
生活学习2024-02-14 07:06:39自考教育网




作为一个英语翻译解释行业的人,你肯定会经常遇到getup这个词。它是一个动词,意思是“起床”、“起立”、“站立”、“站起来”。有时也可以用来表示“穿上衣服”或者“化妆”的意思。例如:“I usually get up at 7am.”(我通常7点起床);“He got up and left the room.”(他站起来离开了房间);“She needs an hour to get up and get ready for work.”(她需要一个小时起床并准备上班)。此外,getup也可以作为名词使用,表示“衣着”、“打扮”的意思。例如:“Her getup was very elegant.”(她的打扮非常优雅)。如果想要表达更加俏皮的意思,你也可以用getup来指代一个人的整体形象或者风格。例如:“His getup is always so edgy and cool.”(他的风格总是那么前卫和酷)。

当然,除了getup之外,还有一些同义词可以用来表达相同的意思。比如,“stand up”和“rise”都可以表示“站立”或者“起立”的意思;而“dress up”则可以表示“穿上衣服”或者“打扮”的含义。但是要注意,它们之间并不完全相同,getup更多的是指从坐或者躺的状态转变为站立的动作,而“stand up”和“rise”则可以指任何从低处向高处移动的动作。因此,在不同的语境中使用时,要根据具体情况来选择合适的词语


1. 发音:

- [ˈɡetʌp],英式英语发音,重音在第一个音节上。

- [ˈɡetʌp],美式英语发音,重音同样在第一个音节上。

2. 读法:

- getup是一个动词,意为“起床;起身;站立”。它的过去式和过去分词形式分别为got up和got up。

- getup也可以作为名词使用,意为“着装;打扮”。例如:She has a very stylish getup for the party tonight.

3. 同义词:

- rise:意为“起床;升起”。例如:She rose early to catch the first train.

- stand up:意为“站立;起立”。例如:Please stand up and introduce yourself.

- dress up:意为“打扮;装扮”。例如:I like to dress up for special occasions.

4. 例句:

- What time do you usually getup in the morning?


- The children gotup early to open their Christmas presents.


- He stood up and gave a speech at the meeting.


- She dressed up in a beautiful gown for the ball.



1. getup的意思是什么?


2. getup怎么读?


3. getup的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句:

- She always has a unique getup for every party she attends.


- I love her getup today, it's so stylish and chic.



1. Get dressed:穿衣服,这是getup的最常见的意思,也是最基本的用法。

例句:It's time to get dressed and go to work.(该起床穿衣服去上班了。)

2. Get up to:做某事,通常指做一些不正当或不被允许的事情。

例句:What did you get up to last night?(昨晚你做了什么?)

3. Get up on the wrong side of the bed:起床就心情不好,通常用来形容某人脾气不好或情绪低落。

例句:She must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, she's been in a bad mood all day.(她今天一定是起床心情不好,一整天都情绪很差。)

4. Get up and go:精力充沛,积极向上。

例句:She has a lot of get up and go, always eager to try new things.(她有很多精力和动力,总是渴望尝试新事物。)

5. Get up one's nerve:鼓起勇气。

例句:It took me a while to get up my nerve, but eventually I asked her out on a date.(我花了一些时间才鼓起勇气,请她出去约会。)

6. Getup and go:精力充沛,积极向上。

例句:He's in his seventies, but he still has a lot of getup and go.(他已经七十多岁了,但是依然精力充沛。)

7. Get up to speed:赶上最新的进展,掌握最新的信息。

例句:I need to get up to speed on the latest developments in the project.(我需要了解项目的最新进展。)

8. Get up and running:开始运行,开始起作用。

例句:We finally got the new system up and running after weeks of troubleshooting.(经过几周的排除故障,我们终于让这个新系统开始运行。)

9. Get up a head of steam:鼓起干劲,变得兴奋。

例句:After a few cups of coffee, I was able to get up a head of steam and finish my project.(喝了几杯咖啡后,我终于鼓起干劲完成了我的项目。)

10. Getup:外观,服装搭配。

例句:She always has such a unique getup, she must spend hours planning her outfits.(她的外观总是那么独特,一定花了很多时间计划自己的服装搭配。)


1. Rise - "Getup" is a synonym for "rise," which means to move upwards or upwards in position or status. For example, "The sun will getup at 6 am tomorrow."

2. Stand - Another synonym for "getup" is "stand," which means to be upright or vertical on one's feet. For instance, "The students were asked to getup when the teacher entered the classroom."

3. Get out of bed - This phrase can also be used as a synonym for "getup," especially when referring to waking up and getting out of bed in the morning. For example, "I usually getout of bed at 7 am on weekdays."

4. Arise - Similar to "rise," the word "arise" can also be used as a synonym for "getup." It means to come into existence or notice, often with a sense of awakening from sleep. For instance, "A new problem has arisen that we need to address immediately."

5. Get on your feet - This phrase is commonly used as a synonym for "getup" when referring to standing up from a sitting position. For example, "After sitting for hours, it felt good to finally geton my feet and stretch my legs."

6. Emerge - Another word that can be used as a synonym for "getup" is "emerge," which means to come into view or become known after being hidden or unknown. For instance, "The sun emerged from behind the clouds and brightened up the sky."

7. Get going - This phrase can also be used as a synonym for "getup," especially when referring to starting one's day or getting ready for something. For example, "We need to getgoing if we want to make it on time for our flight."

8. Wake up - Similar to "getout of bed," this phrase can also be used as a synonym for "getup," specifically when referring to waking up from sleep. For instance, "I usually wake up at 6 am on weekends to go for a morning run."

9. Ascend - This word can also be used as a synonym for "getup," which means to move upwards or climb. For example, "The hikers had to ascend the steep mountain to reach the summit."

10. Spring up - Another synonym for "getup" is "spring up," which means to rise quickly or suddenly. For instance, "The children sprang up from their seats when the ice cream truck arrived."

