
生活学习2024-02-13 22:48:38自考教育网


The pronunciation of furnace

1. Furnace的意思



2. Furnace的发音


3. Furnace的同义词


4. Furnace的例句

(1) The furnace is used to melt metal for casting.


(2) The glass furnace was heated to a temperature of 1500 degrees Celsius.


(3) We need to fix the furnace before winter comes.


(4) The stove and the furnace are both used for cooking, but they work differently.


5. Furnace的衍生词

Furnace还有一些常见的衍生词,包括:furnace room(炉房)、blast furnace(高炉)、furnace oil(炉油)等。这些词都与“加热”或“加热设备”有关。

6. Furnace在文学作品中的使用

Furnace这个词也经常出现在文学作品中,比如莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》中就有一句著名的台词:“to be or not to be, that is the question; whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.”其中,“sea of troubles”一词就被解释为“furnace of affliction”

How to pronounce furnace

1. Furnace的意思是什么?


2. Furnace的发音方式


3. Furnace的同义词及例句

- Synonyms: oven, kiln, heater, stove

- Example sentences:

a) The furnace was used to melt the metal into liquid form.

b) The glassblower placed the glass into the furnace to heat it up.

c) The bakery has a large furnace for baking bread and pastries.

d) The workers had to wear protective gear while working near the blast furnace.

e) I can't wait to get home and sit by the warm furnace on a cold winter day.

4. 如何正确发音furnace?


- 音节划分:fur-nace。第一个音节重读,第二个音节轻读。

- 元音发音:第一个音节的元音为[ɜː],发音时舌尖放松,嘴唇微微张开。第二个音节的元音为[ə],发音时舌尖放松,嘴唇稍稍收紧。

- 辅音发音:第一个辅音为[f],发音时将下巴抬起,牙齿轻轻咬住下嘴唇。第二个辅音为[n],发音时舌尖抵住上齿龈。


5. Furnace常见错误发音

- 错误1:将单词最后一个字母“e”读成[ɪ],如[fɜːnɪs]。这种错误会改变单词的意思。

- 错误2:将第一个元音读成[ʊ]或[ʌ],如[fʊːnəs]、[fʌːnəs]。这两种发音都不正确。

- 错误3:将辅音“r”加强读成[r],如[fɜːrnəs]。英语中的“r”通常不会被强调。

6. 如何纠正错误的发音?


- 反复听准确发音的录音,模仿发音。

- 将单词拆分成音节,并重复发音。

- 练习朗读英文文章,特别是包含该单词的句子。

- 请英语母语人士纠正你的发音

Usage and examples of furnace

1. Furnace的含义是什么?


2. Furnace怎么读?


3. Furnace的同义词有哪些?


4. Furnace的例句有哪些?

- The furnace in our house broke down, so we had to call a repairman.


- The steel is heated in the furnace until it reaches the desired temperature.


- She sat by the furnace, enjoying the warmth on a cold winter night.


Phrases related to furnace

1. "Blast furnace": A type of furnace used for smelting iron or other metals.

Example: The steel plant has a blast furnace that can produce 100 tons of steel per day.

2. "Furnace-like heat": Used to describe extremely hot temperatures, often in a figurative sense.

Example: The sun was beating down on us with furnace-like heat during our hike.

3. "Stoke the furnace": A phrase meaning to add more fuel to a fire or increase the intensity of something.

Example: We need to stoke the furnace if we want to finish this project on time.

4. "Furnace of emotions": Used to describe intense or overwhelming feelings.

Example: Seeing her ex-boyfriend again ignited a furnace of emotions within her.

5. "Furnace of anger": Similar to the previous phrase, used to describe intense anger or rage.

Example: He was so mad, it felt like a furnace of anger was burning inside him.

6. "Furnace room": A room where the furnace is located in a building, often used for storage as well.

Example: The old house had a creepy furnace room in the basement that no one liked going into.

7. "Furnace-blasted desert": Describing an extremely hot and dry desert climate.

Example: The explorers struggled through the furnace-blasted desert, desperate for water and shade.

8. "In the heat of the furnace": Used to describe being in a difficult or challenging situation.

Example: In the heat of the furnace, he made a split-second decision that changed his life forever.

9. "Furnace repairman": A person who specializes in fixing furnaces and other heating systems.

Example: Our heater broke down last winter and we had to call in a furnace repairman to fix it.

10. "Furnace-like metabolism": Used to describe a person with a fast metabolism that burns calories quickly.

Example: She could eat whatever she wanted and never gain weight, her furnace-like metabolism kept her slim

Synonyms and examples of furnace

1. Definition of furnace: A furnace is a device used for heating or melting materials, typically using fuel or electricity.

2. How to pronounce furnace: FURN-iss

3. Synonyms of furnace:

- Heater

- Kiln

- Oven

- Incinerator

- Forge

4. Examples of furnace:

- The blacksmith used a furnace to heat the metal before shaping it into a horseshoe.

- The factory's furnace was responsible for melting the raw materials into liquid form.

- The family gathered around the fireplace, which served as their main source of heat during the winter.

- The pottery studio had several kilns for firing up their clay creations.

- The waste management company used an incinerator to dispose of hazardous materials safely.

5. So, now you know what a furnace is, how to say it correctly, and some other words you can use instead!

furnace是指一种加热设备,它可以用来加热空气或者其他物质。它的发音是[fəːnɪs],读起来并不困难。在使用furnace时,我们可以说"turn on the furnace"或者"the furnace is running"等等。除了常用的表达方式外,还有一些和furnace相关的短语,比如"furnace room"和"furnace filter"等。此外,如果你想要替换一下furnace这个词,也可以使用其同义词,比如stove、oven或者heater等。总之,furnace是一个很实用的词汇,在日常生活中都会经常用到。

