
生活学习2024-02-14 06:58:42自考教育网





同义词包括:enter、go into、step into等。


1. He managed to get into the crowded train just before the doors closed.


2. The burglar used a ladder to get into the house through an open window.


3. I can't seem to get into my jeans anymore. I must have gained weight.





接下来我们再来看一下getinto的同义词及例句。同义词有:enter、go into、step into等。例如,“I want to get into the music industry.”(我想进入音乐行业);“Don't forget to get into the habit of exercising regularly.”(别忘了养成定期锻炼的习惯)



1. 动词getinto的意思是“进入”、“穿上”、“开始从事”等。例如:

- She got into the car and drove away.


- It's getting late, we should get into the meeting now.


- I need to get into my work clothes before I start my shift.


2. 名词getinto指的是“进入”的状态或过程。例如:

- The getinto of the building was heavily guarded.


- The getinto of the new market has been smooth so far.


3. 介词getinto表示“深入”、“陷入”的意思。例如:

- He got himself into a lot of trouble by lying to his boss.


- Don't let yourself getinto debt, it's not worth it.


除此之外,getinto还有一些同义词,如enter、put on、begin等,在不同的语境中可以替换使用。例如:

- She entered the room and put on her coat before beginning her presentation.



1. "Get into"的意思是“进入”或“参与”,它可以用来表示某人进入某个地方或开始做某件事情。

2. 同义词:enter, join, participate in

3. 例句:

a) He got into the car and drove away.


b) I want to get into a good university.


c) She got into the habit of exercising every morning.


4. 短语搭配:

a) get into trouble


He always gets into trouble because he doesn't listen to his parents.


b) get into shape


She started going to the gym to get into shape for her wedding.


c) get into the swing of things


It took me a while to get into the swing of things at my new job.



1. Enter - 进入

例句:Please enter the building through the main entrance. (请通过主入口进入建筑物。)

2. Access - 访问

例句:You need a password to access this website. (您需要一个密码才能访问这个网站。)

3. Penetrate - 渗透

例句:The water was able to penetrate through the cracks in the wall. (水能够渗透墙壁的裂缝。)

4. Invade - 入侵

例句:The army invaded the enemy's territory. (军队入侵了敌人的领土。)

5. Infiltrate - 渗透

例句:The spy was able to infiltrate the enemy's organization undetected. (间谍成功地渗透到敌方组织而未被发现。)

6. Gain entry - 获得进入

例句:He used his key to gain entry into the house. (他用钥匙进入了房子。)

7. Step into - 踏进

例句:She stepped into the room and saw a surprise party waiting for her. (她走进房间,看到一个惊喜派对在等她。)

8. Set foot in - 踏足于

例句:This is my first time setting foot in this country, I'm excited to explore it! (这是我第一次踏足这个国家,我很兴奋去探索它!)

9. Move into - 搬进

例句:They finally moved into their new house after months of renovation. (经过几个月的装修,他们终于搬进了新房子。)

10. Immerse oneself in - 沉浸于

例句:She loves to immerse herself in books and forget about the outside world. (她喜欢沉浸在书中,忘记外界的事物。)

getinto是一个多功能的词汇,它不仅可以用作动词,也可以用作名词。它的发音和读音都很简单,只需要注意重读音节即可。通过本文的介绍,相信大家已经对getinto有了更深入的了解,并且能够灵活运用它来表达自己的想法和意图。如果你喜欢这篇文章,请一定关注我,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识哦!最后祝愿大家能够get into自己想要的生活状态,实现自己的梦想!我是网站编辑,感谢大家阅读本文。
