
生活学习2024-02-12 22:13:08自考教育网




作为形容词时,featured可以指某个人或物体在一组中处于突出地位,受到特别关注或推荐。例如:“She is the featured speaker at the conference.”(她是这次会议的主要发言人。)“The featured artist of the month is a talented painter.”(本月的特色艺术家是一位才华横溢的画家。)


作为动词时,featured可以指将某个人或物体放在一个重要位置上,使其受到特别关注。例如:“The magazine featured a profile of the popular actress.”(杂志刊登了这位知名女演员的专访。)“The website features a list of recommended books.”(这个网站列出了一份推荐书目。)



1. The featured film at the festival was a huge success.

2. This restaurant is known for its featured dish, the spicy chicken wings.

3. The company's website features a section on their latest products.

4. The fashion magazine often features famous celebrities on its cover.

5. The museum's featured exhibit this month is a collection of ancient artifacts


1. 发音:


2. 读法:


3. 同义词:


4. 例句:

a) The featured artist at the gallery this month is a local painter.


b) The featured movie of the week received rave reviews from critics.


c) The company's featured product is now available for purchase online.




1. featured的意思和读音


2. featured的同义词及例句

- Synonyms: highlighted, showcased, promoted, selected

- Example sentences:

(1) The restaurant's featured dish is their famous seafood paella.


(2) The magazine's featured article this month is about sustainable living.


(3) The website's homepage always has a section for featured products.


(4) The museum's featured exhibit is a collection of ancient artifacts.


3. 使用featured时要避免超链接


4. 如何写出独特性强的原创内容?



1. Highlighted - This word can be used to replace "featured" in the context of something being prominently displayed or showcased. Example: The highlighted products in the store are on sale this week.

2. Prominent - This word can be used to describe something that is featured or given special attention. Example: The prominent article on the front page of the newspaper discussed current political issues.

3. Showcased - This word can be used to replace "featured" when referring to something being displayed or presented in a prominent way. Example: The showcased paintings at the art gallery were all created by local artists.

4. Spotlighted - This word can be used to describe something that is highlighted or given special attention. Example: The spotlighted performer at the concert received a standing ovation from the audience.

5. Headlined - This word can be used to replace "featured" when referring to something being given top billing or top priority. Example: The headlined speaker at the conference was a renowned expert in their field.

6. Starred - This word can be used to describe someone who is featured or given special recognition for their performance or talent. Example: The starred actress in the movie won an award for her outstanding performance.

7. Focused - This word can be used to replace "featured" when referring to something being given attention and emphasis. Example: The focused topic of discussion during the meeting was company growth strategies.

8. Spotlit - This word can be used to describe something that is highlighted or brought into focus for attention. Example: The spotlit exhibit at the museum showcased rare artifacts from ancient civilizations.

9. Headlining - This word can be used as a verb, meaning to feature or give top billing to someone or something. Example: The new product launch will be headlining at the upcoming trade show.

10. Centered - This word can be used as an adjective, meaning to be the main focus or center of attention. Example: The centered theme of the event was sustainability and environmental conservation


1. featured的意思


2. featured的读音


3. featured的同义词


4. featured的例句

(1) The new collection of clothes features a lot of bold and bright colors.


(2) The magazine has featured many famous celebrities on its cover.


(3) The movie was featured at the film festival and received a lot of positive reviews.


(4) The featured article in the newspaper discusses the impact of social media on society.


