get along是什么意思,get along同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 06:11:21自考教育网

想知道“get along”是什么意思吗?或许你已经听说过这个词,但是它的拼音、读音和用法却一直让你困惑。不用担心,下面我将为你一一解答。首先,让我们来探索一下“get along”的拼音和正确的发音。随后,我会给出丰富的双语例句,帮助你更好地理解这个词的用法。除此之外,还有一些常用的词组和同义词示例等待着你的发现。不要错过本文,让我们一起来探索“get along”的奥秘吧!

get along的拼音

Get along的拼音是"gět əˈlɔŋ"。在英语中,"get along"是一个常见的短语,意为“相处;进展;过活”。它通常用来描述人们之间的关系或者某件事情的进展情况。下面是一些get along的同义词及例句,帮助你更好地理解这个短语。

get along是什么意思,get along同义词及例句

1. 同义词:get on, get by, get along with

例句:She gets along well with her coworkers. (她和同事们相处得很好。)

2. 同义词:manage, cope, deal with

例句:I don't think I can manage to finish this project on time. (我觉得我无法按时完成这个项目。)

3. 同义词:progress, advance, move forward

例句:The negotiations are getting along slowly but steadily. (谈判进展缓慢但稳步。)

4. 同义词:survive, make ends meet, get by

例句:It's hard to get along on a low salary these days. (现在靠低工资过活很难。)

无论是在工作还是生活中,我们都需要与他人相处,与环境相处,并且不断地进步和发展。因此,学习和掌握get along这个短语非常重要。希望以上内容能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个短语,让你在与他人相处和生活中更加顺利

get along怎么读

在英语中,"get along"的意思是"相处"或"和谐相处"。它通常用于描述人与人之间的关系,可以指两个或多个人之间的关系,也可以指个人与环境的关系。

同义词方面,可以用"get on with"、 "get along with"、 "have a good relationship with"来替换。例如:"I get on well with my colleagues."(我和我的同事相处得很好。)


1. We have been getting along very well since we started working together.(自从我们开始一起工作以来,我们相处得很好。)

2. It's important to learn how to get along with different types of people in the workplace.(在职场中,学会如何与不同类型的人相处是很重要的。)

3. Do you think you can get along with your new roommate?(你认为你能和你的新室友相处吗?)

4. Despite their differences, they managed to get along for the sake of their friendship.(尽管他们有不同,但为了友谊他们还是能够和睦相处。)

所以,要想在生活中顺利地和他人相处,就要学会如何get along,并且尝试用不同的方式来表达这一意思

get along的用法和双语例句

1. get along的意思是相处,和睦相处,也可以指成功解决问题或完成任务。

例句:We have been getting along well since we started working together. (自从我们开始一起工作以来,我们相处得很好。)

2. get along的同义词包括:get on, bond, relate, interact等。

例句:I find it easy to get on with my new colleagues. (我发现和新同事相处很容易。)

3. 当get along用于描述人际关系时,常与介词with连用。

例句:She gets along well with her classmates. (她和同学们相处得很好。)

4. 当get along用于描述事物进展时,常与介词on连用。

例句:How is the project getting along? (项目进展如何?)

5. 当get along用于描述解决问题或完成任务时,常与介词with连用。

例句:We need to get along with this project before the deadline. (我们需要在截止日期之前完成这个项目。)

6. 英文习语中也有一些和get along相关的表达,比如:

- get along like a house on fire: 形容两个人非常合得来,关系非常好。

- get along without: 没有某样东西也能生活下去。

- not getting anywhere: 指没有取得进展或解决问题的困难。

7. 中文翻译中,get along可以表达为“相处”,“和睦相处”,“进展”等意思。

例句:我们必须要好好相处才能解决这个问题。(We need to get along well in order to solve this problem.)

get along的词组

1. Hit it off: 意为“相处融洽”,常用于形容人与人之间的关系。

例句:I met my new neighbor yesterday and we really hit it off. 昨天我遇到了新邻居,我们相处得非常融洽。

2. Get on well: 意为“相处得好”,常用于形容朋友或家人之间的关系。

例句:My sister and I have always gotten on well, we rarely argue. 我和姐姐一直相处得很好,我们很少吵架。

3. Be on good terms: 意为“关系良好”,常用于形容人与人之间的关系。

例句:I'm glad to see that you and your boss are on good terms now. 很高兴看到你和老板现在关系变好了。

4. Befriend: 意为“交朋友”,常用于形容主动去结交新朋友。

例句:She quickly befriended her classmates and became popular in school. 她很快就和同学们交上了朋友,在学校里很受欢迎。

5. Get along with: 意为“与……相处”,常用于描述人与人之间的相处情况。

例句:I get along with my co-workers, we have a great team dynamic. 我和我的同事们相处得很好,我们有一个很棒的团队氛围。

6. Have a good relationship: 意为“关系良好”,常用于形容人与人之间的关系。

例句:My parents have always had a good relationship with their neighbors. 我父母一直和邻居们关系很好。

7. Bond: 意为“建立紧密的联系”,常用于形容人与人之间的关系。

例句:The team bonded during their trip and became closer friends. 这个团队在旅行中建立了紧密的联系,成为更亲密的朋友。

8. Get along like a house on fire: 意为“相处得非常融洽”,常用于形容两个人之间关系非常好。

例句:Ever since they met, they have been getting along like a house on fire. 自从他们相遇以来,就一直相处得非常融洽

get along同义词示例

1. Coexist - 一起生活,共存

例句:We must learn to coexist and get along with our neighbors.

2. Get on - 和睦相处,友好相处

例句:It's important for siblings to learn how to get on with each other.

3. Harmonize - 和谐相处,融洽相处

例句:In order to have a successful team, all members must learn how to harmonize and get along.

4. Bond - 形成友谊,建立关系

例句:The students quickly bonded and were able to get along well during the trip.

5. Connect - 建立联系,沟通

例句:It's important for parents and teachers to connect in order for the child to get along well in school.

6. Collaborate - 合作,协作

例句:The two companies decided to collaborate in order to get along better in the competitive market.

7. Cooperate - 合作,配合

例句:In order for the project to be successful, all team members must cooperate and get along with each other.

8. Interact - 相互作用,交流

例句:The students were encouraged to interact and get along with each other during group activities.

9. Socialize - 社交,交际

例句:It's important for children to socialize and learn how to get along with others from a young age.

10. Blend in - 融入,融合

例句:It takes time for new employees to blend in and get along with their coworkers in a new company culture

get along是一个非常常用的短语,它可以表示相处,进展,或者是旅行中的移动。通过学习本文,相信大家对于get along有了更深入的了解,并且能够正确地使用它。如果大家还有其他关于英语学习的问题,欢迎关注我,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的英语知识。谢谢大家的阅读!
