed their secluded cabin by the lake, away from the hustle and bustle of city life

我们可以了解到faraway这个词的拼音、读音、词性和词源,以及它的释义和常用搭配短语。它可以作为形容词或副词使用,意为“遥远的”、“远方的”。例如,“He lives in a faraway country.”(他生活在一个遥远的国家。)同时,我们也可以通过一些同义词来更加丰富地表达远方的概念,比如distant、remote等。最后,我作为网站编辑,希望能够为大家带来更多有趣、有用的知识和信息。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我,我们下期再见!
