get together是什么意思,get together同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 06:42:34自考教育网

你是否经常遇到英语中的一些词汇让你感到困惑,比如“get together”?今天,我们就来揭开这个行业标题的神秘面纱。在这篇文章中,我们将为你介绍“get together”的含义及解释,发音及读法,用法和双语例句,词组和搭配以及同义词示例。让我们一起来探索这个词汇的奥秘吧!

get together是什么意思,get together同义词及例句

get together的含义及解释

1. 含义

Get together是一个常用的短语,通常指的是人们聚集在一起,进行某种活动或交流。它可以作为动词或名词使用,表示“聚集在一起”、“相聚”、“会面”等含义。

2. 解释

作为动词时,get together可以表示“聚集在一起”,例如:

- We should get together and discuss this issue.(我们应该聚在一起讨论这个问题。)

- Let's get together for a coffee tomorrow.(明天我们一起喝咖啡吧。)

作为名词时,get together可以表示“聚会”、“会面”,例如:

- We had a great get-together last night.(昨晚我们有一个很棒的聚会。)

- The family reunion was a wonderful get-together.(家庭团聚是一个美好的会面。)

3. 同义词

get together还有许多同义词,比如:

- Gather:也表示“聚集在一起”,强调人们汇集到一起。

- Meet up:也表示“见面”,强调人们之间的相遇。

- Assemble:也表示“集合”,强调组织性和规模性。

- Convene:也表示“召开会议”,强调正式性和目的性。

4. 例句

下面是一些例句,帮助更好地理解get together的含义:

- We should get together and plan our next trip.(我们应该聚在一起计划下一次旅行。)

- Let's meet up at the park tomorrow afternoon.(明天下午我们在公园见面吧。)

- The students gathered together to protest against the new policy.(学生们聚集在一起抗议新政策。)

- The company will convene a meeting to discuss the budget.(公司将召开会议讨论预算。)

get together的发音及读法

1. 发音:[ɡet təˈɡeðər],重音在第一个单词上。

2. 读法:get together的读音可以分为两个部分,首先是读出get这个单词的发音,注意g的发音要清晰,然后是together这个单词的发音,together中的th要发成清辅音而不是浊辅音。整体来说,get together的发音比较简单,但需要注意每个单词的发音都要准确清晰。

3. 同义词:gather, meet, assemble, congregate等。

4. 例句:

a) We should get together and discuss the project.


b) The family decided to get together for a reunion.


c) Let's get together next week and catch up.


d) The students often get together after class to study.


get together的用法和双语例句

1. get together是什么意思?

“get together”是一个动词短语,意为“聚集在一起”,通常用来指人们聚在一起,共同参加某项活动或者进行交流。

2. get together的同义词

- gather:意为“聚集”,与get together的含义相近。

- meet up:意为“碰面”,通常用来指两个人或者小团体的聚会。

- hang out:意为“闲逛”,通常用来指朋友之间轻松的聚会。

3. get together的例句

- We should get together and have a barbecue this weekend.


- Let's get together for a game night next week.


- My friends and I always get together for brunch on Sundays.


4. “get together”在双语例句中的应用

- Our family gets together every year for Christmas dinner.


- The students got together to plan their class trip.


- We decided to have a little get-together with our neighbors this weekend.


get together的词组和搭配

1. Meet up: 相聚,聚会

例句:Let's meet up this weekend for a get together with our old friends.

2. Hang out: 出去玩,闲逛

例句:We used to hang out at the park every summer, it was our favorite get together spot.

3. Reunion: 团聚,重聚

例句:The family reunion was a great opportunity for us to get together and catch up.

4. Gathering: 聚会,集会

例句:The annual neighborhood gathering is always a fun get together with our neighbors.

5. Party: 派对,聚会

例句:We're having a small get together at my place, would you like to join us?

6. Catch-up session: 聊天会,交流会

例句:Let's have a catch-up session over coffee and pastries, it's been too long since we got together.

7. Hangout sesh: 闲逛时光,休闲活动

例句:Our hangout sesh at the mall turned into an impromptu get together with our friends.

8. Get-together event: 聚会活动,团聚活动

例句:The company organized a get-together event for all employees to celebrate its success.

9. Family gathering: 家庭聚会,家庭团聚

例句:I'm looking forward to the family gathering next month, it's been years since we all got together.

10. Social gathering: 社交聚会,社交活动

例句:The social gathering was a great opportunity for networking and getting to know new people

get together的同义词示例

1. Gather

同义词:assemble, congregate, convene, meet, unite


- The family decided to gather for a reunion.

- The students gathered in the library to study together.

- The team will convene for a meeting tomorrow.

- We are going to meet at the park for a picnic.

- The community united to clean up the neighborhood.

2. Meet up

同义词:come together, rendezvous, link up, get in touch


- Let's meet up at the coffee shop later.

- They came together to discuss their plans for the project.

- We will rendezvous at the train station before heading to the concert.

- I will link up with you on social media.

- It's been a while since we got in touch.

3. Reunite

同义词:reconcile, reconnect, come back together, regroup


- After years of being apart, they finally reunited at their high school reunion.

- The couple was able to reconcile their differences and reunite as a family.

- We need to reconnect with our old friends from college.

- The team regrouped after losing their first game of the season.

4. Get-together

同义词:gathering, social event, party, gathering of friends/family/colleagues


- We are having a small get-together at our house this weekend.

- The company is hosting a get-together for all its employees next month.

- Let's plan a get-together with our friends from college next week.

- Our family always has a big get-together during the holidays.

5. Hang out

同义词:spend time together, chill out, relax


- I love hanging out with my friends on weekends.

- Let's just hang out at the beach today.

- They always hang out at the local coffee shop after school.

- We just want to chill out and watch some movies tonight.

6. Socialize

同义词:mingle, mix, interact, make conversation


- She is not very good at socializing with new people.

- The party was a great opportunity to mingle with different groups of friends.

- He likes to mix and meet new people at events.

- It's important to interact and make conversation at networking events.

7. Bond

同义词:connect, form a relationship, build a rapport


- The team building activities helped us bond as a group.

- They bonded over their shared love for music.

- It takes time to form a strong bond with someone new.

- Building a rapport is essential for successful teamwork.

8. Unite

同义词:join forces, come together, collaborate, cooperate


- The two companies decided to unite and work together on the project.

- We must come together as a community to support each other during difficult times.

- The students collaborated on their project and received top marks.

- Cooperation between team members is crucial for achieving our goals.

9. Harmonize

同义词:blend in, synchronize, coordinate, integrate


- Their different ideas harmonized perfectly in the final product.

- We need to synchronize our schedules before planning the trip together.

- The team coordinated their efforts to complete the project on time.

- It's important to integrate different perspectives for a successful outcome.

10. Converge

同义词:merge, come together, intersect, join


- The two roads converge at the city center.

- Our interests and goals converged when we started working together.

- Our paths intersected at the conference and we became good friends.

- We joined forces to tackle the issue and found a solution

get together是一个非常实用的短语,它可以表示“聚会、聚集、团聚”等含义。通过学习本文,相信大家对get together的含义及用法都有了更深入的了解。希望大家在使用这个短语时能够更加准确地表达自己的意思。如果想要了解更多类似的词汇和表达方式,请关注我们的网站。我是网站编辑,很高兴为大家提供有价值的内容。喜欢我们的文章,请多多关注我们哦!
