
生活学习2024-02-14 07:32:57自考教育网



1. giant的含义是什么?



2. giant怎么读?


3. giant同义词有哪些?


4. giant在例句中如何使用?

a) The elephant is a giant animal in the jungle.


b) The new building is a giant structure, towering over the city skyline.


c) She has a giant appetite and can eat three pizzas by herself.



1. 发音:[ˈdʒaɪənt],读作“jai-uhnt”,重音在第一个音节上。

2. 读音:giant的读音与其拼写形式相对应,每个字母都有其特定的发音。其中,字母“g”发[ʤ]的音,字母“i”发[ai]的长元音,字母“a”发[a]的短元音,字母“n”发[nt]的音。整体来说,giant的发音较为简单明了。

3. 同义词:giant是一个英语单词,在不同语境下可能有不同的同义词。例如,在描述巨大物体时,可以使用huge、enormous、massive等;在形容强大力量时,可以用mighty、powerful、strong等;在指代巨人时,则可以使用titan或colossus等。

4. 例句:

a. The giant tree towered over the other trees in the forest.


b. The giant waves crashed against the shore, causing chaos and destruction.


c. The company is a giant in the tech industry, with a market value of billions of dollars.


d. In ancient mythology, giants were often portrayed as powerful and fearsome creatures.



1. giant的意思


2. giant的读音


3. giant的同义词

- Huge:意为“巨大的”,也可以用来形容物体或人的体积非常大。

例句:The elephant is a huge animal.


- Enormous:意为“巨大的”,强调程度更高。

例句:The building is enormous, it takes up the whole block.


- Massive:意为“巨大的”,通常用来形容物体或建筑结构非常庞大。

例句:The mountain is massive and it's difficult to climb.


- Colossal:意为“巨大的”,强调规模和程度极其惊人。

例句:The project was a colossal success, bringing in millions of dollars in revenue.


4. giant的例句

- The giant tree towered over the rest of the forest.


- The team made a giant leap in their research, discovering a new cure for cancer.


- The company has become a giant in the tech industry, with billions of dollars in revenue each year.


- The giant waves crashed against the shore, causing damage to nearby buildings.


- He was a giant of a man, standing at over 2 meters tall and weighing 200 kilograms.



1. Huge - 巨大的

例如:"The giant building towered over the city skyline."

2. Enormous - 巨大的

例如:"The giant elephant was the biggest one in the zoo."

3. Colossal - 巨大的

例如:"The giant statue of Buddha was a popular tourist attraction."

4. Massive - 巨大的

例如:"The giant waves crashed against the shore during the storm."

5. Titanic - 巨大的

例如:"The giant ship sailed across the ocean with ease."

6. Mammoth - 巨大的

例如:"The giant bones of the prehistoric animal were discovered by archaeologists."

7. Gargantuan - 巨大的

例如:"The giant burger was too big for one person to finish."

8. Behemoth - 巨大的

例如:"The giant truck carried heavy loads of goods across the country."

9. Jumbo - 巨大的

例如:"The giant balloon floated high in the sky during the parade."

10. Monstrous - 巨大的

例如:"The giant creature roamed the forest, scaring all who crossed its path."


1. Giant的意思:巨人,巨大的,庞大的,强大的。

2. Giant怎么读:[ˈdʒaɪənt],英 [ˈdʒaɪənt],美 [ˈdʒaɪənt]。

3. Giant同义词:colossal, enormous, gigantic, massive, mammoth, huge。

4. Giant例句:

- The giant statue towered over the city.


- We were dwarfed by the giant trees in the forest.


- The company is a giant in the tech industry.


5. 相关词汇和短语:

- Giant-sized: 巨大尺寸的

- Giantess: 女巨人

- Giantism: 巨人症

- Gigantic proportions: 巨大规模

- Colossal strength: 巨大力量

- Enormous impact: 极大影响

- Massive construction: 大型建筑

- Mammoth project: 庞大项目

- Huge success: 非凡成功

- Goliath vs David: 大卫与歌利亚(比喻强者与弱者之间的对抗)

6. Giant相关短语:

- A giant among men/women: 伟人中的伟人/女中豪杰

- A gentle giant: 温柔的巨人

- A sleeping giant: 沉睡的巨人(指潜在的强大力量)

- A giant leap: 巨大飞跃

- A giant step: 巨大进步

- A giant in the making: 正在崛起的巨人

- A giant of literature/art/science: 文学/艺术/科学巨匠

7. Giant相关习语:

- Stand on the shoulders of giants: 站在巨人的肩膀上(指借鉴前人的成就)

- Giant killer: 杀死巨人(指击败强大的对手)

- Giant's strength: 巨人般的力量(指非凡的力量)

- Giant's share: 巨头份额(指最大份额)

- Sleeping with the giants: 与巨头合作(指与强大公司合作)

8. Giant相关词汇搭配:

- Giant strides: 大步前进

- Giant slayer: 杀死巨人者(比喻击败强大对手)

- Giant-sized ego: 巨大自我(指自负、傲慢)

- Giant leap forward: 跨越式发展

- A race of giants:一个巨人种族

9. 反义词:

小型:small, tiny, miniature, mini, little。

10. 同根词:

Gigantic, gigantism, gigantology

