get ahead是什么意思,get ahead同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 06:07:57自考教育网

想要在行业中脱颖而出,实现事业的成功,那么你一定不能错过今天的主题——“get ahead是什么意思”。这个行业标题可能让你感到陌生,但是它却隐藏着许多关键信息。接下来,让我们一起来揭开这个谜团吧!通过了解get ahead的词性和发音,它所代表的中文意思以及常用用法和例句,你将会发现它不仅仅是一个简单的词汇。此外,我们还将为大家分享get ahead的同义词示例以及相关短语和搭配词汇。快来跟随我们一起探索吧!

get ahead的词性和发音

1. 词性:动词

2. 发音:[ɡet əˈhed]

get ahead是什么意思,get ahead同义词及例句

3. 同义词:advance, progress, succeed, excel, achieve, make headway

4. 例句:

a. She worked hard to get ahead in her career.


b. In order to get ahead in this competitive market, you need to constantly improve yourself.


c. He managed to get ahead of his classmates by studying diligently.


d. The company's new strategy helped them get ahead of their competitors.


get ahead的中文意思

get ahead的中文意思指的是“取得成功、超越他人、向前发展”。它可以用来形容一个人在工作、学习或生活中取得进步,达到比别人更好的成就。下面是一些同义词及例句,帮助你更好地理解get ahead的含义。

1. succeed:成功

例句:She has been working hard to get ahead in her career.

2. excel:优秀,出色

例句:He always strives to excel and get ahead of his peers.

3. advance:前进,进步

例句:With her determination and hard work, she was able to advance and get ahead in her career.

4. surpass:超越,胜过

例句:His skills and determination helped him surpass his competitors and get ahead in the game.

5. progress:进步,发展

例句:In order to get ahead in life, one must constantly make progress and improve oneself

get ahead的常用用法和例句

1. “Get ahead”是一个短语,意为“取得成功”、“取得进步”。它通常用于描述一个人在职业生涯或个人发展方面取得的成就和进步。

2. 同义词:succeed, advance, progress, prosper, thrive

3. 例句:

- She worked hard and was able to get ahead in her career.


- With her determination and perseverance, she was able to get ahead and achieve her goals.


- In order to get ahead in the competitive job market, you need to constantly improve yourself.


- He has always been ambitious and driven to get ahead in life.


4. “Get ahead”也可以用作动词短语“get ahead of”,意为“超过”、“领先”。它通常用于描述某人比其他人更优秀或更成功。

5. 同义词:surpass, outdo, excel

6. 例句:

- She is determined to get ahead of her classmates and be at the top of the class.


- The company's innovative strategies helped them get ahead of their competitors in the market.


- He worked hard to get ahead of his peers and become a successful entrepreneur.


- In order to get ahead of the game, you need to constantly adapt and improve yourself.


7. “Get ahead”也可以用作名词短语“get-ahead”,意为“成功者”、“优秀者”。它通常用于描述那些在事业或个人发展方面取得成功的人。

8. 同义词:achiever, winner, high-flyer

9. 例句:

- The company is always looking for young get-aheads to join their team.


- She is definitely a get-ahead in her field, with numerous awards and achievements under her belt.


- The get-aheads of the company were invited to a special event to celebrate their success.


- As a get-ahead, he has faced many challenges and obstacles but has always managed to overcome them and come out on top.


10. 总结: “Get ahead”是一个常用的短语,意为“取得成功”、“取得进步”。它可以用作动词短语“get ahead of”,意为“超过”、“领先”,也可以用作名词短语“get-ahead”,意为“成功者”、“优秀者”。在职业生涯或个人发展中,我们都希望能够成为一个成功的get-ahead

get ahead的同义词示例

1. Succeed: 成功,达到目标

- Example: If you want to get ahead in your career, you need to work hard and constantly improve your skills.

2. Advance: 前进,发展

- Example: He was able to get ahead in his job because of his dedication and determination.

3. Progress: 进步,发展

- Example: With her hard work and determination, she was able to make steady progress and get ahead in her career.

