
生活学习2024-02-14 01:48:34自考教育网

标题:gaslight是什么意思,gaslight怎么读,gaslight同义词及例句 内容: ['gaslight的定义和含义', 'gaslight的发音及读法', 'gaslight的用法和双语例句', 'gaslight的词组', 'gaslight的同义词示例'] 导语:想必大家对于这个行业标题"gaslight"一定不陌生吧?但是,你知道它的真正含义吗?或许你会问,它到底是什么意思?又该如何正确地发音呢?别着急,接下来我将为大家一一揭晓。除此之外,还有更多关于"gaslight"的用法和实用例句等着你去探索。而且,还有一些相关词组和同义词示例也会在后面出现哦!那么,就让我们一起来探究这个神秘的行业标题吧!


1. gaslight的定义:gaslight是一个英文单词,读作/gas-lahyt/,意为“煤气灯”,也可指代使用煤气灯制造出的弱光环境。它也被用作动词,意为“欺骗”、“操纵”或“使某人产生错觉”。


2. gaslight的含义:在英语中,gaslight一词通常被用来形容一种心理操纵的手段。它源自于电影《煤气灯》(1944),讲述了一个丈夫试图让妻子相信她正在发疯,以掩盖自己的罪行。因此,gaslight被用来指代一种通过操纵信息和情境来使某人产生错觉、质疑自己的记忆和现实感受的心理控制手段。

3. gaslight的同义词:在英语中,gaslight可以与其他类似含义的词语互换使用,如“manipulate”、“deceive”、“trick”、“brainwash”等。

4. gaslight的例句:

- The abusive partner would often use gaslighting tactics to make their victim doubt their own sanity.


- The politician's gaslighting tactics were exposed by the media, causing a public outcry.


- Growing up with a gaslighting parent can cause long-lasting psychological effects.



1. gaslight的发音


2. gaslight的读法


3. gaslight同义词

gaslight一词的同义词有多个,包括:lamp, lantern, light, burner等。它们都指代使用气体作为燃料来产生光源的装置或设备。

4. gaslight例句

(1) The street was lit by gaslights, giving it a warm and nostalgic atmosphere.


(2) She turned on the gaslights in the living room to create a cozy ambiance.


(3) The old theater still uses gaslights for its stage lighting.


gaslight一词的发音为[ˈɡæs.laɪt],读作/gæs.laɪt/,意为“煤气灯”。它的同义词有lamp, lantern, light, burner等,可以用来指代使用气体作为燃料的光源装置。以上是关于gaslight发音及读法的介绍,希望能够帮助您更好地理解和运用这一词汇


1. gaslight的意思是什么?

- gaslight是一个由两个词组成的词,由gas和light组成。它的意思是“煤气灯”,指使用煤气作为燃料的灯具。

- 在英国和美国,gaslight也可以指用于室内照明的一种早期形式的灯具,它通过将煤气导入灯具来产生光亮。

2. gaslight怎么读?

- gaslight读音为/ˈɡæslaɪt/,其中“gas”发音为/gæs/,“light”发音为/laɪt/。

3. gaslight的同义词有哪些?

- 煤气灯(gas lamp)

- 煤气照明(gas lighting)

- 煤气灯光(gas light)

4. gaslight双语例句:

- She turned on the gaslight to read her book.


- The streets were lit by the soft glow of the gaslights.




1. "Gaslighting someone" - 意思是通过精心设计的言语和行为来操纵他人的想法和感情。

例句:"She was constantly gaslighting her friends, making them doubt their own memories and perceptions."

2. "Gaslight effect" - 指被操纵者经历的心理影响,包括自我怀疑、焦虑和混乱等。

例句:"After years of being in a gaslight relationship, she struggled with the gaslight effect and had to seek therapy."

3. "Gaslighter" - 指使用gaslighting技巧的人。

例句:"He was a master gaslighter, always twisting the truth to make others doubt themselves."

4. "Gaslit" - 被gaslighting操纵后的状态。

例句:"She felt completely gaslit by her partner's constant manipulation."

5. "To be gaslit into silence" - 指通过gaslighting让他人保持沉默,不敢表达自己的真实想法。

例句:"She was constantly gaslit into silence by her boss, afraid to speak up for herself."


1. Manipulate (操纵) - The term "gaslight" can also be used as a synonym for manipulation, as it refers to the act of making someone question their own reality.

例句:He was gaslighting her by constantly changing his story and making her doubt her own memory.

2. Deceive (欺骗) - Gaslighting involves deceiving someone into believing something that is not true, which is why it can also be considered a synonym for deception.

例句:She realized too late that he had been gaslighting her all along, manipulating her emotions and lying to her.

3. Brainwash (洗脑) - In some cases, gaslighting can be seen as a form of brainwashing, as the manipulator tries to control the victim's thoughts and beliefs.

例句:The cult leader used gaslighting techniques to brainwash his followers into believing his twisted ideology.

4. Gaslamp (煤气灯) - While not a direct synonym, the term "gaslamp" can be associated with "gaslight" due to its similar use of gas for lighting purposes.

例句:The dimly lit streets were lined with old-fashioned gaslamps, giving off an eerie atmosphere.

5. Psychological abuse (心理虐待) - Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that can cause serious harm to the victim's mental wellbeing.

例句:She finally sought help after years of enduring his psychological abuse through constant gaslighting

