
生活学习2024-02-12 19:50:36自考教育网


The meaning of farmer and its definition

1. Farmer的意思是什么?



2. Farmer怎么读?


3. Farmer的同义词有哪些?


4. Farmer在句子中的例句有哪些?

- My grandfather has been a farmer for over 50 years.


- The farmers are busy harvesting their crops.


- She inherited the family farm and became a farmer at the age of 25.


How to pronounce farmer correctly


1. farmer的发音


2. farmer的同义词


3. farmer的例句


- My grandfather was a farmer and he worked hard on his farm every day.


- The farmers in this village grow the best tomatoes in the region.


- It's not easy being a farmer, you have to deal with unpredictable weather and pests.


Examples of using farmer in sentences

1. Meaning of farmer:

- Farmer refers to a person who owns or manages a farm, especially for growing crops or raising livestock.

- It can also refer to someone who works on a farm as an agricultural laborer.

2. How to pronounce farmer:

- farmer is pronounced as "fahrm-er" with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for farmer:

- Agriculturist: someone who is involved in the cultivation of land for growing crops.

- Grower: someone who cultivates plants or crops.

- Rancher: someone who owns or manages a large farm for raising livestock.

- Planter: someone who plants seeds and cares for their growth.

4. Examples of using farmer in sentences:

a) My grandfather has been a farmer all his life, and he takes great pride in his land and crops.

b) The farmers were busy harvesting their wheat fields before the rain came.

c) In rural areas, many families depend on farming as their main source of income.

d) The young couple decided to leave the city and become farmers, living a simpler life in the countryside.

e) The government has implemented policies to support small-scale farmers and encourage sustainable farming practices.

f) The farmers' market is always bustling with fresh produce from local farms.

g) The farmers used traditional methods of irrigation to water their fields.

h) The hardworking farmers woke up at dawn every day to tend to their crops and animals.

i) Many young people are now choosing to become organic farmers, promoting healthier and more environmentally friendly practices.

j) Despite facing challenges such as droughts and pests, the resilient farmers managed to have a successful harvest this year.

In conclusion, a farmer plays an important role in our society by providing us with essential food resources. They work tirelessly on their land, facing various challenges but never giving up on their passion for farming. We should appreciate and support our farmers, who contribute to our daily lives in more ways than we can imagine

Synonyms for farmer and their usage

1. Cultivator - A cultivator is someone who works on a farm, cultivating the land and growing crops. For example, "My grandfather was a cultivator and he taught me everything I know about farming."

2. Agrarian - An agrarian is someone who is involved in agriculture, or the cultivation of land for the purpose of producing crops. For example, "The agrarian lifestyle may seem simple, but it requires a lot of hard work and dedication."

3. Grower - A grower is someone who grows plants or crops for a living. For example, "The grower at the local farm always has the freshest produce."

4. Rancher - A rancher is someone who raises livestock on a ranch or farm. For example, "The rancher had a large herd of cattle on his farm."

5. Planter - A planter is someone who plants seeds or crops in the ground to grow them. For example, "The planter carefully placed each seed in the ground to ensure a successful harvest."

6. Agriculturist - An agriculturist is someone who studies and practices agriculture, including farming techniques and crop production. For example, "My neighbor is an agriculturist and she helped me improve my farming methods."

7. Peasant - A peasant is someone who works on a farm as a laborer or tenant farmer. For example, "In some countries, peasants make up the majority of the population and are vital to their agricultural economy."

8. Homesteader - A homesteader is someone who settles on and cultivates land given by the government for free or at low cost. For example, "The homesteader built his own house and farmed his own land in the American West."

Examples of sentences using synonyms for farmer

1. "Farmer" is a common term used to refer to someone who owns or manages a farm and cultivates crops or raises livestock for a living.

2. Other synonyms for "farmer" include agriculturist, grower, rancher, and planter.

3. For example: "The agriculturist was able to increase his crop yield by using advanced farming techniques."

4. "The grower's farm was hit by a severe drought, causing him to lose a significant portion of his harvest."

5. "The rancher had a successful year, with his cattle producing high-quality meat for the market."

6. "The planter specialized in growing organic fruits and vegetables on her family-owned farm."

7. Another synonym for "farmer" is cultivator, which refers to someone who prepares and tends to the soil for plant growth.

8. For instance: "The cultivator spent hours every day tilling the land and planting seeds for his crops."

9. A more informal synonym for "farmer" is farmerette, which often refers to a female farmer.

10. Example: "The farmerette took over her family's farm after her father retired and has been successfully managing it ever since."

11. Another informal term is yeoman, which can be used to describe someone who owns or works on a small farm.

12. Example: "The yeoman was known in the community for his delicious homemade cheese made from milk from his own cows."

13. Lastly, an old-fashioned term for farmer is husbandman, which comes from the word husbandry meaning the care and cultivation of crops or animals.

14. Example: "In the 19th century, being a husbandman was considered one of the most honorable professions."

In summary, farmer refers to a person who cultivates land or raises livestock for a living. It is pronounced as "fahr-mer" and can also be referred to as an agriculturist, grower, or rancher. As the editor of this website, I hope this article has provided you with a better understanding of the term farmer and its synonyms. Remember to follow me for more interesting articles on various topics. Thank you for reading!