4. Thrive: 茁壮成长,兴旺发达

- Example: In order to thrive in the competitive business world, one must constantly strive to get ahead.

5. Excel: 超越,出色表现

- Example: She excelled in her studies and was able to get ahead of her classmates.

6. Prosper: 繁荣,成功

- Example: With the right opportunities and hard work, one can prosper and get ahead in life.

7. Prevail: 获胜,占上风

- Example: Despite facing numerous challenges, he was able to prevail and get ahead in his career.

8. Triumph: 胜利,成功

- Example: She celebrated her triumph as she was finally able to get ahead in her chosen field.

9. Conquer: 征服,战胜困难

- Example: Through sheer determination and hard work, he was able to conquer all obstacles and get ahead in life.

10. Master:掌控,精通

- Example:He mastered the necessary skills and knowledge to get ahead in his desired profession

get ahead的相关短语和搭配词汇

1. Advance: 前进,取得进步

例句:If you want to get ahead in your career, you need to constantly advance your skills and knowledge.

2. Succeed: 成功,取得进步

例句:Hard work and determination are key to getting ahead in life.

3. Progress: 进步,取得进展

例句:With dedication and perseverance, you can make progress and get ahead in any field.

4. Excel: 出色表现,取得成功

例句:She excels in everything she does, which helps her get ahead in her career.

5. Thrive: 蓬勃发展,取得成功

例句:In order to thrive and get ahead, you need to be willing to take on new challenges and push yourself out of your comfort zone.

6. Propel: 推动,促进发展

例句:His strong leadership skills helped propel the company forward and allowed him to get ahead in his career.

7. Forge ahead: 前进,继续前行

例句:Despite facing many obstacles, she continued to forge ahead and eventually got ahead of her competition.

8. Make headway: 取得进展,有所成就

例句:With hard work and determination, he was able to make headway in his career and eventually become a successful entrepreneur.

9. Rise up the ranks: 提升职位,晋升阶级

例句:Through dedication and hard work, she was able to rise up the ranks quickly and get ahead in her company.

10. Climb the ladder: 爬梯子,提升地位

例句:He started at the bottom of the company and worked his way up, climbing the ladder to get ahead in his career.

11. Get a leg up: 获得优势,取得领先

例句:Having a strong network can give you a leg up and help you get ahead in your career.

12. Gain an edge: 获得优势,取得领先

例句:By constantly learning and improving your skills, you can gain an edge and get ahead in your field.

13. Stay ahead of the game: 保持领先,走在前列

例句:In order to stay ahead of the game, you need to continuously adapt and evolve with the changing industry trends.

14. Outpace the competition: 超越竞争对手,走在前面

例句:With hard work and determination, she was able to outpace the competition and get ahead in her career.

15. Take the lead: 领导,带头

例句:As a natural born leader, he always takes the lead and helps his team get ahead in their projects.

16. Stay one step ahead: 保持领先一步,提前做好准备

例句:In order to succeed, you need to stay one step ahead of your competitors and be prepared for any challenges that may come your way.

17. Push forward: 推进,继续前行

例句:With determination and perseverance, she was able to push forward and get ahead in her career despite facing setbacks.

18. Make strides: 取得进步,有所成就

例句:Through hard work and dedication, he was able to make strides in his career and eventually get ahead of his peers.

19. Gain ground: 取得进展,有所成就

例句:With her innovative ideas and hard work, she was able to gain ground and get ahead in her industry.

20. Keep up with the competition: 跟上竞争对手,不落后

例句:In order to get ahead, you need to constantly improve and keep up with the competition in your field

get ahead是一个非常常用的短语,它可以表示取得成功,取得进步。通过掌握get ahead的词性、发音、中文意思以及常用用法和例句,我们可以更好地理解和运用这个短语。除了get ahead,还有许多同义词可以表达类似的意思,如make progress、succeed等。同时,我们还可以结合其他相关短语和搭配词汇来丰富我们的表达方式。作为网站的编辑,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识和技巧,帮助大家在学习英语的道路上取得更大的进步。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我以获取更多精彩内容吧!
