
生活学习2024-02-12 21:12:23自考教育网



favored的拼音是“fēi wèi dé”,它来自于英语单词“favored”的音译,意为“受喜爱的、受青睐的”。在英语翻译解释行业中,favored通常用来形容某人或某物备受欢迎和推崇。那么,什么样的人或物会被称为favored呢?让我来告诉你几个例子吧!



1. favored的发音


2. favored的词性和含义

favored是一个形容词,意为“受到偏爱的”、“受到青睐的”。它可以用来形容人、物或事物。例如,“She is the most favored candidate for the position.”(她是这个职位最受青睐的候选人。)

3. favored的同义词和反义词

- 同义词:preferred、popular、beloved、cherished

- 反义词:disliked、unpopular、hated、despised

4. favored的用法示例

- My sister is always the favored child in our family.


- The company's new product has been well-favored by customers.


- He was not favored to win the race, but he surprised everyone and came in first place.


5. 衍生词汇

- favor:名词,意为“偏爱”、“喜爱”

- favorable:形容词,意为“有利的”、“顺利的”

- favorably:副词,意为“有利地”、“顺利地”

6. 相关词汇

- preference:名词,意为“偏爱”、“优先选择”

- popular:形容词,意为“受欢迎的”、“流行的”

- beloved:形容词,意为“心爱的”、“挚爱的”

7. 搭配短语

- be favored with:被赐予(某种特权、礼物等)

- be favored by:受到...的青睐

- show favor to:对...表示偏爱

8. 常见错误用法


9. 用法小贴士


10. 总结回顾



1. favored的意思


2. favored作为形容词的用法

当favored作为形容词时,常用于描述人或事物受到偏爱、青睐或认可。例如:“She is the favored candidate for the position.”(她是这个职位上备受青睐的候选人。)“The company's favored approach to marketing is through social media.”(该公司在营销方面偏爱使用社交媒体。)

3. favored作为动词的用法

Favored也可以作为动词使用,意为“支持”、“赞同”。例如:“The new policy is favored by most employees.”(大多数员工都支持这项新政策。)“He was favored to win the competition.”(他被认为是赢得比赛的有利人选。)

4. 双语例句

1) The teacher's pet was always the most favored student in class.


2) The company's new product was not well-favored by consumers.


3) The politician was heavily favored to win the election.


4) The favored team won the championship for the third year in a row.


5) She was favored with beauty and intelligence.


6) The new policy is favored by most of the employees.



1. Be favored by 喜爱,受到青睐

例句:She is favored by everyone in the office for her hard work and positive attitude.

2. Favored nation treatment 最惠国待遇

例句:The country was granted favored nation treatment, allowing them to trade with other countries at a lower tariff rate.

3. Highly favored 受到高度赞扬的,备受推崇的

例句:The author's latest book has been highly favored by critics and readers alike.

4. Favored candidate 受到支持的候选人

例句:Despite facing tough competition, the favored candidate won the election with a large margin.

5. Favored status 优越地位,特殊待遇

例句:The company's long-standing relationship with the government has given them a favored status in the industry.

6. Favored customer 优惠顾客,VIP客户

例句:As a favored customer, she receives special discounts and exclusive access to new products.

7. Favored destination 热门目的地,备受欢迎的旅游地点

例句:The island has become a highly favored destination for tourists due to its beautiful beaches and rich culture.

8. Favored class 受宠学生,得到特殊待遇的学生群体

例句:The teacher often gives extra attention to the favored class, causing resentment among other students.

9. Favored position 受到偏爱的职位,备受追捧的工作岗位

例句:Many young professionals aspire to reach the favored position of manager in their careers.

10. Favored pastime 受欢迎的消遣活动,备受青睐的娱乐方式

例句:Reading has always been a favored pastime for her, even in the age of technology


1. Preferred

- Example: She is the preferred candidate for the job.

- Explanation: This means that she is the most favored or desired candidate for the job.

2. Beloved

- Example: The queen was beloved by her people.

- Explanation: This means that the queen was highly favored and loved by her people.

3. Cherished

- Example: The ring was a cherished possession of hers.

- Explanation: This means that the ring held a special place in her heart and was highly favored by her.

4. Adored

- Example: The actress was adored by her fans.

- Explanation: This means that the actress was highly favored and loved by her fans.

5. Valued

- Example: He is a valued member of our team.

- Explanation: This means that he is highly favored and appreciated for his contributions to the team.

6. Respected

- Example: The professor is highly respected in his field.

- Explanation: This means that the professor is well-regarded and highly favored for his expertise in his field.

7. Esteemed

- Example: She is an esteemed member of society.

- Explanation: This means that she is held in high regard and highly favored by society.

8. Treasured

- Example: The book was a treasured possession of mine.

- Explanation: This means that the book was highly valued and favored by me.

9. Revered

- Example: The leader is revered by his followers.

- Explanation: This means that the leader is greatly respected and highly favored by his followers.

10. Admired

- Example: The artist's work is admired by many.


This means that the artist's work is greatly appreciated and highly favored by many people

