
生活学习2024-02-14 07:01:36自考教育网




1. Gets的发音


2. Gets的意思

Gets一词作为动词时,意思是“获得、得到”,常用于表示成功地取得某物或某种结果。例如:“I finally get the job!”(我终于得到这份工作了!)此外,Gets还可以表示“理解、领悟”,例如:“I don't get what you mean.”(我不明白你的意思。)

3. Gets与get之间的区别

Gets是get的第三人称单数形式,在句子中通常与he、she、it等代词搭配使用。而get作为动词时,除了表示获得外,还可以表示“变得、变成”、“开始”、“接受”等含义。例如:“She gets angry easily.”(她很容易生气。)“I got a new car yesterday.”(我昨天买了一辆新车。)

4. Gets的同义词及例句

- Obtain:获得,取得

例:He obtained the first place in the competition.(他在比赛中获得了第一名。)

- Acquire:获得,取得

例:She acquired a lot of knowledge from her travels.(她从旅行中获得了很多知识。)

- Gain:获得,得到

例:He gained a lot of weight after eating so much.(他吃了这么多后体重增加了很多。)

- Attain:达到,获得

例:She finally attained her dream of becoming a doctor.(她终于实现了成为医生的梦想。)

5. Gets的发音注意事项

在英语中,有些单词的发音可能会因为语境或词性的变化而产生差异。Gets一词作为动词时,发音为/dʒɛts/,但作为名词时则发音为/dʒɛt/. 例如:“He always gets what he wants.”(他总是能够得到自己想要的东西。)“The plane's engines are powerful jets.”(飞机的引擎是强大的喷气式引擎。)因此,在学习英语单词发音时,需要注意上下文和语境的影响。



1. Gets的基本含义


2. Gets的发音及读音


3. Gets的同义词及例句

(1) 同义词:acquires, obtains, gains, secures, achieves等。


- She gets good grades in school every year. (她每年在学校都取得好成绩。)

- He gets a lot of money from his part-time job. (他从兼职工作中赚了很多钱。)

- The company gets a big profit this year. (公司今年获得了巨额利润。)

(2) 同义词:understands, comprehends, grasps, perceives等。


- I don't get what you mean. (我不理解你的意思。)

- It takes time to get the concept of this theory. (理解这个理论需要时间。)

- She quickly gets the idea and starts to work. (她很快就理解了想法,并开始工作。)

(3) 同义词:becomes, turns, grows, develops等。


- The caterpillar gets a butterfly after metamorphosis. (毛虫经过变态后变成了蝴蝶。)

- The little girl is getting a beautiful young lady. (小女孩正在长成一个漂亮的年轻女子。)

- The city is getting more and more crowded. (这个城市变得越来越拥挤。)

4. Gets的其他用法


(1) Get along/along with:相处、进展;与...相处。


- How do you get along with your new roommate? (你和新室友相处得怎么样?)

- I can't get along with her, she's too bossy. (我无法与她相处,她太专横了。)

(2) Get by:勉强过活、维持生计。


- With his low salary, he can barely get by in this expensive city. (凭着他低微的工资,在这个昂贵的城市里他勉强能过活。)

(3) Get over:克服、恢复;跨过、越过。


- It took her a long time to get over the loss of her beloved dog. (她花了很长时间才克服对心爱的狗狗的失去。)

- The hiker finally got over the mountain and reached the top. (这位徒步旅行者终于越过了山脉,到达了山顶。)

Gets作为一个常用的英语单词,具有多种含义和用法。它可以表示“得到、获得”、“收益、利润”,也可以用于一些固定搭配中,例如“get along/along with”、“get by”、“get over”等。通过学习和掌握不同的用法,我们可以更准确地使用这个单词,丰富我们的英语表达能力


1. Gets的意思是“理解”或“明白”,通常用作动词。

例句:I don't get what you're saying. (我不明白你在说什么。)

2. Gets的同义词包括understands、comprehends等。

例句:She understands the importance of hard work. (她理解努力工作的重要性。)

3. Gets还可以表示“获得”或“得到”,在这种情况下,它的同义词包括obtains、acquires等。

例句:He gets a lot of praise for his hard work. (他因为努力工作而获得了很多赞扬。)

4. Gets也可以作为一个名词,表示“收益”或“利润”。

例句:The company's profits have been increasing every year. (公司的利润每年都在增加。)


1. Get the hang of something: 熟悉某事物,掌握某事物的要领

例句:It took me a while, but I finally got the hang of using chopsticks.

2. Get down to business: 开始认真做事,开始讨论正题

例句:Let's stop chatting and get down to business.

3. Get the ball rolling: 开始做某事,启动某项计划

例句:We need to get the ball rolling on this project before it's too late.

4. Get your act together: 让自己变得更有条理,更有效率

例句:You need to get your act together if you want to succeed in this job.

5. Get on someone's nerves: 惹某人生气,激怒某人

例句:His constant complaining really gets on my nerves.

6. Get the picture: 明白了,理解了

例句:I explained it three times, do you finally get the picture?

7. Get cold feet: 害怕或犹豫做某事

例句:I was going to ask her out, but I got cold feet at the last minute.

8. Get a taste of something: 体验到某种感觉或经历

例句:Traveling alone for the first time gave me a taste of independence.

9. Get over something: 克服或从某种情绪中恢复过来

例句:It took her a long time to get over her fear of public speaking.

10. Get carried away: 被情绪带走,失去控制

例句:I got carried away with the excitement of the moment and ended up spending more than I should have


1. Obtains - "Gets" is often used as a synonym for "obtains", meaning to acquire or receive something. For example, "He gets a lot of support from his family."

2. Understands - In certain contexts, "gets" can also mean to understand or comprehend something. For instance, "She finally gets the concept of algebra."

3. Receives - Similar to "obtains", "gets" can also be used to mean receiving something. For example, "He gets a lot of gifts on his birthday."

4. Gains - This synonym for "gets" is often used in the context of achieving or acquiring something through effort or hard work. For instance, "She gets a lot of respect from her colleagues for her dedication."

5. Acquires - Another synonym with a similar meaning to "obtains" and "receives". It can also imply obtaining something through effort or action. For example, "He gets a new car every year."

6. Secures - This synonym for "gets" is often used in a more formal context and implies obtaining something in a secure or certain way. For instance, "She gets a job offer from the company she interned at."

7. Grabs - In some cases, "gets" can also mean grabbing or taking hold of something physically or figuratively. For example, "He quickly gets the attention of the audience with his speech."

8. Earns - Similar to "gains", this synonym implies achieving something through effort or work and can also have a monetary connotation. For instance, "She gets a high salary at her new job."

9. Attains - This synonym for "gets" is often used in the context of achieving or reaching a goal or desired state. For example, "He finally gets his dream job after years of hard work."

10 .Procures - Similar to "acquires" and "obtains", this synonym implies obtaining something through effort or action. It can also have a more formal tone. For instance, "She gets a lot of funding for her research project."

