get on是什么意思,get on同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 06:33:47自考教育网

今天,我们要来探讨一个行业标题——“get on”。这个词在英语中有着多重含义,它不仅是一个动词,还可以作为名词和形容词使用。那么,“get on”究竟意味着什么呢?它又有哪些同义词和反义词呢?接下来,让我们一起来揭开这个谜题。首先,让我们从发音开始。然后,我们将会探讨它的含义和用法,并且给出一些例句和短语。最后,我们还会分享一些同义词和反义词的示例。敬请期待!

get on的发音

1. 发音

- [ɡet ɑn],重音在第一个单词上,读作“格特安”

get on是什么意思,get on同义词及例句

2. 同义词

- go on:继续,进行

- progress:进步,前进

- advance:前进,发展

3. 例句

- I hope our project can get on smoothly.(我希望我们的项目能顺利进行。)

- He needs to get on with his studies if he wants to pass the exam.(如果他想通过考试,就必须继续学习。)

- The company is making great progress and getting on well in the market.(公司在市场上取得了巨大的进步并且发展良好。)

get on的含义和用法

你是否经常在英语学习或工作中遇到过“get on”这个词?它的用法和意思似乎很多,让人有些头疼。别担心,今天我就来为大家解析一下“get on”的含义和用法。

1. 含义

“get on”是一个动词短语,意为“进展;相处;上车”。它可以指事物的发展情况,也可以指人与人之间的相处关系,还可以表示上车或登上某种交通工具。

2. 同义词

在不同的语境中,“get on”可能会有不同的同义词。比如,在指事物的发展情况时,可以使用“progress”、“advance”、“proceed”,在指人与人之间的相处关系时,可以使用“interact”、“associate”,在表示上车或登上交通工具时,可以使用“board”、“hop on”。

3. 例句

下面我将给大家举几个例句来帮助大家更好地理解“get on”的用法。

- How is your project getting on?


- They don't get on very well with their neighbors.


- I need to get on the bus now or I'll be late for work.


get on的例句和短语

1. Get on的意思

- Get on的基本意思是“上车/上船/上马”,例如:Please get on the bus. (请上车。)

- 在日常口语中,get on也可以表示“继续做某事”,例如:Let's get on with our work. (让我们继续做我们的工作。)

- 另外,get on也可以表示“和某人相处融洽”,例如:I get on well with my colleagues. (我和我的同事相处得很好。)

2. Get on的同义词

- Hop on: “跳上去”,用于要求别人上车或上船。

例句:Hop on the bus and we'll take you to the city center. (跳上公共汽车,我们会把你带到市中心。)

- Board: “登机/登船/登车”,通常用于正式场合。

例句:Please board the plane at gate 5. (请在5号登机口登机。)

- Mount: “骑上去”,通常用于骑马或骑自行车。

例句:She mounted her bike and rode off into the sunset. (她骑着自行车消失在夕阳中。)

3. Get on的例句

1) I need to get on this train before it leaves.


2) Can you help me get this heavy box onto the shelf?


3) Let's get on with our meeting, we have a lot to discuss.


4) I don't think I can get on with my new boss, we have very different personalities.


4. Get on的常用短语

- Get on well/badly: 和某人相处得好/不好。

例句:I get on well with my neighbors. (我和我的邻居相处得很好。)

- Get on someone's nerves: 让某人心烦意乱。

例句:Her constant complaining really gets on my nerves. (她经常抱怨真的让我心烦。)

- Get on with it: 继续做某事。

例句:Stop chatting and get on with your work. (别聊天了,继续做你的工作。)

- Get in/get out: 上车/下车。

例句:Please get in the car, we're leaving soon. (请上车,我们马上就要走了。)

- Get along/on: 和睦相处。

例句:The siblings don't always get along, but they love each other deep down. (兄弟姐妹并不总是和睦相处,但他们内心深处还是互相爱着的。)

get on的同义词示例

1. Proceed

例句:She proceeded with caution, not wanting to make any mistakes.

2. Advance

例句:We need to advance our plans in order to meet the deadline.

3. Move forward

例句:Let's move forward with this project, we have a lot of work to do.

4. Make progress

例句:He is determined to make progress in his career.

5. Continue

例句:We will continue working on this until we find a solution.

6. Carry on

例句:Please carry on with your presentation, I am interested in hearing more.

7. Go ahead

例句:You have my permission to go ahead with your proposal.

8. Push ahead

例句:Despite the challenges, they pushed ahead and successfully completed the project.

9. Keep going

例句:Don't give up, keep going until you reach your goal.

10. Forge ahead

例句:They were able to forge ahead and achieve great success despite the obstacles they faced

get on的反义词示例

1. Fall off

Fall off是get on的反义词,意为“掉落、跌落”。例如:

- The book fell off the shelf.


- The child fell off his bike.


2. Discontinue

Discontinue也可以作为get on的反义词,意为“中断、停止”。例如:

- We have decided to discontinue this product line.


- Please discontinue the use of this medicine if you experience any side effects.


3. Deteriorate

Deteriorate是get on的另一个反义词,意为“恶化、变坏”。例如:

- The condition of the building has deteriorated over the years.


- Their relationship started to deteriorate after they had a big argument.


4. Decline

Decline也可以用作get on的反义词,意为“下降、衰退”。例如:

- The number of students enrolling in this school has declined in recent years.


- His health declined rapidly after he was diagnosed with cancer.


5. Regress

Regress是get on的同义词,意为“倒退、退化”。例如:

- The company's profits have regressed in the past year.


- The patient's condition has regressed and he needs to undergo further treatment.


6. Go backwards

Go backwards也可以作为get on的反义词,意为“向后退”。例如:

- The project is going backwards due to lack of funding.


- If we keep going backwards, we'll never make any progress.


7. Worsen

Worsen是get on的另一个反义词,意为“恶化、变得更糟”。例如:

- The weather is expected to worsen in the coming days.


- His behavior has worsened since he started hanging out with the wrong crowd.


相信大家已经对get on有了更加深入的了解。get on是一个常用的英语短语,它的含义和用法也是非常灵活多样的。希望大家在学习和使用中能够灵活运用,提高自己的英语表达能力。如果你喜欢本文的内容,请关注我,我将为大家带来更多有趣、实用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!
