
生活学习2024-02-14 04:46:15自考教育网



The meaning of gens

1. Gens的定义


2. Gens的发音


3. Gens的同义词


4. Gens的例句

(1) In ancient Rome, gens was an important social unit.


(2) The gens of this tribe has a long history and rich culture.


(3) The family tree shows the lineage of our gens.


(4) The clan's gens is known for their unique traditions and customs.


(5) The tribe's gens gathered together to celebrate the harvest festival.


How to pronounce gens

Gens is a word that has become quite popular in recent years, especially among the younger generation. But what exactly does it mean? How do you pronounce it? And are there any similar words or phrases that you can use instead? Don't worry, we've got all the answers for you right here!

1. What does gens mean?

Gens, pronounced as "jenz", is a term used to describe a group of people who share a common ancestry or culture. It originated from Latin and was commonly used in ancient Rome to refer to clans or families.

2. How do you pronounce gens?

As mentioned earlier, gens is pronounced as "jenz". Make sure to emphasize the "j" sound at the beginning and end with a soft "z" sound.

3. Synonyms for gens

If you're looking for alternative words or phrases to use instead of gens, here are a few suggestions:

- Tribe: This refers to a social group with common ancestry, customs, and traditions.

- Clan: Similar to tribe, this refers to a group of people who share a common ancestor.

- Ethnicity: This term describes shared cultural characteristics and identity among a particular group of people.

- Heritage: This refers to the traditions, customs, and beliefs passed down through generations within a family or community.

4. Example sentences using gens

To help you understand how gens is used in context, here are some example sentences:

- The indigenous tribe has preserved their cultural heritage for generations.

- The clan's identity is deeply rooted in their shared ancestry.

- My ethnicity is Irish-American.

- She takes great pride in her African-American heritage.

Now that you know what gens means and how to pronounce it, go ahead and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge! And remember, if you're ever unsure about how to say it out loud, just think of the word "jelly" with an "n" instead of an "l". Happy learning!

Usage and examples of gens

1. What does gens mean?

Gens is a Latin word that means "clan" or "tribe". In English, it is often used to refer to a group of people who share a common ancestry or culture.

2. How do you pronounce gens?

Gens is pronounced as "jenz", with a soft "g" sound.

3. Synonyms for gens

Other words that have similar meanings to gens include family, kinship, lineage, and community.

4. Examples of gens in use

- The Native American tribe was made up of several different gens.

- In ancient Rome, the patrician class was divided into various gentes (plural form of gens).

- The concept of gens is still important in some traditional societies today.

- My ancestors belonged to the same gens for generations.

5. Why should you care about gens?

Understanding the meaning and usage of words like gens can help you appreciate different cultures and histories. It also allows you to use language more accurately and effectively in your own communication. So next time you come across the word "gens", you'll know exactly what it means!

Phrases using gens

1. "Gens" is a Latin word that means "clan" or "family".

- "Gens"是一个拉丁词,意思是“家族”或“家庭”。

2. The pronunciation of "gens" is similar to the English word "jens".

- “gens”的发音类似于英语单词“jens”。

3. Some synonyms for "gens" include lineage, tribe, and kin.

- “gens”的一些同义词包括血统、部落和亲属。

4. In ancient Rome, the term "gens" referred to a group of families who shared a common ancestor.

- 在古罗马,术语“gens”指的是一群共享同一祖先的家族。

5. The concept of gens is still used in modern anthropology to describe kinship groups.

- “gens”的概念仍然被现代人类学用来描述亲属群体。

6. The gens system was an important part of Roman society and influenced their political and social structures.

- gens制度是古罗马社会的重要组成部分,影响了他们的政治和社会结构。

7. Gens can also refer to a group of people who share a common interest or characteristic.

- “gens”也可以指一群有共同兴趣或特征的人。

8. The term "gen pop" is often used to refer to the general population.

- 术语“gen pop”通常用来指普通大众。

9. A popular phrase using gens is "blood is thicker than water", which means family bonds are stronger than other relationships.

- 一个常用的使用gens的短语是“血浓于水”,意思是家庭关系比其他关系更牢固。

10. Another phrase is "gens una sumus", which means "we are one family" in Latin.

- 另一个短语是“gens una sumus”,意思是拉丁文中的“我们是一家人”

Synonyms for gens with examples

1. What does gens mean?

- What's the meaning of gens?

- What is the definition of gens?

2. How to pronounce gens?

- How do you say gens?

- What's the correct pronunciation for gens?

3. Synonyms for gens:

- Clan

- Tribe

- Family

4. Examples:

- The Jones family is a well-known gens in this town.

- The Native American tribe was divided into different gens.

- The Scottish clan has a rich history and culture

